Thursday, October 8, 2015

Maha Periyava Puranam : Maha Periyava's Story in English : In Poetry form: 1. Avatara Kandam : Stanzas 1 to 321

Maha Periyava Puranam (Maha Periyava Story)

1. Avathara Kandam : The Birth 

This is Maha Periyava - PujyaSri Chandra Sekarendra Saraswati swamigal's story in Tamil poem form - translated in English 

I don't have much of Tamil knowledge to write poems nor do I have great knowledge of English language or experience in tanslating poems or anything else for that matter.  Whatever little I know about Periyava also have been only thru books that I have read about Periyava and thru those blessed people who were with Periyava - whose accounts are being recorded in sites such as "Sage of Kanchi" 

Hence, the desire which arose in me - that of writing Periyava's story in tamil poems - I am taking it as Periyava's anugraham and writing the same in the little Tamil that I know. 

I am taking Periyava's anugraham, My Gurunathar Sri.Muralidhara Guruji's grace and my parents blessing as guidance for this effort. 

I have taken the material from the book "Pujya Sri. Swamigal History" published by Alliance 
Publishers, written by Sri. Sambamurthi Sastrigal, Sri. Kuppuswami Iyer, Sri 'Sollin Selvan' P.N. Parasuraman and the discourses on "Periyava Sapthaham" by Sri. Ganesa Sarma as guidance for me in this effort. 

My namaskarams to Sri. Sambamurthi Sastrigal, Sri. Kuppuswami Iyer, Sri 'Sollin Selvan' P.N. Parasuraman and Sri. Ganesa Sarma.

It is a tradition to start with salutations to Lord Ganesha, one's Guru (s) and Parents before embarking on any important journey. I think the Maha Periyava Puranam is such an important journey in my life. 

Before starting to write the "Kamba Ramayanam", the great poet Kamban said " this effort of trying to write Ramayan in Tamil, is like a cat trying to drink the mighty ocean".

But, Kamban was a renowned poet. He had learnt Ramayan fully. 
I have no such qualifications. I am starting this  effort with just this desire to pen poems on Periyava and to keep on penning them as the only qualification. 
My prayers to Periyava to accept this absolutely ignorant  fool's mistakes in this journey.

Starting with salutations to Lord Ganesha, Gurus and my parents in this journey. 

Salutations to Lord Ganesha: 

Starting this sthuthi, with Obeisance to You, 
Vinayaka, vikata, sumuka, omkara
Sunatha, the one with big stomach and mouse as his vehicle, 
Vinotha, vedha's Lord, the One which was there,
O ! Lord of the Ganas! (1)

Salutations to Sri.Adhi Sankara  :

Starting this sthuthi, with Obeisance to Your feet, 
O! The One who came to save the Vedhas, 
The Guru who came to save us from our troubles, 
The Sage who has been sent by the Lord Siva Himself (2)

Guru Sloka : 

Sadhasiva samarambam, sankaracharya madhyamam, 
asmath acharya paryantham vanthe guruparamparam

My obeisance to the Guru Parampara 
The Guruparampara which starts from Sadhasiva, 
Which has Sankaracharya in the middle 
Which comes upto my Acharya, Sri. Periyava. 
My Obeisance to Pariyava's feet. (3)

Gurunathar Sthuthi: 

Obeisance to you, My Gurunatha! 
You are the one who gave me your lotus feet, 
You are the one who told me that the Guru's grace is there in full, 
You are the one who stands like a fort, saving me from all the trouble, 
I have come to you, I have fallen on your feet, 
Bless me to start on the journey of telling the story of the One who came in the form of Siva (4)

Kamakshi Stuthi:

Obeisance to thee, 
Starting the sthuthi on thy child, 
To the one who carries the bow of sugarcane,
Who is our Sanakara's life, 
She who won over the Lord with just the flowers,
The mother who gives all that one wants (5)

Kamakoti Pitam Stuthi:

Starting this stuthi with obeisance to the pitam, 
Which was blessed by the Lord with five hands, and the one with six faces,
The pitam which was sat on by sankari with her arrows of flowers,
The pitam on which Sankara stood, the one praised by sages,
The one which gives  all the goodness (6)

Obeisance to the Guru

Jayendra Periyava Sthuthi : 

The One discovered by Periyava Himself, 
The One living a life of austerity,
The One who took steps to remove the hardships of the poor,
Obeisance to thee, from this small child, guide me in this effort (7)

Bala Periyava Sthuthi:

Obeisance to the One who came to the Pitam even as a child,
The One given to us by our good Time, 
The one who gives His grace when called "Bala Periyava",
The One who is great, Obeisance to thee (8)

Obeisance to My Parents:

The One who bore me for ten months and who fed me, 
To make all my five senses to be alright, 
The One who fed me the five letter name of the Lord,
Obeisance to thy feet, to continue...(9)

The One who taught me the all about the greatness of the family I am born in,
The One who taught me about God's ways, 
The one who made me strong, taught me Tamil and how to be good, 
Obeisance to thee my Father, to continue on this ...(10)

Canto 1 : Avatharak Kandam

For an "avatharam" - God descending down from His abode to earth for a purpose - to happen, typically, the Devas, the Sages and the ones who are in the duty of "vedha rakshana" -  all go together; meet Brahma - Vishnu - Sivan and seek their intervention for a particular cause. This is what we learn from our Puranas. 

If that is the case, could the "Maha Periyava" avatharam, have happened in any other manner?  It could not be so. 

Hence, in the canto where we are going to speak about Periyava's avatharam, let us start  an with the submission from the Devas, sages and the Brahmins in charge of vedha rakshanam to the Gods. 
Chapter 1: Petition to the Gods 

Devas, Sages, Brahmins : Petition to the Gods

This country, the country blessed and nice
To be made into one which is praised by the world and wise
We need a great warrior, who can retell the Bagavad Gita to masses
As told by Krishna, the one praised by the sages (1)

To Adhi Sankara's words, People have stopped paying heed
Their hearts have to be changed, fully and quickly indeed
Brahmins have to go back to Vedhas, Yangnas have to be in vogue again,
In that fire, let all the untruths be burnt, to comeback, never again (2)

So the dhevas, sages and the brahmins thought,
Lets go and petition Him, pray to Hari we ought,
Lets go and ask the Siva who dances on the stage,
And His consort, the Dhevi who beat Him without any rage (3)

With blissful music everywhere and the chanting of vedhas, 
He who came as Sankara, who taught advaitha ras,
Lets fall at His feet, and make obeisance to the Gods, 
And so they thought and prayed, thinking only of The Gods (4)

To ensure Vedhas live and bliss pervades,
God, bless us, they told Him; the God in silent tapas,
Opened His eyes and gave a beatific smile and said,
"Your worries will vanish"; saying, the God vanished (5)

To get rid of pains of Kaliyug, the world across, 
To live well, Goddess, bless us, said the sages,
Dharma will make a comeback, the Goddess said, 
With full strength and will shine; saying, the Goddess vanished (6) 

Whenever we face problems, We come to you in all the ages,
O! Hari ! save us, said the sages;
The Madhavan, deep in the blissful sleep
Flashed a smile and vanished in one swell sweep (7) 

O!  Sage, Sankara, the Sanathana Dharma that you made so right,
Today lies in disarray,  has lost its way and might,
Should  not wane anymore, should not become completely dead
Should rise and flourish again, said the great men, all well read (8)

Sankara looked at them with affection and said : look hither,
The Lord with hair wet with Ganga  and  the Goddess mother,
And the great Lord Vishnu all will come together , in a single form of wisdom,
Will change the world, and bring back the God’s very own kingdom (9)

In a place where Vedhas flourish, where art lives,
Which is praised by wise men, who live flawless lives,
Where the people chant the nectar like Vedhas in the manner pure,
Will He come and take birth, absolutely sure! (10)

He will walk the path that I had, in the distant past,
He will ring in the changes that I had done, pretty fast,
For a hundred years will he live and guide you all,
Why this sorrow?  Be happy, said Sankara to them all (11)

The great Brahmin, Dhevas and Sages felt overjoyed,
For the Lord with the Ox, was coming to fill the void,
The one with fame will be here for sure,
Listening to Sankara and took His words as cure (12) 

Chapter :  2. The greatness of Periyava's place of birth 

The place, great in learning, from where Kamban came, 
Where great artists came, for themselves, made a name,
Great people, who showed the way for mankind,
Made a mark in the world, by being kind (13)

The place where Azvars and Nayanmars showed what is devotion,
The place where thinking grew without discrimination,
Without prejudice, where people are welcome,
Where people took care of whoever that come (14)

Where Kaveri, sacred than Ganges, flows,
Where coconut water and milk, form a river and flows
Where Tambrabarani and Iyaru run, 
Bringing water rich, ensuring frolic and fun (15) 

The country, famous for temples, full of devotees,
Who love Lord Ranganatha, as their life key,
Where Goddess came and did penance, 
Where people think of Siva even in their final moments (16)

Where girls praise Lord Krishna, in their fast and sing,
Where Thiruppavai, the songs of Andal, get sung,
Where great men render service with their devotion,
And, whoever in need, are given with love and emotion (17) 

Where all accept that Hari and Haran are one and the same, 
Where Rama, did penance to Shiva, he who with the great bow and the name,
Where one sees temples of Ganesha all across
Where Kandha has his six temples spread across (18)

Where, Sambanthan's Tamil Vedhas were advocated,
Where, with beautiful rhyme, thiruppugaz is chanted,  
Where, Thevaram is read with lots of reverence,
Where, our Periyava was born, for our deliverance (19)

Where, Sankara ascended the sarvagna peeta, 
Adorned with Kanchipuram where, He attained Mukthi
Where, the flood of Gnana flows in abundance, 
Such a place, is TamilNadu, which shines with the golden brilliance (20)

Chapter :  2. The greatness of Periyava's place of birth  : Villupuram:

"the thought that this is a 'fallen' place because 'vizu' in tamil means 'fall', is clearly wrong. When I learnt that this is a place of historical importance, I was to an extent, happy about this place. However, when you (the person being mentioned by Sri. Periyava is none other than the one who is writing this essay!) explained that 'vizu actually means 'great' and hence 'vizuppuram' means 'the great place'; 'puram' means external and 'vizu - puram' can also mean 'giving up the thought about the external ones such as our body and hence focus and bring out the atman in us, and hence Vizuppuram is a place of Gnana, which brings out the 'atman' in us, my worries about this place have been completely addressed!" said and smiled the great Maha Gurunathar, the Maha Periyava"
           - From "The Sage of Manchi - Ninaivuk Kathambam" - by Sri. Raa. Ganapathi

"Periyava was born in Vizuppuram, the vilvapuri kshetra. It is also said as the place which gives the awakening. There are songs in tamil in thevaram, sung by Manikkavaasagar, which allude to 'villu - puram' which could be the place where Shiva destroyed the three towns of Asuras" 
                  - Sri.Raa. Ganapathi, "Kanchi Munivar Ninaivu Kathambam'

From Sri. Balu Mama's Experiences ; collated by Mrs.RevathyKumar; typed in Tamil by Sri. Varaguran Narayanan
Sri. Maha Periyava’s birth place is told to be Viluppuram. Some people think it is Ichchangudi. I am not sure. At Ichchangudi,  Sri. MahaPeriyava’s Grandfather lived. Periyava’s mother’s father. He had two daughters. One daughter’s son was Sri.Maha Periyava’s Guru Sri. LakshmiKanthan. Periyava’s mother’s younger sister’s son.
Sri. MahaPeriyava’s name was Swaminathan. Sri.MahaPeriyava’s brothers say that MahaPeriyava was born at Ichchangudi. But, Sri.Sambamurthy Sastrigal, Periyava’s brother, who wrote the book on MahaPeriyava, had written in that book that Periyava was born at Villupuram.
When (Sri.Balu mama tells this) : I asked Sri.MahaPeriyava about this, Sri.MahaPeriyava told me
“I don’t lie. I speak only the truth. I am not sure where I was born at. One younger brother, Sambamurthy Sastri,  had written in a book that I was born at Villupuram. Another younger brother was Sivan Sastrigal. My sister lalithamma says that because I was the second child, I was born at Ichchangudi. I am not sure. Hence, I would not lie about this – I am going to tell you that I don’t know”
That is why, for Sri.MahaPeriyava, avathara sthala has been built in both Ichchangudi and Villupuram

The place which people call as ‘villupuram’,
Is there any word to describe its charm?
The place, full of people honest and good,
The place, made great by virtuous people, as it should! (21)

Ketilam, komugi, senji, sankarabarani, pennai rivers,
Flow beautifully here, called villupuram, like quick silver
People of God live here, Sages too,
This place heals pains and the blues too! (22)

This is not a ‘fallen place’; not a place which had gone down
Faultless place this; the ‘puram’ as the body is shown,
As something which falls; but the ‘atma’ inside shines,
Villupuram illustrates this and uplifts; there is no other town which outshines? (23)

The bow flexed, resulting in war they say,
The three ‘puras’ burnt down,  oh! Lets play!
Thus spoke Manikka vasagar, in his thirumurai, the poem sweet,Is this the town mentioned? The  town where Periyava was born, our treat! (24)

Canto : 1 : Avatharam

Chapter : 3 : Brilliant Light is born : Periyava's Birth

The brilliant light has taken birth, the brilliant light has taken birth
To remove Virtue's pain, austerity to rise henceforth,
The four vedhas to shine again in the world,
The sacrificial fires to soar again, now bold (25)

Sunshine came down, to save the world,
Mankind prayed, Sages glad, 
Devas jumped around, danced, and sang, 
Etched the boy's face in heart - the whole gang! (26)

"In the Kamakoti peeta, established by Sri.Athi Sankara, the 68th Pontiff, Sri.Chandrasekarendra Saraswathi, Jagadguru, Sri. Sankaracharya was born on the 8th day of Vaikasi month, a sunday, with Anusham star on that day. It was the "Jaya" year, (English year : 1894, My 20th). This sacred incidence happened at a place called 'Govindarayar House", around 'Navar Gardens"
        - "Sri.PujyaSri. MahaSwamigal Life Story"

In the year Thousand eight hundred and ninety four, 
The One with thousand names came down to the fore,
Is He Vishnu? Brahma? Shiva? wondered all
He took birth in Bharath, praised by all (27)

All the world praising Him, saying "Jaya, Jaya, Jaya", 
In the year of "JAYA", on the vaikasi Anusham day, 
In the form of compassion , on a sunday, 
Was born the child, to keep the maya at bay (28)

At Villupuram, happened the birth of the great force 
To bring back the culture, which had become a farce,
With great people happy, blessed the child , 
Prayed the Gods, while Kaliyug, cried (29)

The one with long hair, the Goddess who gave birth to the world,
The one who lifted the mountain on his little finger - all came in a single mould,
The Elephant God was pleased; his brother too was pleased,
Lord Brahma was pleased, all the four directions were pleased (30)

Happy were the Vedhas, for the Lord to have come
Happy was the Nadha (sound), for the Lord to have come
Happy were the Songs, Happy was the Vaikasi
Month, for the Lord to have taken birth in the month (31)

Happy was the Homam (the sacrificial fire), happy was the smoke from it, 
Happy was the Sama (a form of chating), happy was the chanting itself, 
Happy was the Name of the Lord, happy were the prayers,
Happy was the discipline, happy was the focus (32)

Happy were the Thithis; happy were the days
Happy were the sacred places; happy were the songs
Happy were the rivers; happy was the ocean
Happy was the destiny, for, the time has come! (33)

Happy were the Yathis; happy was the puja
Happy was the Suthi; happy was the swara
Happy was the moon; happy were the flowers
Happy was the pace; happy were the planets (34)

Happy was the time; happy was the wisdom;
Happy was the sacred; happy was the truth;
Happy was the universe, the concept of "asceticism" was
Happy, for the coming of the great Sage! (35)
Happy was the baton; happy was the saffron
Happy was the shaved off head; happy was the water pot
Happy was the universe and the milkyway
Happy was the footwear, which takes care of the flower like feet! (36)

Happy was Navami, because Rama was born that day!
Happy was Ashtami, because, Krishna was born that day!
Happy was Prathamai (the next day to Amavasya), for the great child was born that day!
Happy would it be again, for the child will ascend the Kamakoti Peeta later, the same day! (37)

Happy were the cows; the ones praising Him those,
Happy were the lyrics; for Him having come to reside,
Happy were the temples; for being the one praising Him this
Poetry too has become the picture of happiness!! (38)

Canto : 1. Avatharak Kandam
Chapter : 4 : Periyava's ancestors and lineage

There was a person by name Ganapathy, pure at heart,
Pure with deeds, and good with words, 
Would not forget God even for a second,
Of a great lineage, lived in Thiruvidaimaruthur (39)

During that time, he took care,
of the Kanchi peetam, functioning out of Kumbakonam

For Fifty years, he was the "Sarvathikari" 

Consecration of Mother Kanchi Kamakshi (40)

He took the command of the 64th pontiff,
Did the thadanga prathishta of Goddess of Thiruvanaikka
Also in the 65th pontiff's period,
Carried on the duty to His Lordship's heart (41)

Ganapathy had three sons, among whom,
The son carrying the Lord Kumaran's name of Subramanya
Was the eldest; well read, and chaste,
He was famous and made a mark in education (42)

Subramanyan did his duty in the education sector
Was a teacher beyond compare; taught the children with flair;
Joined the group of great people
Lived a life of greatness; also became a supervisor in the government (43)

There was a great Brahmin by name "Govinda Dikshithar" ,
At Tanjore, known for its many temples, 
He was the minister for the Tanjore King and dear to him, 
And, lived in the hearts of the people who loved him (44)

His work spreading his fame, ensuring his people lived happy, 
He built water ducts, ponds and streets called "Aiyan Pond - Aiyan Street',
And Aiyan shops too, with great heart, 
Did many a good deed, saw his descendants becoming good! (45)

The great musician, who put together the 
Seventy two 'melakartha' ragas - a great deed,
That famous 'Venkatamaki', the stunning performer, 
Who will always be remembered by the people, was Aiyan's son! (46)

The "KuttiKavi", who was very famous,
And whose real name was "Vanchiswaran", 
As he was called by all, was actually
Govinda Dikshithar's grandson! What a great lineage! (47)

There was one Chandra Sekarendran Saraswathi before, 
The Sixty second Guru who came to save us, 
Like a mantra, with the same name came the other one, 
The sixty fourth Guru who came in to rescue us, (48)

The sxity seventh Guru, Sri.Maha Devendra Saraswathi, 
The one who ascended the pitam for a few days 
And Today, as the sixty eight Guru, who has come to illuminate,
The one and only "Periyava", the lineage which has given us all (49)

Are there any words to describe the fame of this lineage?
The lineage which ensured good deeds, for the world to live on
Produced people who sacrificed themselves, which has given four
Who ascended the Pitam, whose fame has no bounds! (50)

The great lineage which came here, 
To remove the distress that people go thru, 
There came a person by name "Nageswara Sastri"
A person, with such greatness, as can be found only in one in crore (51)

It is said that the grandchildren are there to say the name of the Grand parent
And, he got not one but two of them,
One, who passed away, doing  duty to his Guru,
And the next one, who came here to remove the darkness from this world (52)

To that pious brahmin, as daughter, did Goddess Lakshim herself come?
The one that came, was that Goddess Uma herself? Or was it Goddess Saraswathi?
The woman in whose womb the God, without start or end Himself came,
Came, took birth, it was raining flowers everywhere! (53)

They called her "MahaLakshmi", the daughter who is praised by the Dhevas, 
And, named her parents that day, she came,
As our eyes, as the sweet nectar, as the sweet
Raga, she came to make the world a sweeter, lovelier place! (54)

Near the Cauvery river, there was a village called "Ichchangudi",
The village, looking like a beautiful poem spread out on the ground, 
To the girl of the village, the elders decided to finalise the alliance
Of Sri. Ganapathy's son, and solemnised the same (55)

To Mahalakshmi, daughter of Sri.Nageswaran, 
Who is Bagheswari herself, Ganapathy's son,
The king of all lucky fellows, Sri Subramanyan,
Was married off, to get the king of all those who sacrifice (56)

On a good day, she delivered a baby boy
They called him 'Ganapathy'
They loved him, and he grew up very well,
They started thinking of the next child slowly (57)

For the birth of Lord Muruga, and for all the problems to be solved
The Dhevas did tapas one day; however today for our beloved,
Hero's parents also did tapas for 
Ten years for Him to come here!! (58)

As result of the penance done, and the putra kameshti yangna,
Lord Ram, the one who upheld Dharma, came, making Dashratha happy,
As the result of the ten years of penance done, 
The Dharma itself came down to make the parents happy (59)

As told by Arunagiri beautifully in his Tiruppugaz,
Has Muruga himself come down? Has the Vishnu's 
Nephew himself come down as the son of Lakshmi? 
He has come as the dawn, to remove all the darkness! (60)

The God who does not have a father or mother, who is self born, 
Came here, having these as its parents,
The one who destroys all the deeds of all previous births,
The one who fills my heart and soul, came here, taking birth (61)

Canto : 1. Avatharak Kandam

Chapter : 5 : Child's Cry & Parents' Lullaby

They heard the cry of the newborn
Was it the chanting of the Vedhas? 
Was it the lovely music from the flute?
Was it the "Bupala" raga, sung in the morning? (62)

Was it the Samagana, loved by Lord Shiva?
Was it the mantra which removes all the sins?
Was it the blessing of sages?
Was it the music from the Veena of Naradha the sage? (63)

Was it the music from the Veena of Saraswathi?
Was it the singing of the one who has his matted hair covering his shoulders?
Has the one who is there everywhere - in big and small objects
That Sarangapani's music is this? (64)

Parents were happy hearing the child's  cries
They started singing lullaby to the child
Oh the one who has come as the fruits of time, 
Oh the one who hit the God of Death! (65)

This is the time to sleep my dear, go to sleep, 'thalelo' (a form of lullaby in tamil)
If this form changes, there is no sleep my dear,
Why is the mouth which ate the great poison once, crying now?
The one who came in the form of Lord Muruga, Lord Vishnu, go to sleep, thalelo! (66)

My apple of the eye, my king, thalelo!
The nectar of the Gods, the great one, thalelo, 
The great Vishnu, who had descended to the earth, thalelo,
The lovely moon who has come to give us cool light, thalelo! (67)

The one who came in our family, Sankara, Thalelo!
The one who came with all the fame and looks lovely, thalelo!
The one who has Uma as His half and has the moon on his hair, thalelo!
The one who came with all his body shining like gold, thalelo! (68)

The one who came with a lovely smile, thalelo!
The one who came like the precious jewel, like tamil, thalelo!
The one who gives you lovely kisses like a parrot, thalelo!
The one who came like the pure Shiva, thalelo! (69)

The one who was born to Lakshmi, who has become famous,
The one who comes as the  sweet Vishnu, 
The one who has no equals to him, who is Manmadha himself in beauty,
Oh my lovely nectar! Oh my Indra, Thalelo! (70)

The one who makes you dizzy with his dazzling smile, 
The one who comes with a spring like the deer, oh, the pure one!
The one who came like the nectar from heaven for the girl Valli to fall in love with, 
The one who comes on the peacock!, oh dear Muruga, hephew of Vishnu, Thalelo! (71)

Merging In the mantra "Ohm", removing the ego completely, 
Sleeping in that eternal blissful sleep, without sleeping, to that Sambu, 
They sang lullabies, and made him sleep, 
And, they stayed near him, admiring the way he slept (72)

Canto : 1. Avatharak Kandam
Chapter : 6 : Naming the Child

To the one who is the nameless, the origin of everything,
Who is there everywhere, who is the essence of the Vedhas,
Who is the form of Water, Fire, Air, Sky and the Earth,
Who is the form of this earth and the endless universe itself, (73)

To the one who has a thousand names, who  to whoever calls Him,
Like the mother, Comes and gives love and affection,
Who gives only the good even to the ones who are not really worth it,
Who lives in the hearts of those who sing about him, (74)

To the one who came like the Wisdom Sun, who is the King of the Dhevas,
Who is dancing around at Chidambaram, with the Ganges on His matted hair,
And the Lovely Moon, which gives lovely cool light,
They decided, to call Him by a name and began the naming ceremony (75)

Which name to be selected? They thought for a while,
Should we call him by Shiva's name, who destroyed those three towns of Maya?
Should we call him by Muruga's name, who is the family deity?
They consulted the elders in the family to finalize the name (76)

To the one who was born after Ganapathy, they decided on the name of,
The one who came after Lord Ganapathy ,
To the one who gave us "The Voice of God" thru Sri.Ra.Ganapathy, 
They gave the name of the one who was born after Lord Ganapathy (77)

Though He is one of the Trimurthis, Brahma still didn't know the meaning of "Ohm"
So, the Child God, ensured that Brahma repented for this folly
By putting Brahma behind the bars, and when his father, Siva, asked,
"Taught" Him the meaning of Ohm - the parents took His name, (78)

The name of the God of the essence of Vedhas, the name Swaminathan,
The name of the God, Muruga, who has no fault, who ascends the peacock,
The name of the one, Who, gives the Tamil language to all those who say His name,
The name of the one who, on the seashores, destroyed the demons (79)

The name of the one who told to stop the words but got the "Tiruppugaz" in return,
The name of the Lord who dances in the hearts of the sages,
The name of Valli's Husband,
The name of the one who took Devanai's hand, they took (80)

And named the Child after Him!
Past sins wash away when you hear that name,
Misery and pain wash away when you say the name,
Life becomes better when you think of the name! (81)

The karma of the past washes away when you say “Swaminathan”
All the pain and misery washes away when you say “Swaminathan”
Auspicious things happen when you say “Swaminathan”
Good things happen when you say “Swaminathan” (82)

To say his name, you need a thousand tongues
To say his name, you need crores of good deeds
When you say his name, you get his lotus feet
When you say his name, death also dies here! (83)

Canto : 1. Avatharak Kandam
Chapter : 7 : The Child Swaminathan Growing up

The Child grew up beautifully,
Making all happy with his child talk,
The Sage who graces all with lovely words, 
started Crawling and then started taking baby steps (84)

They will pinch his cheeks, clap their hands, play with him,
pose as if they are afraid and make him laugh,
They will be happy and enjoy the touch of his lotus feet
Pleaded to make him eat his food, carry him on their shoulders (85)

"Just have one more morsel of food", they plead with Him
Who has come here as Jagadguru,
"I will give you that moon", if you 
Open your little mouth to eat, they plead again (86)

They showed the moon and fed him daily
The one who had come to remove all the sins
The one who is the God of Gods, the head of mankind, the sankara,
They protected him , taking good care of Him (87)

They take Him to temple; show the Goddess,
"Devi, grace the child", they pray
"If you call for her, she will come", they say
Cuddle the child who leaps to their lap; feed him Godliness (88)

They show Shiva; put the holy ash on his forehead,
Do puja, with lovely flowers,
"Pray sincerely", they tell him,
When the child folds his hands and prays, melt away! (89)

Taking fragrant flowers, making a garland,
Saying "long live, the shining one", they seek
The lotus feet of Keshavan, and show the lord Vishnu,
To the one who removes all the sins, make him fall at Vishnu's feet (90)

They showed him temples; fed him devotion,
Polished his Character, fed him sprituality,
Prayed for the child, to the Goddess
They took care of the child, who is the building block of everything (91)

They put the child on thier lap, the one the whole world praises,
They put oil on his body, to cool
They massage his body, shining like gold,
Look at his face, enjoy, make him take bath (92)

They enjoy his pranks, his refusal to leave the bathing place,
His sheer joy at taking bath, make him dry, put on him new clothes,
They enjoy his hide and seek and games
They call him every second and enjoy, what to say about their joy! (93)

Canto : 1. Avatharak Kandam
Chapter : 8 : Mother telling stories to the child

Mother will tell stories to make the child sleep,
She will tell Dhuruva's and Prahlathan's story,
Rama's and Kannan's story
The child will listen to it fully, while the mother goes to sleep! (94)

She will tell the grace of 'Nama', Lord's names in Prahladha's story
Torturing the people, making them fall on his feet,
The story of the despot Hiranyakasipu
The king, without maturity, how he fell, she will tell Him (95)

Even when he had a demon for a father, he took "Narayana", the name,
Did Japa every single minute, the great Prahladha,
Even when the king was abusing him,
Prahladha did not just take it into his heart - the mother told him all this! (96)

Even while he was beaten and tortured,
Prahladha prayed for everyone to be happy,
Mother thus told the story of Prahladha
Everyday, the child who was the very form of love, listened to it (97)

She told him Dhuruva's story; the boy who wanted to sit on 
His Dad's lap; and at just five years of age, did tapas
To get that 'privilege'; but as a result, became the 'Dhuruva' star,
With Lord Vishnu blessing and entire world in awe (98)

She told him other stories, story of Vamana, the greatness of Mahabali,
The fame of Lord Ram, the destruction of Ravana,
The stories of Krishna and his exploits as a child, 
Krishna lifting the mountain and his greatness (99)

She told him the story of Shiva who burnt down the cupid, 
She told him the story of Kamakshi who raised the cupid again,
She told him the story of Kumaran who killed the demon Surapadman
And she told him, you are nothing but Him! (100)

She told him the morals : Honesty is the best policy &  Truth always wins,
Whatever happens, never lie, she told him 
She also told the story of the Krishna who told Gita,
To the one who has come to the praise of the world (101)

Stories flowed everyday, she told the righteous path,
To the one whom even the planets bowed to, 
She taught him about love and how to get rid of problems
She taught him about what is right and makes one good (102)

Swaminathan listened to the stories
He sowed the seeds of love and Bakthi, saw it grow as a tree,
learnt that desire is the root of pain, love helps to build, 
Anger destroys; he learnt about life (103)

Canto : 1. Avatharak Kandam
Chapter : 9 : Incidents from a very young age

Maranaai incident ( teddy cat which generally climbs on trees and destroys the fruits during the night)

Oneday, a maranaai somehow got into a room in the house and thrust its head into a small copper pot containing jaggery - it was not able to pull its head out and was runnig everywhere. People thought it was a thief. In the morning, people came; tied it to a spot; pulled the pot out. It was struglling for life; it was a dreadful demonstration of greed causing great problems to self and also to others

          - From the Paramacharya's note  "What Life Has Taught Me"- published in "Bhavan's Journal

One day, around midnight, when all were sleeping at home, 
A teddy cat came in, looking for something to eat,
It was very hungry and was looking around
It thought it to be a good house, and a good time to come (104)

There was a pot containing jaggery
It put its head into the pot and started eating,
But could not get the head out,
Desparate and afraid for life, it started running around (105)

Parents woke up, thought it to be a thief,
They called everyone around, checked out the source of noise,
When they checked, they found the creature with its head in the pot,
And, the teddy cat, half dead and running around! (106)

They caught the teddy cat and tied it to a pole
And, removed the utensil covering its head
Once the utensil was removed, it got its life back
And the teddy cat ran away! Everyone laughed at it (107)

The senses cause much trouble, 
Most of the times, the sensual pleasure ends up as pain, 
If one wants peace of mind, it is important to give up sensual pleasure
Were the truths which the child took to his heart from this (108) 

Ponnuswamy incident :
"seeing me alone, with tiny golden bangles; I asked him to tighten the hooks of the bangles which had become loose and gave a peremptory and authoritative direction to him to bring them back repaired without delay; true to his name, he took the golen booty and vanished"

 - "What life has taught me" by Periyava in Bhavan's Journal


Canto : 1. Avatharak Kandam
Chapter : 9 : Incidents from a very young age

Oneday, the child was at home alone, 
Parents and others were deep inside, engrossed in their work,
One thief looked at the house and was observing
The thief thought this house must have lots of wealth (109)

The child came out, the golden bangles on the legs chiming, 
Realised that the golden bangles on the hands have become loose,
Saw that someone was standing outside the house, looking at him,
The child thought that the thief was a good person and gave him a command! (110)

Please repair these bangles,
Without any problem whatsoever, 

And, do it fast, don't procrastinate, 

Also, tell me what is your name, asked the child (111)

The thief was ecstatic, he told the child, 

Are you studying in a school? You speak very well,

My house is very near, I will take the bangles there,

Repair them and come in a jiffy, don't you worry (112)

Today is a good day, I have come to right place,

I also saw you and am taking the golden bangels,

Remember : My name is Ponnuswamy,

He told and ran with the bangles and vanished! (113)

Swaminathan ran inside the home, 
To tell his parents all that happened,
Parents became very worried when they learnt,
They came out to see who the person is (114)

When they heard about this, all the neighbours rushed out, 

But no one could see any "Ponnusamy" on the street,
"This is so unfair" , proclaimed all of them,
At least no harm has come to the child, they said (115)

The world thought that a thief had come

But, will a thief come and steal the bangles, 
From the one who has come to give it all?
Is it a game that the Guru that He is, played? (116)

Did brahma, who creates all the world come?
Did the Skandha, who is the form of fire, come?
Did the head of Brahmins, the Vyasa, himself, come?
To get the touch of hand from the God Himself? (117)

How did it happen? Parents were shocked

Bad things do happen, there are thiefs in this world
And, good and bad things together is how this world is
The child knew now, and committed to His heard (118)

Chithambaram Festival:

Swamigal would have been around 5 years old when this happened. They were living in Parangipettai. Swaminathan wanted to go to the festival which was happening at Chidambaram. He cried and made a fuss. His father took the child and went to Chidambaram. Mother did not accompany them.

Even though they went to Chidambaram, the child did not go to the festival. He had slept in the evening. His father, did not want to wake up the child and left the child in a room and went to the festival by himself. 

That day, at Chidambaram, there was a huge fire accident. More than 500 people died. Dad came back unhurt and explained what happened to Swaminathan in detail. 

Meanwhile, mother had a dream in which she saw lots of people crying and an entire town burning. 

She was at peace only when the child and husband returned home safely. 

                      - Baranitharan in the book "Karunaik Kadale"


At Chidambaram, there is a festival tomorrow
Lots of interesting dances and things will be there
Shall we go to this place tomorrow?
Dad asked the child gently, son said ok (119)

Son started asking right from the morning the next day

"Come, lets us go to Chidambaram", he started saying
"Wait, let us go later, there is some work" said dad firmly, 
Son started crying on hearing this (120)

"I want to go to Cidambaram, Now
You are very bad! You always lie!
You told me something yesterday, doing differently today",
With tears flowing, heart bursting with pain (121)

He started crying, mother came to his rescue
All the people will laugh at you,
Aren't you our lovely child? Get up please, she told
Sometimes your dad says things in jest (122)

Don't take that as final, he will certainly take you,

Stop crying and put on your shirt,

He will definitely take you, smile please!"

The child calmed down, smiled and got ready (123)

Mother bid bye to them with heart aching,
Father carried his son and went to Chidambaram
While the child kept talking en route, 
He slept off as they approached Chidambaram! (124)

Father did not want to wake up the sleeping son

He left him at his relative's place
And, went to the festival all by himself while the kid
Who wanted desperately to see the festival, was sleeping! (125)

Father became worried at the festival, 

That his son will be alone and miss him,
Might wake up and look for him and start crying,
Thinking about his son, he came back quickly (126)

On his way back, he came to know,

That many people died in the festival
Due to a huge fire and was stunned
He thanked Lord Siva for saving him (127)

The child who went on to sleep in the evening, slept well,
Woke up refreshed in the morning, asked when is the festival starting!
When father told him that it is all over the previous evening
He cried and rolled on the streets, asking "why did you let me sleep"? (128)

Let us go there again and watch the festival, he said!
Father explained the fire accident and the fact he survived
To be the grace of God, both Lord Muruga and Lord Siva
He also told the child about the many people who died (129)

The child listened to all this without believing a word,
Now that watching the festival has become 
Absolutely impossible dream, he was sad 
With tears, he came back home with his dad (130)

The night when husband and her child were sent off,
She had a dream, she saw people dying, the city burning
With burns, people were crying all over,
She got up, completely upset by the dream (131)

Like the lord shiva carrying the Child Muruga on his shoulderes,
Carrying the child, the father came into the house!
Only after both of them stepped into the home, 
Did she heave a long sigh and had her life again! (132)

Did the God save the child by making him sleep that day?
Can the fire hurt the child who is fire himself?
Who can understand the ways of God who moves the drama
Scene by scene? Can we ever understand? (133)

Canto   : 1  :  Avatharak Kandam
Chapter : 10 : School Days

"Seeing the brilliance of the child, Sastrigal decided to teach himself and did not send the child to the school till the age of eight. Along with the studies, he also taught him music.  Like the saying goes, "The child is the father of the man", Swaminathan could retain all that he saw and heard just once. Mahalakshi ammaal taught the children all the stotras. The child Swaminathan also loved memorising all those. During that time, Swaminathan did not have the opportunity to learn sanskrit. When his father moved to Thindivanam, he put Swaminathan into second forum in the Arcot American Mission school. This was the first time Swaminathan was put into a school"

                     - Pujyasri. Maha Swami's History 

Since he was in a transferable job, 

Father taught the brilliant child all by himself
Like the plant which grows as it is watered and gets nutrients,
This sacred seed also started growing beautifully! (134)

The child which was going to become the "saraswathi" later on, 

The Siva in the form of a human being, he taught Music,
His mother taught him Slokas
The boy who was none but Sankara, learnt everything (135)

Father got transferred to a place called "Tindivanam"
The child was put into the "American Missiona School" nearby
Run by the christian missionaries there
They wanted the best for their child! (136)

At age eight, he started school 

In the second forum and excelled

He remembered everything he learnt

He could answer every question posed to him (137)

Swaminathar, came first in all the classes and in all the exams. He won accolades and first prize awards in the school final award functions. The first prize in the Bible contest also went to him only. 
        - "Pujyasri. Maha Swami's History"

He stood first in studies, in all the exams, 
In getting things done, in all the contests
He participated with vigor and won it all
Here was a boy, who was born to win! (138) 

He showed all that he is beyond religions
And, he showed it all that day itself!
With ease he won the Bible competition,
Reciting it well, winning the prize! (139)

"I went to the Thindivanam school that Periyava studied at and tried to see whether I can get any records as evidence of Periyava's having studied there, with the head master's permission. Like a miracle, I located a sheet of one attendance register. That belonged to the year 1904 . I could see the name "Swaminathan" in it. I was happy beyond any words. Next day itself, I went to have Periyava's darshan....

"My name appears at the end...did you think Periyava must have been very bad at studies?" asked Periyava with a smile

"Why does the name appear at the end? I did think about it" - I accepted

My purvasrama father was a school inspector. Transferable job. He would be transferred to different cities now and then. From chidhambaram, we got transferred to Thindivanam in September. I got admitted to this school in the middle of the year. That is why my name appears at the end" - he explained to me. 
    - "Anbe Arule" - Baranitharan

The boy's name in the attendance register
Came at the end, after all others
Why would that lovely name
Come at the end? There was a question! (140)

"Father's transfers brought us to a new town
In the middle of the year, got into a new school
Hence my name also appeared at the end"
Words of Periyava comes to the mind! (141)

"The first thing is also the last thing"
Was HE showing us the truth even then?
Is there any boundaries like first and last for HIM?
Isn't it all the game that the God plays? (142)

When Swaminathan was studying in the third form. Sri.Singaravelu mudhaliyar, who was the School deputy inspector, had come there for an inspection. He asked Swaminathan a few questions. Swminathan alao answered all those questions without any problem. Impressed, he took Swaminathan to higher classes and introduced him to the teachers and students there. He asked them to ask Swaminathan questions from their class text books. Swaminathan answered even those questions fluently. SingaraVelu Mudhaliyar realised that Swaminathan was the son of Sri.Subramanya Sastri, who was working under him. So, he called on Sastri and told him how impressed he was with Sastri's son. He told him that his son was going to be a great man. Sastri was very happy listening to this. However, he did not realize that his son was going to be a "Jagadguru". He thought that perhaps Swaminathan would become a bigshot in the Government, getting a big job.

                    - Pujyasri. Mahaswamigal History 

Once, there was a School inspector, who inspected the class
He asked the class: "Is there anyone who can 
Answer my questions? And Impress me?"
He saw a beatific face; he saw a mild playful smile (143)

Swaminathan the Child, raised his hand
Like Lord Muruga, he saw a brilliant shining face 
He saw the lord Siva without his trident there
He said, "Fine, let me ask the questions" and asked (144)

Answers flew in thick and fast,
He stood amazed, and realized 
That there is none better than this boy
Decided to show him around and took him (145) 

Went to the upper classes and showed him
"See this boy! Ask him what you want!
He can answer everything! Without
Any problem whatsoever" he told them (146)

The teachers and students asked many questions
Listened to the flowing answers from the boy
He is going to be someone very special
There is no doubt at all he thought, told the boy's father (147)

Father was happy when he heard this
All because of Shiva Parvathi's blessings, he said
He thought that his son is going to have a great life
May be the boy will get a good post in the Government itself (148)

Is what he thought to himself
He did not even dream of the life his son is going to lead
The entire world standing up and bowing,
Like that of Sukar and other Rishis (149)

"By the time I come back home, it would even be 7 pm. All because of the love for games. That time, cricket had not yet become a game for school children. We had "kittip pul". May be, this got developed into cricket! But, I had not much interest in "Kittipul". I liked Football to an extent. But I loved Badminton. Since I did not have the kind of body (he had a small frame and he referred to it), to kick around and run, I could not do much of Football. Hence, like playing with the foot, I went for playing with the hand - I took badminton. It is said that even badminton went from here to abroad and got that name...after school hours, I will play badminton and only then came home. It used to be so interesting that we simply lost track of the time".  

Periyava used to joke that even though it had the name "BADminton", it was actually "GOODminton only"

                      - Kanchi Munivar Ninaivuk kadhambam - Sri.Ra.Ganapathi Anna

The one who sleeps on the milky ocean, who
Came down to have butter and played, at that age
The boy played some Football, some "Kittipul"
And lots and lots of Badminton  (150)

The one who is always playful, who plays with this world, 
Who as a boy was praised by all, who excelled in studies,
Also played games with his friends
His lotus face shining, he ran around, played and enjoyed (151)

The lotus feet which all the learning is trying to find, 
The sunshine which all the prayers are trying to find,
The peace of mind which all the music is trying to find, 
The final thing to attain which all of these are trying to grab at, (152)

That one learnt his lessons well
To make his father and mother happy,
The one who cuts thru all the pain, learnt music
Said his prayers and stotras perfectly (153)

People do yagna to get the fruits of it
Will the fruits of yangna go to do the yangna?
People pray to be happy
Will the happiness itself pray for anything? (154)

The Goddess on the white lotus flower gives us all the learning
Will she come down so that she can learn herself?
The Goddess of wealth gives us all the well being
Will the Goddess come down seeking that well being? (155)

Like the end result of yangna, doing the yangna, 
Like the end bliss itself doing bakthi,
Like the Saraswathi herself coming down to learn,
Like the Lakshmi herself seeking well being, (156)

The very being of Wisdom joined the school then!
The very being of bliss, learnt his lessons!
The nectar from beyond studied at the school
The lord of music, learnt music! (157)

Canto   : 1  :  Avatharak Kandam

Chapter : 11 : School Drama

In the year 1906, Swaminathan was in the fourth forum. The students wanted to stage the "King John" drama of Shakespear, the great english poet. To don the part of Prince Arthur in the drama, they could not get the right person. The headmaster then remembered Swaminathan who was barely 12 years old at that time. He called Swaminathan and told him to take part in the drama and do the role of Prince Arthur. 

Swaminathan told this to his parents and asked them to stitch the clothes required for the drama. However, the parents, who were steeped in tradition, did not really want his son to act in the drama. But, they did not want to say no to his son's desire as well. Somehow they acceded to Swaminathan's request and gave him the clothes required. 

In just two days time, Swaminathan had memorized all the dialogues of the drama. The boy with great oratorical skills, acted skillfully and got the admiration of all concerned. For every single dialogue he delivered, there were claps from all around. In that drama, Swaminathan won the first prize too. All the teachers came down to Sastri's home and told him about how well Swaminathan acted in the drama and expressed their happiness. 

                       - "Pujyasri. MahaSwamigal Story"

The one who sets the entire world as the stage and lets all the living being play there, 
And enjoys the play from afar, also acted in a play!
The one who is playfulness personified, the great king of sages,
Acted as a prince at school, with all the people praising him (158)

"King John", the play of the great Poet, Shakespeare, was planned
To be acted on the stage for all to see   
The students wanted to get it done
But who will play Prince Arthur? (159)

When this question came up, they chose Swaminathan!
They told him : there is no one but you to play this part,
We don't have much time, just two days to go, memorize the dialogue,
And, have Coat and Boots for this part, be ready! (160)

"When I was studying in the fourth form, I acted in Shakespeare's "King John" drama as Prince Arthur. For that, I was given a prize in the form of "Old English" book. We did not have any specific costume for the drama. Just memorize the dialogue and act. That is all. At that time, they took a group photo. That is what this is! In this photo, the book that I am holding is also the book given as prize to me. The cap, coat, boots etc were not mine. I took them all on loan from my classmate Krishnaswami" - he laughed, saying all this...."

                          - "Anbe Arule" - Baranitharan

Swaminathan told all this to his parents
His parents were not interested in him acting
But, they did not want to deny him either
When he asked again, they relented (161)

In the coming days, the one who never referred to anything while speaking, 
Memorized all the dialogue in just two days
The one who did not wear anything but saffron clothes later on,
Wore a big coat and boots, all loaned by his friend! (162)

He is the dancer, he is the actor,
He is the one who has been putting an act as if he is human
Took on the stage, as friends stood admiring
Spoke all the dialogues memorized (163)

Brought the Prince of Arthur alive
Who is this boy, who acts so very well
Who is he? All asked, lost in his sorcery
The headmaster was delighted in his choice (164)

The one who ties all this world with his Maya,
Was on stage, and for all that he said and did,
All his friends and teachers were ecstatic
And showed their happiness thru the wild clapping all around (165)

All the teachers gathered together and came to Sastri's home
"Your son will be a great man" they said
"He delivered all the dialogues beautifully
In the beauty of all that, he just stole our heart" (166)

He always is first in studies, he wins all the prizes
Now also he is first, and first in drama too
Here is a boy who makes his father proud!
When will we see somebody like this again? they said (167)

Father was ecstatic and very proud
Mother hugged her son and kissed him on the forehead
He is going to praised by all in the city
He is the one who is going to make his parents proud they said (168)

Canto   : 1  :  Avatharak Kandam
Chapter : 12 : Siblings

After Maha Periyava, there were four children who were born in that family. Next to Periyava was a girl child : Lalithamba. Then, Sambamurthy, Sadhasivam and Krishnamurthy. Like this, there were six children and they had names of the six religions that Adhi Sankara established. Their names also happened naturally reflecting this!

Ganapathyam : Ganapathy, Kaumaram : Swaminathan, Saktham : Lalitha, Souram : Sambamurthy (Sun), Saivam : Sadhasivam, Vaishnavam : Krishnamurthy

               - " Karunai Theirvam Kanchi Munivar" - Sri. Ganesa Sarma

The Sankara who came to re-establish the six hindu religions
The sankara who comes to bless us when we just think of Him
The sankara who comes to bestow us with boons
Came to this house and took birth (169)

First came Ganapathy, then was our Nathan,
Then came Lalitha with the first two,
Then there were Sambamurthy and Sathasivan
Finally, Krishnamurthy was also there (170)

With Ganapathy, the "Ganapathyam" religion,
With his first brother, the "kaumaram" religion
With ambikai's coming, the "saktham",
With her brother Sambamurthy, "Souram" (171)

With "Sivan Sar" Sathasiva Murthy, "Saivam",
With Krishnamurthy, "Vaishnavam"
All  the six sub religions
In this home, they bloomed (172)

Sankara re-established the six religions
Sankara came as the form of the six faced God
In the home which stood on the names of the six religions
He came to firmly establish God's blessings (173)

There was one son who came in the form of Muruga
He was the son of the daughter of Himalayas
He came with the name of Muruga
He came here to bless us all (174)

"He was parabrammam in birth itself" - Kanchi Paramacharya on Sivan Sar

Another son, came as the form of Siva,
Went around with the name "Sivan Sar"
From his sage brother himself, 
Was blessed as greater than himself! (175)

Anna (cousin brother) was one of us only. I was supposed to be the 'apple of the eye' for the family. Next was, Anna. He got lots of attention" said Periyava. 

We will play around. Anna was very calm. He belonged to "Mauna Bargava Gothram". So, we will tell that and say that he is "Mauni. mauni" (mauni means one who does not speak) and pull his leg. 

His cousin brother  was a Vedha Pandit - and not only that, his father, Narasimha Sastri was also someone who had done his Veda studies and had a Vaidika life. Hence, he had done the "Poonal" (thread wearing ceremony) by eight years itself for his son. 

 "As complete opposite to him,here, at my home, my father was a government employee. At home, it was full of music rather than vedic chanting. Me - I went to school after school and finally came to the American Mission school. My cousin brother was the one who was complete Vedic schlor" said Periyava with heart full of respect and love for his cousin brother. 

"He had no English education. We used to show off in English. He would remain calm with a smile as he didn't know English. We used to wear Trousers, Shirt, Coat and Cap and show off. But, he just did not have any interest in those dresses. From childhood itself, he had such a mind control, and peaceful calmness.

Right from Parangipettai Sayabs, my father had lots of friends at home. While we were very far removed from the "fashionable" days of today, and my mother used to be very strictly orthodox even in everyday dealings, for those days, my father can be called a little "forward" as it is called these days. Hence, for those who are very very orthodox, it would have been a very difficult time and life, right? My cousin brother - though he was young in age, he was absolutely strictly orthodox in everything. However, he used to calmly take everything in his stride at our home and remain aloof in the midst of all this"

Periyava told me at another time : "To sit at this Peeta as its Acharya, it really requires all the orthodoxy and strictness that my cousin brother had, and only my cousin brother had all that qualification. I used to wonder why he was taken away by his Guru with himself...finally I have come to the conclusion that for the coming age which lacks in orthodox approach and allows anything as acceptable, probably that time period does not deserve such a strict and orthodox and correct man as the Guru - and probably that is why the Guru took him with himself and put me in charge".....Periyava told me all this with a smile, but the hearts of those who listened to this must have melted hearing this...

    - "Karunai Kanchi Kanaka Tharai" - Sri. Ganapathy Anna

Apart from these six, there was one more
Who was Lakshmi's chosen one!
The son of the sister of the 
One who bore the six children, (176)

"Oh, you don't know English" and
"You don't ever speak, oh the silent one"
All the kids used to pull his leg
But, he gave only his smile as answer (177)

That son was LakshmiKanthan,
Who later, was the Acharya of the Peetam
But, just for eight days only
And, reached the lotus feet of God (178)

Canto   : 1  :  Avatharak Kandam
Chapter : 13 : Upanayanam (Thread Ceremony)

When their family was at Chidhambaram, the place of Lord Nataraja, who is the Lord of Vedhas,  Lakshmikanthan - Swaminathan's cousin brother - used to chant Veda sukthas. When that ten year old pure brahmachchari (a boy in the stage before getting married is called 'brahmachchari' in hindu tradition) chanted, the six year old "kini" (kini is the word for young parrot in kannada), used to sit near him and used to listen to all that chanting. That "Kini" was none other than our own Periyava. That "Kini" must have felt some attraction towards Vedhas even at that age. That is why he sat and listened to it like that...

The avataram which came down to earth with the objective of breathing a new life into Vedhas, the spark must have been there even at that young age!

Since he had a brain which could grasp anything once heard, like the camphor catches fire with just one spark, even though he did not understand that language - Sanskrit - the language of the Gods, he still memorized some of the Veda mantras. 

He would also chant them out loud!  But, how sad!

"His parents and others at home stopped him saying that "you are not qualified to chant Vedha mantras since the thread ceremony has not been done for you. He was the apple of the eye of the family. They were also "forward thinking" for those ages - however, they still went by the right ways as prescribed by the ancestors in things like this. Hence, the lovely lad was constrained in this!"

 - "Karunaik Kanchi Kanaka Tharai" - Sri. Ra. Ganapathy Anna

The lovely little parrot, listening to the other lovely parrot,
Started chanting the Vedas and parents were ecstatic!
However lovely to listen to the lad, without the thread ceremony,
He should not chant it - they thought and were pained to stop him (179)

"Swaminathan's father carried out all the traditional practices typically done by the family, during each of the appropriate age of Swaminathan. In 1905, at Thindivanam, he also carried out the thread ceremony for his son. During this time of "Upanayana" (threat wearing ceremony), the 66th Peeta Sankaracharya also sent his blessings and Prashad to the family"

- PujayaSri. MahaSwami History

When Swaminathan was eleven years old, mother asked father
"Son has reached the age when one does the thread ceremony
For our son to shine like the sun,
For his mind to expand, please do the needful" (180)

"Absolutely right; we have to do it; no doubt, said the father
It will all happen as the Lord wishes, our son
Is not a child anymore, he has grown up
We will do the needful with Elders' blessings" he said (181)

Consulting the elders, they fixed a date quickly
Made arrangements for the Yangna to be performed
Invoking Ganesha, invoking Vishnu and Siva, 
To explain to the child the one thing that Brhma also venerates (182)

They got everything ready, the child was happy, 
Mother beautified the home, made it holy, 
To participate in the event, relatives had come down
Even Lord Vishnu, Muruga, Ganapathy and so did all the Gods (183)

"Now, if this Mutt has got name and fame.....people think that is because of me...It is not like that! All of this is Kalavai Periyava's blessings"
 - Periyava, while talking about kalavai Periyava

Kalavai Periyava also sent his blessings to the child
And gifts to the one Who wears the crescent moon
He blessed the child for his good life, blessed the event,
Blessed the entire world to live happily (184)

To the one who is the very meaning of all the mantras,
His parents decided to do mantra upadhesha!
The one whom all the mantras search to reach, chanted the mantras
And, his father, chanting the mantras, put the thread onto the child (185)

The one who removes all the ignorance, 
The one who removes all pain and gives the wisdom, 
The one with the three eyes, they together 
Gave the upadhesha and put on the thread (186)

Morning, afternoon and evening, he did japa (meditation)
And, in between all this, went to school!
Even when the Vedas have not become the only thing for him, 
Yet, he saw it to be the lovely cool breeze in his life! (187)

He, the one whom all Vedas try to reach, put  in his heart,
The Gayatri mantra, the very pinnacle of Vedas, 
Chanting  Vedas, chantingd Upanishads
The one who came as the form of Vedas, was happy (188)

Canto : 1 : Avatharak Kandam
Chapter : 14 : Guru Darshan

Parents went with their son, post the thread ceremony
To see the Guru who has won over all the three mayas
To see Him whose Blessings they sought,
But there, the master, was waiting for his Student! (189)

The Guru saw the shining eyes; the sharp nose,
The resplendent face; the calm demeanor,
The wonderful gait; the thread on the chest
The beauty beyond words; knew it was the Sankara Himself! (190)

Sri.Kamakoti mutt's 66th pontiff, Sri.Chandra Sekarendra Saraswathi Swamiji was at "perumukkal: village, which was in Tindivanam, South Arcot district. This was in the year 1906, "Visvaavasu" tamil year. He was in that four month period when the saints and sages stay at one place and do penance. During that time, Swaminathn's father, went there along with his family to have darshan of Swamiji. Swamiji's eyes fell on the child Swaminathan

Swamiji met the young Swaminathan many times thereafter. He asked Swaminathan many questions and was very happy with the answers given and also by Swaminathan's charming face and intelligence. He declared to all who gathered there that "Swaminathan is going to be a great man" 

Swamiji told Swaminathan's father to bring Swaminathan to the mutt frequently. Sastri also brought his son many times to the mutt. Guru's blessings started flowing towards the child Swaminathan

                                       - Pujyasri. Mahaswamigal History

He saw the Guru seeing him; understood his life goal
In that blessing from those eyes, he knew his purpose,
In the Guru he saw, the God Himself, 
He fell at is Guru's feet, asking his blessings (191) 

Guru blessed the child who fell on his feet, 
Asked about the welfare of the family which stood around, 
Looked at the child with love and affection and said
"Do you do all the daily duties that one has to do everyday? (192)

With attention and focus? Do you do Gayatri Japa?
In this age of Kaliyuga, to reach God, His "nama" is the only way!
Do you do japa of Siva's nama and Hari's nama? 
The Goddess who gives all the boons (193)

The one with the long lovely hair, Kanchi Kamakshi's nama, 
Do you do japa everyday with utmost attention? 
As the Guru asked, the student stood before him, his hand on mouth, 
And said, "Yes, Guruji, doing it everyday because of your grace"  (194)

Guru was ecstatic with the answer given and said,
"This brilliant boy will excel in everything and attain glory
He will reach a position which is simply not possible for anyone else
Bring this boy, shining like the sun,  to me often (195) 

For the world to become a better place!
Parents were thrilled with what the Guru said
They brought the lucky boy  to the Guru
Who can give whatever boon one seeks (196)

Guru was hapyy with His Student's being with Him
The One who is not bound by time
The One who who is is Sankara in physical form
The One who has given up the trident and has come here (197)

The Guru understood that the One has come here,

He posed many questions to the student
And happy with the answers given
And, moved by the service rendered (198)

Canto : 1 : Avatharak Kandam Chapter : 15 : Travel in Search of Guru

When it was happening like this, one day, at Tindivanam, Swaminathan went missing. His parents searched everywhere. But, they could not find him. When they were suffering like this for two days, from Swamiji's camp, which was situated about 5 miles away, one person came to Tindivanam and told the parents that Swaminathan had come there to have Swamiji's Darshan and is fine and that the Swamiji had asked this news to be passed to them.

- Pujyasri. Mahaswamigal History

The child decided to see the guru one day
Without waiting, he took his friend along
"To have Guru's darshan is good, lets go", he said
The One and his friend, both have started! (199)
"let us keep mother informed", friend said,
"If we tell her, she will ask us to wait till father comes,
But, for the dad to come, it will be evening, so,
let us tell her after we come back" he said (200)

Both started that morning
They had news that Swamiji is in a
Nearby Mutt, not very far
Both had this news, started walking (201)

They walked and walked, got tired
Reached the place where the mutt was
Got to know that Swamiji was travelling
And had gone away from there; and started again! (202)

The children walked again,
Reached the place the Guru was staying
They traveled a long distance to reach there
By the time they reached, it was already evening that day! (203)

People there were amazed, to see the children
They asked the kids, "Where have you come??"
The kids said, "we came to see the Sankaracharya Guru",
And to pay our obeisance to  His lotus feet" (204) 

They listened to the kids and took them to the Guru
The Guru saw the kids as they fell on His feet,
Saw their tired faces and limbs
Told the people at the mutt to first give them food and bring them back (205)

"The Guru asked, "Have you told your folks at home and come here?" The child said " No Swamiji. Wanted to have your darshan. I immediately started from home". For this, the Guruji was really happy. Because, one He wanted such a person who can give up home and folks and come to Him"
- "Karunai Theivam Kanchi Munivar" - Sri.Ganesa Sarma

They had the food given by the people at the mutt and got refreshed
Came back to see the Guruji
He asked them : "Have you told your people that you are coming here"?
The children said no and the Guru was amazed! (206)

"When did you start from your home"? asked the Guru
"We wanted to be with you day and night
And, we started this morning from home"
Said Swaminathan, and the Guru was happy with those words! (207)

"Whose plan was this?", asked the Guru,
Swaminathan smiled shyly, started answering,
"I did not have anything else in mind,
Just wanted to have your Darshan" he said (208)

Does the river anyone to take it to the Ocean?
Does the root require assistance to go in search of water?
Does the lotus need help to look at the sun?
Like the nature finding its way to reach its destination (209)

Aiyan came, like the river finds the ocean,
Aiyan came, like the root finding the water,
Aiyan came, like the flower reaching out for the sunshine,
Aiyan came, like the fish trying to get back to the water (210)

Guru was happy and proud about
The one who left his parents and came to see the Guru,
He saw in him the God who comes on the ox
He saw in him the God who was a cowherd and who gave Gita to the world (211)

"This is the truth. One day, Swaminathan, is going to become the Jagadhguru. He understood that his end is also coming near. Later on, he may not be having the chance of living with him for a few days. So, to fulfill that desire, he decided to keep Swaminathan for four days with him then"

- "Karunai Theivam Kanchi Mahan" - Sri.Ganesa Sarma

The Goddess Kanchi Kamakshi herself came
Here, love flowing like the endless ocean,
The one who bore this world, came to save it,
Understood the Guru, became ecastatic (212)

He also understood Devi's heart,
He thought, "Devi, strange are thy ways,
Who can change it? not even Siva can, you do what you do,
Decided to have a few days with Swaminathan, who has come (213)

Guru sent a person to convey the message to all at home
That the children are well and are here with Him
And, that He will keep them with Him for four days
And return them post that to the parents (214)

Canto : 1 : Avataram
Chapter : 16 : Worried Parents

They slowly realised that the child
Swaminathan is really missing
They searched around
Could not find him, fell into depths of sorrow (215)

Has he gone somewhere to play?
Has he become tired and slept at friends' place?
Has he fallen down somewhere?
Beset with worries, his parents cried and cried (216)

Sri.Sri.Sri. Maha Periyaval nURRettu Anthathi by Agaththiyaanpalli Subramanya Kirushnamurthy


"அறிந்தாரா தமையருமை ஆதிசிவன் தானென்று
அறிந்தாலே கொடுப்பாரா அன்றொருநாள் அடி ஒன்று
அறிந்திடத்தான் கேட்டீராம் தண்டித்தீர் ஏன் என்று,
மறந்திட்டாய் அனுட்டானம் அடித்திட்டேன் அதற்கென்றார்

அதற்கென்றா அடித்திட்டீர் ஆய்ந்துநீர் பாராமல்
அனுட்டானம் முடித்திட்டேன் ஆற்றினிலே என்றிடவே
அருந்தமயர் கண்டாராம் நெற்றியிலே திருநீற்றை
அன்புருவாய் அணைத்தாராம் புரிந்திட்டேன் தவறென்றே"

- ஸ்ரீஸ்ரீஸ்ரீ மஹா பெரியவாள் நூற்றெட்டு அந்தாதி, அகத்தியான்பள்ளி சுப்ரமணிய கிருட்டிணமூர்த்தி அவர்கள்

Some days back, in the evening, when it was quite late,
Without understanding what really happened,
"Why did you not do santhi? How can you go wrong?"
Asked his brother, scolded and hit him (217)

Did he go somewhere, not able to take those words?
Did he go swimming somewhere and fell into a pond or river?
Did he fight with his friends and got injured ?
Did he sustain any burns? Has he fallen ill somewhere? (218)

Worries burning the heart, cries filling the face,
They searched for the son for whom they waited long
"Lord Shiva! Goddess Uma!, Lord Govinda!, Come and save him,
You are the saviour of the world, please save our child too", they prayed (219)

Is he there in his friends house? they checked
"He has not been seen from afternoon", they said, crying
"He has not had any lunch, he cannot withstand hunger", they worried
"We never thought we would cry like this", they said and cried (220)

Swaminatan's friends parents also came to their place
Told them their son was also missing from morning
They started searching from the school all over the place
They hoped against hope for the children to come running to them (221)

That day went by and the night came down
The parents did not sleep a wink, waiting for the kids to come
No info was there about the kids who had gone missing
They waited with hopes dwindling (222)

Next day morning, brought good news
"Gurunathar sent me", said one and came there
"Your son along with his friend, are fine here, don't worry!
They will be back in two more days, Gurunathar's says (223)

He went, conveying the message, parents were happy
Hearts getting warmed by the lovely news,
"Good he has gone to see the Guruji", they rejoiced,
"Good the lad is safe and sound", they cried (224)

Like Rama studied at the feet of Vasishta, 
Like Krishna went to Guru Sandipani to learn,
Like Sankara went in search of his Guru,
Did Swaminathan also go in search of his Guru here? (225)

Is this his teaching to all of us that 
Learning thru Guru is the only way to God?
His staying for four days with his Guru, 
Was it to get is blessings right now? (226)

Canto : 1 : Avatharak Kandam

Chapter : 17 : Parents worry on Swaminathan's Future

"Like all the fathers, Subramanya Iyer also wanted his son to become a doctoer or an engineer. At this young age, if he ran to the mutt, which father would not worry? 'Will he study or not? Will he get a job or not?' he started fearing. He immediately decided to go and consult his friend, Sri. Venkataraman, who was also the father of Krishnaswamy, who was Swaminathan's friend.

- "Karunai Theivam Kanchi Munivar" - Sri.Ganesa Sarma  

Parents were happy that the boy had returned
But still the father was very worried
Will he study well? Will he graduate? 
Will he make a mark in his life? (227)

He runs away to see his Gurunath!
He runs away seeking God!
He does not even think that people at home will be worried
He does not even tell anyone at home...(228)

What will happen to him? what will his future be?
Who can see and foretell this?
Who can see into the future? 
Is there anyone to see his horoscope and tell me? (229)

He thought for a while and remembered
His friend, and said how can I 
Forget him! Close friend, and good at horoscopes
He knows his astrology, and good at heart (230)

Venkataraman is there! How did I forget him?
He will solve our problem. He will tell the truth
When he is there, we need not hunt for anyone else
"Let us go to his place, come!", he called his son (231)

Went there to his friend's place; Swaminathan also went
"This is my son; please look at his horoscpe, 
Tell me what is there, tell me the truth
Tell it firmly; I have come, believing you will" he said (232)

"Venkatrama! Please see Swaminathan's horoscope. How is it?" He showed it to his friend. Venkatraman looked at the horoscope. He was speechless. He understood that his friend's son was in reality, God in human garb. But, what should he tell his friend? So, he said, "Subramanya! Stop worrying about your son. He is no a person who is normally born into families like mine and yours. His horoscope shows all the indications of a King of kings. He is going to live like one. The entire world is going to be at his feet. Just see". 

- "Karunai Theiam Kanchi Munivar" - Sri. Ganesa Sarma

Vankatraman took the horoscope and saw the positions
Understood that God has come here from Mount Kailash
To take care of Vedas here on the earth and that
The boy is the one to remove all our sorrows (233)

He told his friend, "Please stop worrying!
Listen to the worlds that are coming from the depth of my heart,
Your son is going to rule this world
Mark my words! His words will become the Veda!" (234)

All will fall on your son's feet
The three Gods will bless; he will be great man
With Gods admiring, will Walk all across Bharat,
Will be hailed wherever he goes! (235)

Don't you worry for him!
In all my years, I have not ever
Come across a horoscope with such a great combination!
You have such a great son, why would you worry? (236)

"He asked Swaminathan, who was sitting there, to wash his feet and come and sit. Swaminathan did so.  Venkatraman still washed Swaminathan's feet with his own hands wiped it clean. Lifted the legs and saw the lines on the sole of the feet. Venkatraman gripped the boy's legs tight and started crying. He did not listen to the plea to leave it from the boy, he did not listen to the admonishes of the boy's father...

He saw all the wonderful lines on the feet which told him that the feet belonged to a great sage...

Thus, he became the first person to do "Padha Pooja" to Periyava..."

- Karunai Theivam Kanchi Munivar - Sri. Ganesa Sarma 

He then looked at Swaminathan and asked him
"Can we see the lines on your hand and feet now?
wash your hands and feet and Come and sit here near me"
The King of sages also came near and sat (237)

He then took the hands that were going to be red by giving love and grace
Saw in them the lines which told him that the boy sitting in front in Jagadguru
He now wanted to see the lines on the sole of the feet too,
The feet, which walked across the nation with grace (238)

Took the feet, washed them, wiped it with a silk cloth
And saw the lines, the lines of Vishnu,
The lines of conch and Chakra
Realized, without any doubt now, that he is seeing God here (239)

He saw the nectar of the Gods, one that is hard to come by in several births,
The Karpaga tree that gives whatever one wishes to get,
The feet which walked to ensure Vedas lived on,
And seeing, he put his face on the feet, and cried (240)

Crying, he lifted the feet and put them on his head,
Folded his hands and said : I will not be born again"
His friend, Subramanya Iyer, just could not understand this
Looked on, completely stunned by what was happening (241)

Swaminathan was shocked and stunned
He quickly folded his feet which are gateway to heaven,
"Is this fair? Is this right? You are much older than me
How can you do this? This is just not right", he said (242)

"To get the touch of this feet, what have I done
In all the previous births? I don't know
There is nothing wrong in what I did, and , not just the horoscope,
Subramanyan, Your son himself is a wonder", he said (243)

Venkatraman, the friend, folded his hands and thought,
"I have realized my birth goal; I touched God with my hand!
Even if death were to come now, I will not have any fear
With this feet touching my head, I would not have any more births (244)

This boy has come to make the entire world live well
Before I die, he has come and shown himself to me
Hehas given me his grace; give me his lotus feet
After getting the lotus feet, what does one need? (245)

The father, who was stunned, was completely confused
He did not understand who his son was
Not understanding the riddle like happenings,
Returned home with his son saying, "everything happens as one's fate is" (246)

Canto : 1 : Avatharak Kandam
Chapter : 18 : Kalavai Periyava : ParamaGurunathar

"The grand son is one who carries the name of the grand father in the indian tradition. In Guru parampara, the grand father of our Periyava is the one who had the name of "Swaminathan" in his previous Ashrama. Even for our Periyava, isnt't it the same purvashrama name? 

- "Karunaik kanchi kanaka tharai" - Sri. Ra. Ganapathy Anna

The name of the Paramaguru was "Chandira Sekarendra Saraswathi"
Which was fitting and lovely
His purva ashrama name too was 
"Swaminathan" - which again was very fitting (247)

He became the Guru at eighteen years of age
Started learning all that is required 
When his devotees requested, took care of administration as well
And, had Lord Siva's blessings as the only help for him (248)

Six years, he learnt, advaitha completely
Learnt all those which cannot be learnt fully in hundred years
Learnt the one eternal truth, and with love, 
Flowing, started touring across to meet people (249)

"Sri Maha Periyava was all praise for the establishment of Advaitha Sabha. He said, "the mutt of Acharyas, should be the one place for all learned men to come to. Paramaguru Swamiji had understood this important objective completely and established the advaitha sabha"

-" Karunaik kanchi kanaka thaarai" - Sri. Raa. Ganapathy Anna

He started the advaitha sabha very well
Where Vidwans, Pandits and Sages come there
To discuss Vedanta philosophy
And for Vedha to take root and grow (250)

Great vidhwans and sages like Mannargudip periyava and others
Ensured that the advaitha sabha grew very well
In that, Gurunathar was an incomarable leader
Gave the fruits of wisdom to all there who came (251)

In Kali age Five thousand, he started his vijaya yatra
Went around Tamilnadu and met everyone
For those who were weak, he removed problems with his smile
He advised also those who were mighty and strong with love (252)
He went to all the places, all the villages

All the farming people prostrated before him
The money that people gave to the mutt,
Guru ensured it was always there for the mutt (253)

He went to a thousand villages, did pujas there
He was called "The thousand Villages Swami"
With the love greater than that of the mother
Taking care of the child, He cared for the world (254)

For the next few days, let us see the story of Kanthan, who was the Guru of Periyava, and the 67th pontiff of kanchi mutt and the purvasram cousin brother of periyava as well.

By the time Kanthan started his vedha studies, his father passed away. 

Lakshmi ammaal, Kanthan's mother, who was saddened by this - who had no clue that she was going to be even more grief stricken later on - sent Kanthan - her only son - to Kamakoti mutt, with a clear knowledge that only the mutt will be saviour - to Kumbakonam where the mutt was situated those days. 

Ahcarya swami - Him who is called "Kalavai's Periya Periyava" - He took great pity and affection towards the lad. Those days, Chidambaram was the place of learning for vedhas. He sent the boy to Chidambaram to learn

- "Karunaik kanchi kanaka thaarai" - Sri. Raa. Ganapathi

A few days after Kanthan started his studies,
His father, the sole bread winner, passed away.
His mother sent her only son to the Guru
The boy, calmness personified, came to Kumbakonam (257)

The Gurunath Maharaj, "Kalavai Periyava"'s eyes fell on
The lad very strongly; he asked the boy to 
Go to Chidambaram and learn vedhas
Said it will be good for him; Kanthan also went there (258)

"Along with strict discipline and sticking to what is told in Vedhas, celibacy and doing service to Guru - these were the life for him. Isn't the Paramaguru Swami who sent him to Chidambaram? Even though he went to Chidambaram and learnt Vedhas, he kept thinking about Swamiji and wanted to go back to him to do service to him. 

Swamiji also kept thinking about him. After some time, he called Kanthan back to Kumbakonam and asked him to continue and complete the vedha studies at the mutt Patasala itself. What normally takes seven years to complete, it is said that Kanthan Anna finished it much earlier. After that, Paramaguru Swamiji kept him near himself for personal service, and for pujas.  

"In the book "Karunaik kanchi kanakatharai' - Raa. Ganapathi Anna's book, Periyava's words about Sri. Mahadeva Saraswathi" who was the 67th Pontiff of the Mutt only for 8 days, who was called Lakshmi Kanthan in his Purvashrama.

The lad who went to Chidambaram, started learning Vedhas
All the while, he was meditating upon his Guru's lotus feet
He wanted to do nothing but service to his Guru
He wanted to do nothing but near the Guru's lotus feet (259) 

The Guru understood the disciple's desire
He asked the disciple to come to Kumbakonam
And study further, so the disciple
Left the Nataraja's place and went to the great Kumbakonam (260)

"Anna (brother) also did all the service and pujas with complete dedication and sincerity. He had complete faith in Swamiji; Swamiji had complete affection and blessings for him - it was beautiful. You would have seen the book by Venkatesam Pantulu. In that, the author says that he was the "favorite disciple" of Swamiji".

From plucking flowers for puja to cleaning the vessels, he did everything for Lord Chandramouleeswara with dedication. 

He would grind lots of Chandan for th e Goddess. For the 'meru' of the Goddess,  a ball sized chandan is required - I am sure you know that! The Chandan with the lovely fragrance is called " kalabam' or 'kalavai'. May be, because of this chandan - kalavai service only, the Goddess took him back to her at this very 'kalavai' kshetra (place)" - though Periyava said all this with a smile on his face, the tone and the eyes showed the inner love and affection that he had for his Guru

"In the book "Karunaik kanchi kanakatharai' - Raa. Ganapathi Anna's book, Periyava's words about Sri. Mahadeva Saraswathi" who was the 67th Pontiff of the Mutt only for 8 days, who was called Lakshmi Kanthan in his Purvashrama.

Three plus four years of studies, he finished early
Came back to do service to his Guruji
He would collect flowers, and all the material for puja
And he would clean the vessels without any ego (261)

He would grind the chandan for the meru of the Goddess
To  a ball sized one, even when he was tired to the bones
His heart and mind were fully devoted to the service of his Guru
Guru also was very happy with this selfless and blemishless service  (262)

"Kanthan Anna (elder brother) wanted to be with Paramaguru Swamiji all the time. However, Swamiji felt that the child should spend more time with similar children at a homely atmosphere and not spend too much time at the mutt with its office like set up and Swamiji used to send him to our place to spend time with us" - said SriCharananr once.

-"Karunaik Kanchi Kanakatharai" - Ra.Ganapathi Anna

Let him spend time with similar aged children
Guruji said and sent him to our place now and then
However, Kanthan did not like it too much 
As it interfered with the service he was doing to the Guru (263)

Even when he came to spend time at his aunt's place
He would spend time in silence
He would spend time in Vedic studies
And in thinking of the service that he should be rendering to his Guru (264)

He went to all the places that his Guru went
He did all that his Guru asked to be done
He thought that this birth itself is simply to do what the Guru ordained
He was simply there to render service to his Guru (265)

He will fall on his feet, chant Guru's name
Treat Guru's word as the Vedha
He will complete anything that his Guru said even before the Guru finished saying it
He treated his life as one completely dedicated to his Guru (266)

Canto : 1 : Avatharak Kandam
Chapter : 20 : Last journey of Guru & Sishya

From Today, we shall see the story of Swaminathan becoming the JagathGuru of Kanchi kamakoti peetam.
From today, let us see how the 66th Guru and his main Student, Sri. Lakshmikanthan who later on went onto become the 67th Guru, both reached the lotus feet of Goddess Kamakshi.

One's mind struggles to even write this chapter. Should I even attempt to write this? I keep thinking. But, one has to tell what really happened. Why did the Goddess Kamakshi did what she did? We have to ask her only...

One day, the Guru went to a place called Kalavai
Lots of people went with Him, Kanthan also went as His shadow
The Goddess Mari also went along
She decided to take both of them to her Lotus feet (267)

She let the time do its duty there,
Came onto the Guru as measles
The pearls like rashes shining on Guru
He understood that the end has come (268)

"When Paramaguru Swamiji was at Kalavai village, he was down with measles. He understood that his life journey is coming to an end. When he had seen our Periyava Swaminathan five to six months back itself, he had decided that Swaminathan was going to be the next in line - or he had understood the order from the 'above'. He had also told that to key people in the mutt like Manakkal Kandaswami Aiyar, the key people among the learned men like Venkadasubba Sastri and so on....those people were also ok with that decision.

However, when the opportunity came, due to God's play, among the people of the Sri Matam, there came a strong alternative view point. How can a boy who had no idea of Vedhas, who had not done any service to the mutt and who had studied in a christian missionary school, put in a "jagatGuru" role? asked those who were not accepting Guru swamiji's decision. 

-"Karunai kaanchi kanaka tharai" - Ra.Ganapathi Anna

He knew his time had come
He asked Swaminathan to be sent for
The one who was the embodiment of Shiva
But, the others did not fully agree with this (269)

He does not know Vedhas, he studied in english
He does not even know sanskrit - the language of the Gods
How can he put his feet and ascend the Guru Peetam?
It would be wrong; how can we agree to it? (270)

"It might have been correct in their view. But, what is coming out as clearly the points of disqualification, would not that have been considered by Acharya Swamiji as well? They did not think of that. He would have considered and yet he decided, right? That too, all the while having Kanthan who was fully qualified , and who was a very close disciple? From that itself they should have realised that there must have been inner meaning to this, but they did not. 

For some reason, Acharya swamiji did not reveal that inner meaning even at his last stage. Or, we don't know whether inspite of him revealing it, it was not accepted by the set of people who had the alternate view. 

- "Karunaik Kanchi Kanakatharai" - Ra.Ganapathi Anna

"When Kanthan is there, who else can
Fit the peetam? To become the Guru? 
Calm, who is loved by Guru, who like a magnet
Attracts all people, who is learnt in Vedhas" (271)

"There is only Kanthan and he is only qualified to become Guru
He should, keeping Guru's lotus feet in his heart, 
Ensure the sustenance of Vedhas and take care of the mutt
This is what we have in our mind" they told the Guru (272)

"May be, 'the plan of the higher up' - Goddess - might have become clear to his eyes. So, while he did what others wanted, finally, if not the next in line, the following in line, Swaminathan only was going to be the King in the saints' kingdom. The one who is going to ascend immediately, is going to attain a position even more important and that too to be shared with Guru himself!

Whatever it is, the Guru, who had declared to all that he had selected Swaminathan as his next in line, had changed it now. He appointed another person here, with all the necessary traditional processes to be done for the same. 

The Paramaguru Swamiji Sixth Chandrasekarendra saraswathi swamiji, appointed the boy called Lakshmikanthan, who was then eighteen years old, as the sixth Mahadevendra saraswati Swamigal"

- "Karunaik Kanchi Kanaka Tharai" - Ra.Ganapathi Anna

Guru smiled at this irony; when this body is going to be no more
On the day when  the life is slipping away 
What is to be told to them? Even Kanthan's journey
Is going to continue with himself - but how to make them understand? (273)

He prayed Goddess who has covered all with her Maya
Understood this is what she wants
Understood that Kanthan is also going to be infected
In the course of time and asked Kanthan to ascend (274)

The Peetam; as per tradition, all rituals were done
With the chants of Namachivaya all around, 
With the chants of Uma, the daughter of Himalayas
The cousin brother of the One, became the Guru now (275)

But, those titles of "Maha" and "Theva" did not go to the Balaguru's heart. He wanted to do service to his Guru and nothing but that. He agonized over the health condition of his Guru. 

The seriousness of the condition was staggering for him. 

Guru also did not want his disciple to come anywhere near him for he was worried that the disease is contagious. He asked the disciple to not touch him. And stay away from him. 

Others also warned the Bala Guru on this. 

- "Karunaik Kanchi Kanaka Tharai" - Ra.Ganapathi Anna

The BalaGuru agonized over Guru's health; He did not want to listen to others
He said, let anything happen to me
And continued with his services to his Guru
With devotion, he took care of his Guru's health (276)

He continued to touch his Guru and care for him
He said that nothing else mattered
He was ready to even welcome death if it came
He was praying to Goddess for his Guru's health (277)

"Bala Swami told : Let the disease catch me and leave My Guru" and he continued to care for his Guru, staying very close to him and touching him and sponging him. 

Guru told the mutt people to keep him away from the mutt in a separate place. However, the Bala swami told them that wherever the Guru is, that is the mutt for him. Doing service to the guru is puja to the deity - sri.Chandramouleeswarar. He told the mutt people firmly and officially, also as the head of the mutt now that he is going to continue his services to his Guru. 

The calm dove had become a roaring lion here and nobody could say anything to the Balaswami's wishes. 

- "Karunaik Kanchi Kanaka Tharai" - Ra.Ganapathi Anna

Let the disease come into me and leave my Guruji
Let it catch the child and leave its mother
The one who took care of me more than my mother would
The one who took pity in this person who is worse than a dog (278)

Who chiseled my thought process,
Who stood by me everyday
Who showed me the Lord Umamaheswaran, who is like the word and its meaning,
Who showed me the God who is "Maruntheeswara" (Lord of medicine) (279) 

Who showed the lotus feet of the God, 
Who told me the great philosophy of advaitha,
Who taught me the greatness of doing nothing,
Isn't he the one? Isn't my Guru my life ? (280)

Wherever he is, that is where the mutt is
Without him, there is no mutt
Wherever he is, I should also be there
The care that I take of him is the one (281)

which even the God will take as Puja
If i took this body as important and leave him
And live separately, is that right?
Even if the skies fall down, I will be with him (282)

When he told this, all the mutt people were worried
What if the disease catches the young guru as well?
What if he also gets stricken? They cried
"Please care for us Goddess", they went and fell at Goddess' feet (283)

Who can stop the destiny? Who can prevent God's will from happening?

The "Parabava year" - Palguna month - Krishna Paksha Ashtami day, paramaguru swaamigal attained the lotus feet of God. That was, as per the tamil calendar, Thai month, 24th day. By English Calendar, that was the year 1907, February 6th. 

When the sishya said that "let the disease catch me and leave my guru", only the first half really happened.

The Goddess of measles caught the one who continued to care for his Guru inspite of everyone telling him not to. 

Just eight days!

The calm one, the peaceful one, the one who practiced absolute celibacy, the one who had no other desire but to service his Guru - the one who was thus praised by our SriCharanal, the one great person, was taken away by the Goddess. 

That was February 13th Palguna month, Sukla Paksha Prathamai. Masi month , 2nd day as per the tamil calendar. 

-"Karunaik Kanchi kanakatharai" - Ra. Ganapathi Anna
The Goddess laughed; even while she saw the crying children
She swooped down and caressed the Guru
And bathed him with the flood of her grace
Took him as her own; took him away (284)

The one who had no other desire but his Guru's service 
The one who had only his Guru's lotus feet in his heart
The great Mahadhevar also was graced by the mother Goddess!
He also was taken away to be near his Guru (285)

She is said to be the personification of grace; she is the mother of Kanchi
She is said to be the ocean of love which takes care of those melting hearts
She is said to be the one who protects the world in the form of the guru
Did she forget to protect when the time came? (286)

Love is her form; grace is her ways
She is full of sweetness with not a moment of pain
Even for those who don't ever think of her, she shows only her grace
Did she forget those lives which lived thinking of her? (287)

When the Lord of death came to take the life that day, 
The one who was half of her husband, 
Lifted the left leg, and kicked Him
But today, had she forgotten these people ? (288)

When God Shiva got angry because his Penance was disturbed
And burnt down the Cupid who makes everyone fall in love,
With all the world applauding, she gave him his life back
Today, did she become negligent? Failed to save these lives? (289)

Almost near the end, when he was about to die,
Abiramai bhattar firmly held on to Goddess and sang
She came the next instant; gave her ear ring as the moon
But, had she turned into a raging fire now? Did she eat them both? (290)

One day, Arunagirinathar, with the worst of the diseases,
Thought of Lord Muruga; decided to end himself
But, the Goddess Mother went as Muruga and saved him
But, did she end up eating the two of them today? (291)

When the elephant cried out "AdhiMulame Come"
She had come in a second as Lord Hari
She listens to even the simplest of living beings
Why did she take their lives today? (292)

When the child Prahladha was given poison, 
When Vaageesar fell into the sea with Shiva's name on his tongue,
When Savitri called for the God to get her Husband's life back,

Is there anything that she wanted to to with these two 
In Her world? Is that why she took them both?
Is it that she put a show of taking them away
Only to have the two children on her lap and cuddle them? (294)

What do we know! Everything is her show
What do we know! Birth and death are all part of the show!
What do we know! Even death is a gift at times!
What do we know! Everything is her grace! (295)

Canto : 1 : Avatharak Kandam
Chapter : 21 : JagathGuru

From Today, we shall see the story of Swaminathan becoming the JagathGuru of Kanchi kamakoti peetam.

"Guru as called for the child" - the news from the mutt
Made the family get very confused; but they 
Immediately started with the child to see the Guru
And fall at Guru's feet, however, that day (296)

Father was not in station; hence the mother
Started with Swaminathan to kanchi
And thought of going to Kalavai from Kanchi
Thinking thus, she went to Kanchi with Swaminathan (297)

Some people from mutt also had come to Kanchipuram
They told Swaminathan to go to Kalavai
The child also began his journey alone 
Wondering as to why his Guru had asked him to come (298)

The questions kept popping up in his mind
As he was searching for the reasons, 
He was told that his Guruji had reached the lotus feet of God
Along with his loved disciple (299)

As the one riding the bullock cart told further,
Fear kept raising in the boy 
The rider told him further : "you are a child, 
From the time I saw you, I have taken concern in you" (300)

I think you will be put in charge as the next sankaracharya
The boy was stunned;
"Next Guru? Me? " he kept asking himself
He sat down hunched and kept saying "Rama, Rama" (301) 

"During our journey, the maistri hinted to met that I might not return home and that the rest of my life might have to be spent in the Mutt itself. At first I thought that my elder cousin having become the Head of the Mutt, it might have been his wish that I was to live with him. I was then only 13 years of age and so I wondered as to what use I might be to him in the institution.
But the maistri gradually began to clarify as miles rolled on, that the Acharya, my cousin in the Poorvashram, had fever which developed into delirium and that was why I was being separated from the family to be quickly taken to Kalavai. He told me that he was commissioned to go to Tindivanam and fetch me, but he was able to meet me at Kanchipuram itself. I was stunned by this unexpected turn of events. I lay in a kneeling posture in the cart itself if shocked as I was, repeating Rama Rama, the only spiritual prayer I knew, during the rest of the journey"

Kanchi Mahaswami in Bhavan's Journal article on "What life has taught me"

"Me? Becoming Sankaracharya? I was stunned. Since my home was connected to the Kanchi Mutt from time immemorial, from the time I know, we have always thought of Sankaracharyar also as one of the Gods that we pray to. Even if there was no special Bakthi towards any specific God, we thought that there are lots of Gods and within that, Sankaracharya is also one. Till that moment, the one whom we thought of as God, one who was at some peak, was suddenly supposed to be no more and suddenly, that is now going to be myself, and whatever He was doing, you have to do from now on, and there is no one to guide you too...when I heard all this, my brain froze. There was a huge panic inside me. I was crying and shivering the whole way to Kalavai. I kept telling "Rama, Rama" the whole way. 

- Kanchi Munivar Ninaivuk Kathambam - Ra. Ganapathy

The name which got rid of Akalika's curse, which killed demons
Which got Guhan as the brother of Rama
Which stays in the heart and removes fear
Which gives whatever one wants (302)

The name which gave salvation to even a bird, gave life to a monkey,
Made a demon a king of Lanka, 
which doesn't differentiate between those who deserve and who don't
If one recites it with all the heart, which saves one (303)

which removes worries, brings in peace, 
which saved the most virtuous of all women - Seetha
Which is recited even by Siva, and by Hanuman
Which removes karma of all the births,the boy kept repeating it (304)

"He also, without expecting it, when got appointed as the head of the mutt, was stunned. However, as He Himself told, when he entered the Srimutt, which was camping at the "Kalavai" village which is in north arcot district those days, his fear and shivering subsided substantially. 

In His words, "Surprisingly, for some reason, the crippling fear which was there, had gone. There was still fear - in that situation, any one would be having a honest fear - but that crippling fear had gone" 

- Karunaik Kanchi Kanakatarai - Sri. Ra.Ganapathi Anna

There, when I thought of entering the mutt compound, I was having a crippling fear. Both Gurujis, the Paramaguru who was so loving towards me and the cousin brother, both having attained the lotus feet of God, how would it have been? 

But, when I got down there, surprisingly, the fear had gone!

"Guruji has not gone anywhere, even if we cannot see him or not, He is here, living here for ever! I had a clear feeling that Whatever happens here, He will take care"

- Kanchi Munivar Ninaivu Kadambam - Sri.Ra, Ganapathi Anna

The crippling fear which gripped the mind, when he entered the mutt
He realized had gone away, and when he thought 
In his mind, that his Gurujis' place is this
He Realized that he is getting confidence and strength (305)

He saw that all the mutt people were waiting for him 
With worried faces and pained looks
His heart felt heavy when he saw all this
He thought of his Guru in his heart; came in purposefully (306)

"My mother started to Kalavai mainly to console her sister whose only  son had become a monk and she would be distressed that her only son has become useless to her in her home; let us go and give her moral support. But, it became more than this, to the shock of everyone. Her son not only left home, but also left the world! That time, when my aunt cried, hugging my mom, she, in a state of shocked pained state, said " It is said that Adi sankara Bhagavat Padha, did not want to die before his mother and took sanyasa; He had given sanyasa to my son and made my stomach burn; he has also made your son a monk now! At least, let Adi sanakara make your son live for a hundred years, adding Kanthan's years to his life!" - Sri. Periyava said all this without any great emotion

- Karunaik Kanchi Kanaka Tarai - Sri. Ra. Ganapathy Anna

Mother came to Kalavai  to console her sister
Who kept crying since her only son had passed away
Mother saw her and started crying
Thinking about this life which is all but a mirage  (307)

The son, born of a penance, the only son, 
Became a monk; I consoled myself but now
He had died, and he has killed me too
Let his years be added to your son (308)

The one who was calmness personified, I lost him
I lost my peace; what is the point of living?
How can my pain be brought down? Let your son
Live for a hundred years, with Kanthan's years added to his (309)

"Some days back, this wonder child had a dream in which an elephant came and put a garland to him. Elephant will put a garland only to the king of kings - right? When his mother heard of his dream, she thought so and was elated. "Apple of my eyes" she said and hugged him. The child now reminded his mother of that dream : "Mom! you only said that I am going to be a king of kings? Why don't you consider that - this is that Rajayoga?"

- Karunai Theivam Kanchi Munivar - Sri. Ganesa Sarma
As her sister said, she also cried and despaired
The child who was like a rock, went down with the mountain
The child who is like a calf, is going to become a monk
"What kind of a life is this" she said, blaming the destiny (310)

The child looked at his crying mother and said,
"Mother, remember the dream I had; when an elephant came
And put a garland on me? you said that I am going to be
King of kings and that the world is going to bless me? (311)

Entire world blessing, is higher than a king for the one
Who has given up everything, who has won over his senses
Who has all the living beings' well being as the only aim
Who is in essence a monk, who has renounced everything? (312)
Isn't the son that you call yours, is going to be 
Of all people? Haven't all women become my mothers?
Haven't all the people and not just my own, become my relatives?
Haven't all the living beings, become my own life? (313)

Please stop worrying! My Guru's grace is there!
The fortune of Kamakoti peetam is calling for a life of penance
The fortune of doing only good to all the people, 
Who can say no to it? who can get it? Stop worrying (314)

"The initiation into Sanyasa of Sricharanar....was not a happy occasion. With two Gurujis having passed away in eight days, the fear of what more is going to happen and what the Goddess is going to do, were clouding the occasion that time"

"When the end of the Guruji within the eight days of the previous Guruji passing away, 'those who fought for Kanthan to become the next in line were shattered. They understood that the next in line was actually Swaminathan"

- "Karunaik Kanchi Kanaka Tarai" - Sri. Ra. Ganapathy Anna

Having said, he went into the mutt
With pained heart, she kept looking at him,
The child whom she has seen growing every single day
When am I going to see him again? she kept weeping (315)

The elders from the mutt came and took him inside
"We lost our Guru and the next in line too"
"We don't know what is happening here" they wept
"It is a mystery - what happened here" they said (316)

The previous Guru wanted to have you as the next Guru
His Guru also thought the same
The mother of this peetam, also wants that 
So, take the oath and come, they said (317)

He steeled himself, gave up likes and dislikes
Gave up all that his for this world
Gave up anger, worldly possessions and feeling towards his ilk
Surrendered to his Guru's lotus feet (318)

"Paramaguru Swaiji's was going down with bad health, with Swaminathan as next in line, he discussed with Panditjis on what to be done in case his end came before Swaminathan came down. Even if the Guruji is not there, to get the Diksha and Acharya Pita from him, both in accordance with shastras and law, he came to know that there were ways. Hence, he did a few things towards the same. However, since there was a difference of opinion, he gave the next in line to Kanthan. However, whatever were prepared earlier, did not go unutilised. They were being safeguarded in case they can be used for someone else's initiation into sainthood. They came in handy now when the next Guruji also could not directly get Swaminathan initiated, 

With Vedha chanting, one pita was laid down in anticipation of Swaminathan

The saffron cloth, the sceptre, the ascetic's picher, the holy rosary and along with these, the teaching of gurujis, all were taken by an  old, eligible, good advaita sanyasi and placed on the pita with proper vedha mantras

In this way, Sri charana;s initiation into Sanyasa and as the next in line of the Kamakoti Pita was ordained both from a point of view of shastras as well as the law

- Karunaik Kanchi Kanaka Tarai - Sri. Ganapathy Anna

"In the Parabava Year, Masi Month, 2nd day, that is in the year 1907, February 13th, he was given initiation into sainthood and was given the name Sri Chandra sekarendra Saraswathi. After that, he did all that had to be done for his Guru and his Paramaguru properly and went to Kumbakonam. There, he was coronated as the Head of Kanchi Kamakoti Pitam on a thursday, the Guruvar in the hindu calendar, the 27th of Chittirai month, in the Plavanga year"

- Karunai Deivam Kanchi Mamunivar - S.Ganesa Sarma

Guru's teacings for the lovely boy
And all the blessings were put together
On a Pita, with Vedha chanting, 
with the whole world bowing,the boy became a monk (319)

He gave up his name, took on the name given by the elders
As Chandira sekara indira saraswathi
The sweet name
The name which personifies love, the name personifying grace (320)

The Pitam, where the Great Adhi Sankara, 
The one who was Lord Siva himself 
He ascended, with the Vedha chanting on
With All the past gurus blessing, he blossomed as Siva Himself (321)

with this, the "Avatara Kandam" of the Mahaperiyava Puranam comes to an end.

We have looked at this God's very own incarnation come here as a child, grow up, play, study and in a very painful situation, getting ordained as the Guru of the Kamakoti pita. I bow to the lotus feet of Maha periyava who has blessed me to tell the story this far. 

From now on, I pray to allow me to talk about His yatras, His grace and His various acts of grace

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