Sunday, January 17, 2016

Maha Periyava Puranam : Maha Periyava's Story in English : In Poetry form: 2. Vijaya Yatra Kandam : Stanzas 1 to 410

Maha Periyava Puranam (Maha Periyava Story)

2. Vijaya Yatra Kandam : His Travels

This is Maha Periyava - PujyaSri Chandra Sekarendra Saraswati swamigal's story in Tamil poem form - translated in English. 

This is in continuation to the Avatarak Kandam - where we saw the birth to the sainthood of our beloved Periyava. 

In this canto, we will see his many travels - "yatras" where he walked all over the country and blessed people. 

I have taken the material from the book "Pujya Sri. Swamigal History" published by Alliance 
Publishers, written by Sri. Sambamurthi Sastrigal, Sri. Kuppuswami Iyer, Sri 'Sollin Selvan' P.N. Parasuraman and the discourses on "Periyava Sapthaham" by Sri. Ganesa Sarma as guidance for me in this effort. 

My namaskarams to Sri. Sambamurthi Sastrigal, Sri. Kuppuswami Iyer, Sri 'Sollin Selvan' P.N. Parasuraman and Sri. Ganesa Sarma.

Canto : 2 : Viyaja yatra kandam
Chapter : 1 : Thiruvanaikaval

From today, we will see the "Vijaya Yatra Canto". In our Periyava's 87 years as the sage of Kanchi, he has walked the nooks and corners of India, with his lotus feet getting blisters and his body getting pained. He has visited numerous temples, numerous places of importance, climbed mountains. He has walked and toured countless villages. He has talked to crores of people and solved their problems.

Let us start with his first yatra : the Tiruvanaikaval kumbabishekam yatra.

"The first Yatra of Periyava was in 1908 - and that of Trichy Jambukeswara temple Kumbabishekam"

- Karunai Theivam Kanchi Ma munivar" - Sri. S. Ganesa Sarma

Parvathy once, because of Siva's wish,
Left the great Kailash and came down,
With Kauvery water, she created a linga
And did puja under a Jamun tree (1)

Shiva, who was like water then, was happy
Came down to pacify his consort who was pained by the separation
He gave her Upadesha (teaching), gave her "SivaGnana" (the Sacred wisdom)
And thus, lord Shiva took care of her (2)

The Story of this Temple : A very long time back, this was a place full of white jamun trees. There was a shiva linga under a white jamun tree. From the set of people who were with Shiva, two had come down here because of a curse and were born as elephant and a spider. The shivalingam was without any roof and was outside and hence was in the midst of rain and hot sun. So, the spider spun its web and ensured that the leaf etc from the nearby trees don't fall on the lingam and that the lingam was protected to an extent from the elements. The elephant would bring water from Kavery and will do abishekam (bathing the lingam) and puja. It will see the web and think it is an eyesore on the lingam and destroy it. The spider would come the next day and see that the web has been destroyed and spin the web all over again. This continued for days. One day, the spider decided to find out who is destroying its web and found about the elephant. It wanted to punish and kill the elephant and waited one day and entered the trunk of the elephant. The elephant could not take it and rolled on the ground. But, both of them succumbed in the ensuing battle. Shiva graced both of them for their immense devotion to Him. He made the elephant the head of his servant team. He made the spider born again as a king called "Kochengat Chola". This was the king who built this temple. But, due to the emotions of the previous birth where he fought an elephant, he constructed this temple in such a way that no elephant can enter the steps - the steps are very narrow. He built 70 such temples. Thirunavukkarasar talks about this story in his poem in the 4th Thirumurai. 

The shiva's servants were cursed once
They came here as a spider and elephant to do penance
As a Shiva lingam was there, out in the open
The spider saw that it was open to the elements (3)

It spun its web on the lingam and
Tried to protect it from the sun and the rain
The elephant, took bath in a nearby stream
And came to bath the lingam (4)

Elephant saw the spider's web
On the God who gives everything,
Who has spun this dry ugly web?
Thinking thus, it cleaned it up (5)

That night, the spider came back
It could not see the web anymore
Worrying about what happened,
It spun it again, better than before (6)

"Who does this?" The spider was livid
It wanted to fight the perpetrator
Who does this to the Lord? It is ok to kill him
Thinking thus, it hid in a place and waited (7)

The elephant came the next day to bathe the lingam
"Why is this spitting on my lord? 
Why is it destroying my web which protects the lord?
Why is it doing this such injury to the lord?" (8)

Tinking thus, the spider waited for the right time
And, entered the elephant's trunk
And, gave a mighty bite
The elephant heaved and shouted in shock (9)

The elephant, bitten, rolled on the ground
Got hit around, and with poison hitting, fell
Convulsed and died; the spider, caught in the trunk, 
Got smashed around and died too (10)

The elephant became the head of the servants of Siva
The spider became a king in the next birth
It constructed many siva temples and built
The "Thiruvanaikkaval" temple sanctorum where no elephant could come in (11) 

Goddess Akilandeswari was angry. Nobody could stand in front of her and have her darshan. That time, Adi Shankara came there, took all that anger out. Created big earrings and put in all that anger inside it and made it possible for us all to have her darshan easily. From that time, for all the main happenings in that temple, the kamakoti peeta heads are called in.

- Karunai theivam kanchi mamunivar - Sri.S.Ganesa Sarma

The history of the Temple : Continued: 

Thiruvanaikka is where Goddess Akilandeswari rules. Her ear rings are big ones and look bright for all us bakthas to see. These are called " Thadangas". Long before now, the mother Goddess was angry. She was having a cruel look. Her devotees could not see her and pray to her. Sri.Adisankara came there and made her calm down. He also put in the idols of Ganapathy and Muruga, the sons of the Goddess in front of her and on her back side to ensure that she stays calm.

Because of Kali, the people changed
Got worse; Goddess not amused
Because of these happenings, she got angry
Took an ominous form and asked for sacrifices (12)

Sankara came there, saw how mother Goddess was
Created "thadangas" - the ear rings 
In the form of srichakra, took all her anger in there
and put on her ear  (13)

Adi sankara came and saw the state of Goddess mother
He prepared a set of ear rings in the form of sri chakra
and put them on the Goddess
Which made her anger go away (14)

Slowly, the anger going down, he also
Put the idol of Lord Ganapathy, Goddess' son in front
In the form of "om", which touches the heart,
So the Goddess' anger never surfaces (15)

Speciality of the temple : Thiruvanaikaval is one of the "pancha bootha sthalas'. This means that it is a temple which is specifically renowned for one of the five basic elements. This is remembered for "water" as the element. There is a water flow around the linga. Also, in this temple, the fourth prakara was built by the God Shiva himself who came as a Siddha and who gave the sacred ash as the payment to those who worked to build it. The sacred ash became gold equivalent to the work and efforts of the people. That is why this wall is called the "Wall of the sacred ash"

Sankara had created the "thadanga" in this temple (the ear rings)
Hence, to carry out pujas and special functions, 
Those who belong to the Sankara Mutt are given
Preference and that is a custom here (16)

Thiruvanaikkaval is a temple - one of the five elements
Water flows around the linga there!
God himself with his own hands built the wall around
The wall is called the "Wall of the sacred ash" (17)

Talking about Thiruvanaikaval temple and Goddess Akilandeswari, one cannot but think of the song "Akilandeswari Rakshamam" by Sri.Muthuswamy Dikshithar. I am sure all the people who might see this / follow this blog would be knowing the song, its meaning, the number of stories which are there in the and about the temple. However, if anyone is interested, the same can be referred in this blog :

"The temple, called Jambukeswaram, situated next to Trichinopoly, is a famous one. The king 'kochchengat Chola', belonging to the sangam times, is supposed to have built it. In the year 1908, Sri.Sa.Rama family of Kanadukaththan had done the repair jobs for the temple at the expense of several lakhs of rupees.  That year, in February month (Hindu year pilavangam and in the month of Thai), the date for the Kumbabishekam had been fixed. It was one of the best kumbabishekams of that period from south india. For this, Sri.Narasimma Bharathi Swamiji of Sringeri saradha peetam also had come and graced the occasion."

"There was an invitation from Thiruvanaikkaval to the Bala swamiji to bless the kumbabhishekam with his presence. For one who has been planning to start his Vijaya yatra, it became a good omen. At the appropriate time, they started from the Kumbakonam mutt and reached Jambukeswaram one week before the Kumbabishekam day. The kumbabishekam was conducted with all the pomp and glory in His presence. 

- Pujyasri Maha Swamigal Story

"In this, the other speciality was that the Acharya from Sringeri also participated in that Kumbabishekam"      - Karunai Theivam Kanchi Mamunivar" - Sri.Ganesa Sarma

For the kumbabishekam of
The temple with such greatness,
They had invited the saints from Manchi and Sringeri
To come and bless the occasion with their presence (18)

At fourteen years of age, the young saint
Who was thinking of visiting different places and temples
This news of kumbabishekam at the temple
Where the Husband gave upadesha to Goddess mother (19)

The invite from the great Thiruvanaikkaval temple
Became a good omen 
For one who wanted to walk this great country,
This news became a good news !(20)

Baranitharan writes about the Thiruvanaikkaval Akilandeswari temple kumbabishekam which happened in the year 1908, as it was told to him by Periyava:
"The next year to the year Periyava became the head of the peetam, in 1908, the kumbabishekam of Thiruvanaikaval temple happened. Periyava explains the situation as if it is happening in front of him: 
"I was going on a small palanquin. Very near to me, Sringeri Mutt Sri.Narasimha Barathi Swamigal was coming on a big palanquin. He is an elderly person. He is Periyava. I wanted to see how he looks. I turned around and saw him. At the same time, he also turned towards me. He was majestic to look at. I still remember the seeing him so very close to me" 

Periyava enacted a scene which happened more than 50 years before and continued: 

After that, the elders in the mutt, took me and told me to sit at a corner , very near Akilandeswari. It was very dark. I was told not to move away from that place. I was sitting there for a very long time. There was no air there. I was sweating profusely. I was feeling very hungry. I was thinking about when this kumbabishekam will et over and when I will be able to come out....telling this, He laughs!
- Baranitharan

The Guru decided to go to that Temple (the Appusthala - the water place)
And, having thought, told his people
He wanted to reach one week before the kumbabishekam day
And, as per his wish, everything happened (21)

The small plant went by a palanquin
Saw a big tree on its way!
The boy saint Kanchi seer
Saw the elderly seer, Sringeri Guru en route! (22)

The Sankara saw Himself over there
He Saw a figure which was full of light
The small little fire saw 
A big bright fire in front (23)

The Balaswami was told to be there at sanctum sanctorum
He was asked to come right in the morning
Asked to wait there till the Kumbabishekam got over
He was told to be there only (24)

Till the kumbabishekam finishes,
He was not supposed to move out anywhere
Hence, He stayed there, inspite of
Him feeling hungry and sweating profusely since there was no air there (25)

He went inside the sanctum sanctorum
Battling his tiredness, the lack of light and air there
Put his heart and soul on Goddess mother's feet
And stayed there near the Goddess (26)

The mother Goddess who became the medicine For Shiva's poison
Who sat on the left side of Shiva, The Akilandeswari,
He did the kumbabishekam and made new pair of ear rings for her
And did he take her as a picture in his heart? (27)

The child who came, giving up his mother and father, 
What did he get in the presence of this Mother?
The one who has given himself up for this world,
To him, What did the Goddess give ? (28) 

Canto : 2 : Viyaja yatra kandam
Chapter : 2 : Ilaiyaththangudi

Then, Periyava went to a place called "Ilaiyaththangudi". Periyava's Parameshti guru (paramaguru's guru) had attained mukthi in that place. Hence, Periyava went there, had darshan of his Paramaguru's guru. He accepted the people's welcome and came back to Kumbakomanm

-Karunai Theivam Kanchi MaMunivar - S.Ganesa Sarma

Then, Swamigal wanted to visit the adhishtanam of Sri.Mahadevendra Saraswathi, who was the 65th pontiff of the mutt. That Adhishtanam is there in Ramanathapuram district, in a village called "Ilaiyathangudi".

- Pujyasri. Maha Swamigal History

For Goddess to wear, after constructing the 'tadanga' (ear rings)
After doing Consecration of the temple celebrated even by the Gods
The Periyava who lived only for people like us,
He desired to see his Parameshti guru's adhishtanam (29)

The history of Ilaiyaththangudi : Once the Devas lost a battle with the Asuras and came to the earth with lots of fear. When they came down to Ilaiyaththangudi, they felt at peace. They constructed a linga from sand and prayed. They also prayed to Nitya kalyani Goddess. With Shiva's Grace, "Bairava" came there and helped Devas win the next battle with Asuras and helped remove their fears. 

When Gods lost the battle with Asuras and came tired,
This is the place which took care of them and removed their tiredness
The place which did everything for them, they made a linga out of sand
And prayed at the feet of Shiva and won the next war with Asuras (31)

The place which removed the tiredness then was called "Ilaiththangudi"
It is a lovely place; a place where Honesty prevailed
Even the plants growing there chant Shiva nama
And with women with lovely bangles, excelling in devotion to Shiva (31)

A Pandya king called 'Soundara Pandiyan", gave lots of rights of land to the Vaisyas of the day. He gave them, on the west of the sea, east of Piran mountain, north of the river vaigai, south of the river Vellarru, land which is enclosed in 3 sides. He also gave them construct temples, mutt and houses. He gave them the Ariyur Town, Piranmalai temple, Sundarappattanam temple and the Ilaiyaththangudi temple. The Ilaiyaththangudi temple was the first temple being given by the Pandiya king to the "Nagaraththar" - as they are called

Delighted, the king gave them the temple; with that,
They constructed temples for their community for a long time now, 
The "Nagaraththar" - the "Chettiyars", built Nine temples
And Prayed to Lord Shiva who gives us everything here and at heaven (32)

It was a place where people prayed 
To "Nitya Kalyani samedha Kailasa Nathan" as the God
It is a place willed with learned people; where trade grew!
It was a place full of great people ; where good deeds grew (33)

The 65th pontiff of the Kanchi Mutt, Sri.Mahadhevendra Saraswathi Swamigal, had gone on a tour to the Chettinad in the year 1889. He had stayed at Ilaiyathangudi then for a few months. The "Nagarathar" community who belonged to the temple of that place, had great respect for Swamiji and took care of him and ensured all the facilities were given to Swamiji. When Swamiji was walking around that place one day, he saw a place full of dense bushes. He stayed there for some time. The next day, he asked the trustee of the temple whether it was possible for them to give that particular place to the Kanchi mutt. The trustee team did not understand the inner meaning of Swamiji's query and hence suggested that they will instead give a bigger place near the temple itself. But, Swamiji wanted only this particular place that has been selected by Him. 

But, within a week of this happening, Swamiji's health declined and he reached the lotus feet of God. It was the "Virodhkruthu year", the 8th day of the Palguna month, (20-3-1860), thursday, a new moon day. The people of the town were stunned by this development. They established the Samadhi of the acharya in that very place selected by the Swamiji and established a Shiv linga and also the idol of Sri.Adhi Sahnakara there. That temple is being maintained by the Ilaiyaththangudi Devasthanam people even today. 

- Pujyasri. Mahaswamigal History 

The 65th pontiff came there, fell on the feet of 
Chandrachuda, who is living in Kailash, 
Left his mortal abode, left all the borders of life
Entered the permanent abode of God in that town! (34)

To see this town, to see Guru's abode
The one who carried the name of Lord Muruga in Thiruveragam
And who became a Guru praised by the world over, 
Came there like the root in search of water (35)

Came to the Adhishtana, stood before the Guru
Concentrated on the Guru's grace which can beat even the fate
Prayed on the lotus feet of Guru and filled him in his heart
And made his heart the abode of his Guru and asked for his grace (36)

He forgot hunger and thirst, did not eat anything and said
"You are my Lord Shiva, you are the one who destroys all karma"
His heart melting, his eyes filling, wept
His body convulsing, fell like a rod without support  (37)

Offered the "Thodagashtagam" and other prayers
Offered beautiful flowers and puja
Offered songs and bhajans and Obtained the Lotus feet
Which is not obtainable for anyone  (38)

Canto : 2 : Viyaja yatra kandam
Chapter : 3 : Kumbakonam - Mahamaham

Returning for the Mahamaham at Kumbakonam
Mahamaham comes once in every twelve years on the Masi magam day and is celebrated in Kumbakonam .  Periyava, after completing his yatras as mentioned above, in the year 1909, in the month of March, came back to Kumbakonam. That was the Mahamaham year. For that, the government and the public had done special arrangements. In the mutt also, for the people who visit, there were lots of amenities created in terms of staying place and food. On the day of Mahamaham, Swamigal came on an elephant and with the Tanjore king going in the front, Him going for His bath was a site to behold that year

- Pujyasri Mahaswamigal Varalaru

Having stood in front of Guru's final resting place
And, having completed the yatra, he came to see the place which gives bliss
For all those who come, it removes their karma 
The town with a hundred temples, called Kumbakonam (39)

The Story of Kumbakonam : 

When it was the time for the world to submerge in the final deluge (Pralayam), Bramha put all his creative energies in a pot mixed with the elixir. He left that pot on top of the Himalayan mountains safely. However, during the deluge, the sea water took the pot and pushed it towards the south. When the deluge finally stopped and all the water went down, the pot stopped at one place. The place where it stopped is called "Kumbakonam" as kumbam means pot in tamil. It is also called "kudamukku". Siva sent one arrow on the pot making the pot burst open. The elixir in the pot spilled all over the place. Siva took the sand soaked with the elixir, made a lingam and entered it. He is called "Adhi Kumbeswarar" 

- Tamil Wikipedia

In a pot, brahma put the elixir and left at the Himalayas
During the deluge, sea took the pot and pushed it to south
The pot stopped at a place ; now called Kumbakonam, also called "Kudamukku"
That is the place where all the three Gods have visited along with other Gods (40)

When the pot stopped, Siva came there
And aiming the pot, sent an arrow
The arrow pierced the pot and the elixir spilled all around
Benefiting all; Kumbakonam is the place filled with elixir (41)

With the elixir soaked sand, Lord Siva
Built a linga and put himself inside it
Sages and poets came and sang about Siva here
The place filled them with thoguhts about itself (42) 

The nine grahas (planets) which remove misery and pain
And add grace and liveliness to life are there around this place
People, who give even their own bones to others out of compassion,
The place is filled with such people and their love and affection (43)

Mahamaham Pond:

Of the numerous festivals celebrated In Kumbakonam, the festival which happens once in 12 years called "Mahamaham" is very famous. Once in 12 years, with Jupiter in leo and Sun in aquarius, in the month of MasI (roughly in end February), on the full moon day with Magam star, is called Mahamaham. That day, to take bath in the mahamaham pond, people come from various parts of the country, gather at Kumbakonam. It is said that the sins of those born in Kasi, goes in Kumbakonam and the sins of those born in Kumbakonam goes if they bath in the mahamaham pond. On the day of Mahamaham, it is believed that people from all the fourteen different worlds come here to take bath. It is also believed that Ganges, Yamuna, Saraswati, Narmada, Sindu, Kaveri, Godhavari , Sarayu, Porunai etc rivers also come here to take bath in the form of girls to remove their sins. The mahamaham pond has an area of 20 acres 

- Tamil Wikipedia

Once in twelve years, the day comes
with the moon in full flow, the full moon day, 
The magam star joins, called mahamaham day
With the seven rivers coming into the pond with grace (44)

The day which removes all the sins, removes all the misery
Even the Gods come here to take bat that day
The triumvirate of Gods ensure 
That they take care of those who pray and take bath that day (45)

The king of Tanjore going in front, 
Periyava going next on an elephant, 
Like the fire of penance, like all our goodness together
The Boy saint went there to take bath in the pond (46)

Those who came to see "Maham" saw "Maha greatness" there
Those who came to take bath, saw greatness coming there
The one who danced as the world danced, came on the elephant
The entire world dancing around him (47)

Canto : 2 : Vijaya Yathra Kandam
Chapter : 4 : Education - Vithyabyasam

In 1909 and 1910, in Kumbakonam itself, with the Pandits from the mutt, Sanskrit was taught to Swamigal. Apart from Sanskrit, Swamigal was also taught Sanskrit Kavyas and Dramas and also Vedha.

But, for Education sake,  an isolated, calm place became essential. They found one place called "Mahendra Mangalam" which was on the northern part of Kavery and at a distance of five miles from Musiri. It was a place which was full of nature. The mutt officials chose that place for Swamigal's further education

- Pujyasri. Mahaswamigal History

On the day of Magam, taking bath, blessing people, 
Removing the pains of here and the later lives, 
Living in the hearts of devotees, 
Continued his studies at the mutt itself; pandits came (48)

The one whom even Vedhas are searching for, the head of Vedhas, 
Was taught the Vedhas by the Pandits and was taught how to chant
Who came as the very essence of sound and music and who was an epic Himself
Was taught sanskrit, and epics and dramas in Sanskrit  (49)

To see the Child Saint, people kept coming
Without considering the time 
But, for the one who is the incarnation of the Shiva,
It was becoming difficult to spend time on studies (50) 

The mutt officials wanted an isolated place for learning
For the one who came as the greatest Guru 
They saw a place away from the bustle of the town
Selected a village, full of natural beauty (51)

Not only for the king of kings who protect the masses
But for all kinds of people, this was a good place
The God who comes to the down trodden to help
Studied there with everyone praising the same (52)

The place which gives all the grace and goodness
Called "Mahendramangalam", next to Musiri on bank of Kaveri
The one who wears the crescent moon on his head and the Ganges
Stayed there as a child saint and studied (53) 

It is a place where good people lived; where musical instruments
Abound with lovely music living on; where the great
King Mahendra Varma Pallava gave this village as a grant
For vedic studies and ensured the chanting of the vedhas (54)

Where all the four vedhas thrived; called "Chaturvedi mangalam" for it
Singam Iyengar, devotee of Lord Krishna
Gave the place where our periyava with the most mellifluous voice
Who gave the voice of God, pretended as if He has to learn things! (55)

People go to Kuththanur for their kids' starting their studies
However, this is the place where the Learning itself came down the learnt Vedhas
This is the place where the Saraswathi herself came to study
Hence, doing "Vithyabyasam" here can be very very auspicious (56)

The great Rama with his great Bow, learnt from a Guru. later
The great Krishna who gave us Gita, also learnt from a Guru
Is it to show the world that learning thru Guru is the only way
That the Boy Saint learnt thru the Gurus then? (57)

The God of Alangudi, who faces South,
Did he come here to learn the four vedhas all again?
Did he decide to learn from Gurus as a Boy?
As Periyava was Lord Muruga himself, is there anything that he had to learn? (58)

Chitram Vata tharor mole vruddha,
Sishya, Guror Yuva,
Gurostu mounam vykhyanam,
Sishyasthu china samsaya
 It is strange to see, The very old disciples,
And the very young teacher, Who sit under a banyan tree,
With the teacher always observing silence,
And the students getting all the doubts cleared.

Those who learn, learn by prostrating at the feet of the Guru
They go to the Guru, stand at his feet and learn
They listen to the Guru's words and learn it by heart
They understand the meaning and get clarity and see their minds focusing,  (59)

Typically, the Guru is old and sits and teaches
The younger ones who are there to learn, stand and listen to the Guru
The Guru goes on expounding the truth, the Students listen in attention
The listening and learning removes the ignorance; this is the way of the world! (60)

But, the shattering the traditions of the world, to everybody's amazement,
There was a new way of learning which was happening!
The one who removed Brahma's head and came to Alangudi
Sat in silence and his students learnt everything! (61)

The God who sits facing the south, sat full of youth,
His students, all very old, sat around his feet,
There was no discussion, no lectures, no sound
With only silence as the means, all the students got all the answers (62)

Swamiji's way of education was very unique. Normally, those who learn, respect those who teach as their acharyas and pay respect towards them and learn. However, those who taught Periyav had taken Periyava as their Acharya. Hence, before starting the lessons and after finishing that day's lessons, they will pay their respect to Periyava. Inspite of being in such a situation, Swamiji learnt the lessons very carefully and with atmost attention and with a focus on furthering his knowledge levels. He treated the Vidhwans very well and learnt properly.

 - Pujyasri Mahaswamigal History

If we thought this was unique, here,
The way the child of the Goddess who ensured victory for cupid
Ensuring defeat for her own husband, whom Brahma prostrates before
Learnt his lessons was simply astounding! (63)

Lots of elderly Gurus came to see the "Guru" child
Where the Child Guru was residing
They came, prostrated before the child
And when the Child Guru said yes, they started teaching Him! (64)

One day, as usual, in the garden on the back side of the mutt, the lessons started with a place having thatched roof and sand from the Kaveri river.

One day, when the Guru was taking the lessons, he saw that the Sishya was playing with the sand. However, he did not say anything and completed the lessons. The next day also, the same thing happened. He stopped the lesson in between and said that he would like to take leave and go home. The sishya could not understand why. "The lessons are still far from being completed it seems..." said the sishya. How can he ask what the problem is? The Guru himself said, "What is being taught is not a normal lesson. It requires the heart, mind and soul to be focused for learning. The concentration should not waver at all..."

The Guru, who was teaching with lot of passion, was disappointed that the disciple, even though the disciple was the Jagadguru himself, was not paying attention to him the first day. The fifteen year old disciple was playing in the sand when the lessons were going on. The Guru could not take it. But, he could not discipline the student as the student was the jagadguru himself!! So, what do do? "Why should we waste our time for someone who is not interested in the lessons?" he thought and decided to go home. This was something that our Periyava understood very clearly. So, periyava with humility, told him, "Please don't get angry. Yes - I was playing in the sand yesterday when you were teaching. However, my full concentration was on what you were telling" However, the Guru doubted it.

How can one believe it? Periyava understood this dilemma also. He said, "If you don't believe in what I claim, why don't you test me in what you taught me?" The Guru agreed and asked a few tough questions from the lesson that he taught the previous day. Even before he finished asking, the answers came in a torrent. The answers covered the questions from before and from the lessons which were yet to be taught. The Guru sat stunned listening to all this. He fell on Periyava's feet and apologized profusely. And then he asked "Kindly allow me to take leave; I would like to go home".

Now, it was Periyava's turn to be stunned. In the first instance, the teacher wanted to take leave because he thought I was not paying attention. But, now that I have clarified his doubts, why does he still want to take leave and go home? Periyava asked him slowly, "It seems that I have answered your questions well...and still why..." Guru told him, "You have answered them perfectly. It is clear that I have a lot to learn from you. You have nothing more to learn...I have now seen the stunning spectacle of water going from below to above,. I have no more work here to do. Kindly allow me to take leave" he said!

"Karunai theivam Kanchi Mamunivar" by Sri.Ganesa Sarma

One day, a guru came to teach him and started the lessons
The Boy saint was playing with the sand
The teacher was disappointed with the attitude,
He asked the student to allow him to go back to his place (65)

The God who rides the ox who had come as the student
Did not want the teacher to stop the lessons, asked the teacher to "test him"
The teacher asked very tough questions from the lessons
There came a torrent of perfect answers on the lessons taught and beyond (66)

The Guru who asked the questions was stunned by the answers
He fell on the student's feet and cried and again asked him to be allowed to go
Now, it was the student's turn to be stunned, he asked why
The teacher said, "My ego is now gone, I have nothing more to teach you" (67)

"I thought of you as a boy who did not know much
I thought I have to teach you the lessons
I did not know that the Lord Shiva himself has come here
Now I know that there is nothing for you to learn" he said (68)

1911, 1912 அண்ட் 1913 - in these three years, in our country, for the well known scholars and Pandits, and leaders, that village became a touring place.

In this period, there were a few key people who helped SriSwamigal in his proper education. Painganadu Sri.Panjapagesa sastrigal, Mahamahopadhya sasthra rathnakara sri. venkadasubba sasthrigal, sasthra rathnakara vishnupuram swami sasthrigal, thiruvisainallur ve.vengatarama sasthrigal were a few important people worth mentioning.

Also, during that time, there were a few people who were the head Vidhwans of the mutt and participated in the education of swamigal such as Mahamahopadhyaya panganadu Ganapathi sasthrigal, mahamahopadhyaya karungulam  Krishna sasthrigal, koti kannikathanam ubaya vethantham rajagopala thathachariyar were also worth mentioning in this.

- Pujyasri. Mahaswamigal History

They came,the famous ones,  all the way, finding His place,
They understood, here is the Guru, 
They heard about this fame and greatness
So they came, all those who were fortunate, who had done great penance (69)

The Student who was there to learn became Guru
Those who came to teach there learnt, 
Did the God who plays around, put a test here
Coming in as a student so that the Gurus can pass? (70)

Skandha became "Gurunathan" - the one who taught his Guru himself
By teaching Shiva Himself; and no one was there in comparison
But, that changed as all came to teach the One who was Shiva himself
All of them have become "Gurunathans" (71)

With all this education, Swamigal started learning English along with Frenc. Apart from this, he also learnt Marati and books in Marati. His interest in tamil was the greatest of all. Whenever he got some time, with the help of a few Tamil Pundits, he learnt Tamil literature and grammar. He did not spare any separate time for arts. Whenever he met people who were excellent in arts, he learnt the nuances of those. He liked Music the best. He also loved to watch natural scenes. He also loved to photograph nature. He also had excellent understanding of  how to operate camera.  He was also adept at diverse things such as Maths, Astrology, Astronomy.

When Swamigal left Mahendramangalam, he was just twenty years old. Within this short time, he became an expert in many fields. He had an excellent understanding of Puranas, Sthala Puranas, Archaeology, reading the old stone inscriptions apart from the latest science of the world.

Whatever was once learnt, was never forgotten by Him. From the scholars who came to see Him, he learnt many things. Apart from that, through His intuition, he went to the depth of the different aspects of the subjects to learn the same. He was also unparalleled when it came to understanding people.  

- Pujyasri. Mahaswamigal History

He learnt Vedhas and shastras; learnt all the religious texts
Learnt English and French 
Learnt the Great Tamil Language
Learnt Music and other arts from start to finish (72)

He learnt Astronomy, Maths, Astrology, Sthalapuranas
Learnt how to decipher stone inscriptions, 
Learnt camera and photography,
Learnt all the worldly knowledge as well, without even trying (73)

Whatever is to be learnt, were learnt well and stood in heart
Learning continued by talking to learned people; all the arts
Were learnt, the fine nuances of each clearly understood
And, were taught to others in a simple manner (74)

Those who came to Him, were quickly judged and understood 
For what they were; grace engulfing them all
The voice, playing like the flute of Krishna, giving Gita to all
The lovely feet gracing all of us walked the earth (75)

1911 to 1915 : Administration of the Mutt

In the year 1915, in the month of May, Sankara Jayanthi was celebrated. On that day, Swamigal completed twenty one years of age. Hence, from that day onwards, Swamigal took direct administration of the mutt. 

In 1915, Sankara Jayanthi was celebrated in the mutt eloborately. 

A Tamil monthly magazine "Arya Dharmam" was released that day by the Swamiji. A number of changes were brought in the administration of the mutt. The history of the mutt was also released in various languages. 

On the Sankara Jayanthi day, he become Twenty One
He not only tread the path of Adhi Sankara
He not only took care of the Dharma Sashtra
But now, he had to take care of the Mutt also (76)

He celebrated all the festivals in the Sankara Jayanthi festival
He is the one who bore the name of Sankara
On the Sankara Jayanthi day, as the boy became a youngman, 
The Sankara Jayanthi was also celebrated with pomp and glory! (77)

Canto : 2 : Vijaya Yathra Kandam

Chapter : 5 : Sankara Mutt Administration

While the administration was under him for namesake, it was actually run by the agent having the "sarvamukthiyar nama". 

Those days, from there was  Sri. Adaiyavalam Pasupathy Iyer, who belonged to Thirupathiripuliyur and who had great devotion towards Swamigal right from Swamigal's childhood. He took up the administration and provided able leadership in all fields, and did a great job and all this without getting any compensation whatsoever! He took the administration of the mutt now also. 

- PujyaSri. Mahaswamigal History

"The person who was praised by Periyava Himself as the person who did the utmost goodness to Him, was Sri.Pasupathy Iyer,. His relationship with the mutt started in Thirupathiripuliyur. What did he do? In the words of Sri. Periyava Himself, "I don't know what I would have become if he had not devoted at least ten years of his life to make me complete, monitoring  me all the time, telling what is right and wrong, telling it nicely or curtly - yes, even in a curt manner too - and by continuously telling, making me internalize at least a little...! I am not sure whether I have become complete. But, if I at least have a goal to travel in that direction, for that, his efforts and sacrifices are the key reasons"

Should the incarnation of God, the Periyava, does he need efforts of others tobe complete? Even if that kind of effort was required, the Goddess Shakthi whom he had surrendered to would have done that in an invisible manner - right? Should some one, tell Him nice or curtly, even curtly", tell him to get him tobe complete? Was he a low birth for that kind of effort to happen? - We might be thinking like this; but Periyava Himself really thought and said liek the above only. 

- Karunaik kaanchi kanakatharai - Sri.Ra.Ganapathi Anna

Pasupathy Iyer, a person of great heart,
Was there from the day the child ascended the throne
He put his heart and soul into making the child
Into a sage of great penance, like Shiva Himself (78)

Did God Shiva Himself come here
In the form of a man called Pasupathy Iyer?
Like the Cow which takes care of the calf, 
Did he take care and give us the boy as Pasupatheeshwara Himself? (79)

To take care of the Mutt, Pasupathy Iyer 
Became the Mudhradhikari and stood firm
He was there all through and did not take even a dime!
He treated this as his duty and did it with utmost care (80)

Canto : 2 : Vijaya Yathra Kandam
Chapter : 6 : Sankara Mutt Administration - Navarathri Festival

Navarathri Celebrations:

In October 1916, at SriMutt, Kumbakonam, Navrathri festival was celebrated with lots of pomp and fanfare. In all the nine days, there was a "Laksharchana" for the Goddess. 

For more than one lakh people, free food was provided. This was done by the great Thepperumal Nallur Sivan 

On the tenth day, on the night  of Vijayadhasami, Sri.Swamiji went to the city temples and had darshan of Gods. That night, thousands saw the sight of Swamiji coming on an elephant. That procession was about one mile long. It was lead by Pethatchi Chettiyar and Srilasri. Chokkalinga thambiran. On both sides, hundreds of power lights, lovely fireworks, Six pairs of Nadhaswaras, three pairs of  Band music, Vedha chanting, Thevaram chanting, Bajanai chanting, Four elephants, dancing horses were all there. Those, who saw , along with all these, Swamijis lustrous self were really the fortunate ones,

- PujyaSri.Mahaswamigal History

In the year 1916, this was one festival which was celebrated with all the pomp and fanfare. The whole place was alive with things such as one lakh chanting, one lakh lighting and so on. Wherever one went, there was the Vedha chanting, Other chants, and Carnatic Cutchery. In those days itself, about Rupees one lakh was spent on this. Those were the days when people did not get to see even one Rupee note. It is doubtful whether we would celebrate Navrathri in such a fashion even these days. 

- Karunai Theivam Kanchi Mamunivar - S. Ganesa Sarma

During Navarathri, there was a grand festival on all the nine days
The Goddess was decorated with lovely dresses; devotional hymns sung
For the mother who removes all the problems, Veena music 
And Vedha chanting along with Music Cutchery was organized (81)

Mother Goddess' thousand names were chanted
All those chanting became part of the tongue which chanted it
The Young saint, chanting it became mother Goddess herself slowly
And to those who were around, appeared as Mother Goddess herself! (82)

On the Vijayathasami day, He went to all the temples there
Along with the Troup singing Bhajans, like a spectacle,
Sitting on the Elephant, for all the people to see,
And wonder, "is this for real", Came, the son of Kamakshi (83)

It cost more than a lakh of rupees in those days itself!
There were a lakh of lights, with a lakh of chanting of God's name
Seen by a lakh people and more than a lakh ate that day
The objective was Puja of Goddess, not the lakh of rupees! (84)

Canto : 2 : Vijaya Yathra Kandam

Chapter : 7 : Sankara Mutt Administration - encouraging arts and learning

In the year 1917, in the month of August, Swamiji brought together a "Vidvath Sabha" made of great scholars. Pazamaneri Brahmasri Ramaswami Sastri, Brahmasri Thiruvisainallur Venkadasubbaa Sastri were some of the people who were honored with a title of "Sastra Ratnakara" and along with that Double Shawl and Silver Jari etc. 

In the same year, to ensure that even college students become committed to our  religion , Swamiji arranged for an essay competition in english. The topic was, "How to safeguard the Sanathana Dharma, taking into account the changing times"?  Lots of students from big cities such as Chennai, Trichy and Madurai participated in this competition. 

To encourage education and arts, 
Swamiji established many "Vidvath Sahas"
He honored great scholors with 
Titles of "Sastra Ratnakara" (85)

To the question of "Will this religion, 
Which has survived from time immemorial
Can survive going forward", to ensure it does, 
In that dream, He found a way to bring in youngsters! (86)

To establish the Dharma, He understood what is required
To ensure it, to get the people who will uphold it
To work for it, He wanted youngsters and in that
He wanted the students to join the force (87)

He found a way to bring them! In that, those who study in English
To bring them to His way, he found a way
He gave a lovely topic and asked the students to write on 
How to uphold the Sanathana Dharma (88)

In this year and in the coming years, for the students, He also arranged for a stipend. 
Also, He established an Ayurvedha Vaidya Shala to ensure free treatment for poor people. 

- Pujyasri. Mahaswamigal History

In Every town, He conducted the essay competition
And, to those who topped it, gave away prizes
He also established stipends for youth
And ensured Vedha lived with comfort and dignity (89)

Not only did He ensured the longevity of Vedhas
But also for the poor people
He established an Ayurvedha Vaidya Shala
For free treatment and disease free living (90)

Encouraging Arts:

From 1914 to 1918, Swaamigal was staying in Kumbakonam. During that time, scholars of North Indian, and South indian scholars, musicians, people interested in education used to come to Him from various parts of the country. There used to be lots of hot debates on Shastras. Swamigal used to listen to both sides patiently and finally explain the key points on both sides and give his opinion in a way which was acceptable to all. This was something which people were delighted to see.

- Pujyasri. Mahaswamigal History

Scholars came there, to His place
Spoke about Shastras 
Philosophical discussions happened there
Key points used to be debated about  (91)

Swamigal listened to arguments of both sides 
Then He , in His inimitable style and lovely voice
Explain the intricate points to all
And, close the discussion with final verdict citing Vedhas (92)

"Avathanam" : The Great Art of doing many things at the same time:

In those days, "Ashtavathanis", "Sadhavathanis" etc people would come and show their talent. Sadhavathanis are those who can listen to hundred different questions and answer them one after the other in the same order, without any errors. 

When their talent is tested, those who are testing it, those scholars would sit around the Sadhavadhani. In sanskrit or in Tamil or other languages, they will give the first line and the questioning will go to the next person. Next person might be a scholar in maths and he will ask a big mathematical problem. The next person might be an astrologist. He might tell the person being tested a horoscope orally and ask the ramifications of that horoscope. The next person might sing a very rare raga and expect the name to be told; the next person might tell the name of a flower; the next person might ask the name of the demon in Ramayana who did a particular act and so on and so forth. The person being tested, should answer all these, in the same order as the questions were asked, without any errors whatsoever. Those who see this spectacle, will be stunned at the skills.

- Pujyasri. Mahaswamigal History

The ones who came to do "avathanam"
Would converge to the place of the one who has done the "avatharam"
The person, will be asked questions
Without any gap whatsoever by many different scholars(93) 

They might give the last line of a poem 
He has to Complete the poem; 
A song will be sung; he has to tell the Raga
They might ask who escaped Rama's arrow (94)

They will give a five digit number to be divided by thirteen
Will give a horoscope and ask it to be detailed
Give a rhythm and beat and ask a song to be written
Give a tough word and ask the sanskrit word for it (95)

Will touch with flower; ring a bell
At random and ask how many times these were done
The person who is doing the performance - however elderly he is, 
He will be asked tough questions and will be put to test (96)

The one doing the Avathanam performance
Listens to all the questions, remembers them
His mind firmly on the questions
Answers on the same order as the questions (97)

How many times touched with flowers, the number of bell tolls
The song to be composed, who escaped Rama's arrows
The horoscope details, the sum that was given
And all the rest will be answered (98)

Swamiji and Avathanam:
One day, a very old Vaishvite Sadhavathani came to Mutt to see Swamiji. As usual, all the scholars there tested him. As the scholars were asking questions, Swaiji asked a person to note down the answers for those questions that he was offering. The vaishnavite scholar was also answering without any hesitation. The answers that Swamiji gave and the answers from the Vaishnavite elderly were the same, The scholars were astounded by the brilliance of Swamiji, Swamiji also gave Kashmir shawls and other gifts to the Sathavathani and took care of him.

One day one Vaishnavite scholar came to the mutt of Swamiji 
Swamiji was happy and asked him to sit down there
"I can do a hundred things at a time - the Sathavathanam 
I wanted to showcase it in your presence - he said (99)

The Swamiji, who can give Moksha itself with one smile
The swamiji who is the son of Kanchi Kamakshi herself, 
Smiled and called the scholars there
"Here is a person who wants to perform this rare Sathavathanam feat" (100)

"Test him" He said; He also called one person and 
Told him to note down the answers to those questions
Which He would give as the Vaishnavite scholar was 
Being tested over there by others" (101)

The scholars started asking questions
The sathavathani started answering them effortlessly
The one having the face like lovely cool full moon
The Swamiji also started answering them in a sweet musical tone (102)

All answers from Swamiji corresponded to the answers from Sathavathani
All the devotees stunned by this brilliance of Periyava
But then, when the God of Vedha Himself speaks, 
Whatever He speaks becomes the truth! (103)

Once, Sri. P.Rajagopala Iyer, who was the professor of Physics and later the Principal of the Kumbakonam Government college, heard about Swamiji's intellect and brilliance thru his friends and wanted to meet and talk to Swamiji. 

Though he did not know how to properly respect Swamiji who is in the position of an Acharya, still, Swamiji understood the love and affection of his heart and accepted him and started talking to him..... 

Rajagopala iyer was surprised at Swamiji's brilliant intellect which could very easily explain the intricate points of physics

Later on, they discussed about astronomy. In this, Swamiji explained the similarities between Indian astronomy and the astronomy of the foreigners. He also explained it with a telescope brought from the college. The scientists were surprised at the kind of detailed explanation given by the Swamiji about the different points of astronomy. They were surprised at how Swamiji could explain with such felicity without any college education in the subject whatsoever!

Scientists came to see the one who excelled in the science of the truth
The one excelled at the science of the penance and helped people with 
The science of reaching God, also talked about Physics 
And astronomy which talked about the beauty of the universe ! (104)

He also talked about the ancient indian people and their science 
And compared it with the science of the foreigners
He not only talked about the Gita expounded by the one who ran the chariot
But also about the science of Agriculture which is run with the plow! (105)

Treating other religions as equal:
Any religion which accepts God, is acceptable to Swamiji. He opined that people should try to reach God from whichever their religion happens to be. A lot of people had seen in person or had heard about Swamiji's broad mindedness and religious tolerance. Sri.Jinaraja Das of Brahma Gnana Sabha had come once and met Swamiji. He discussed about all the world religions in detail for a long time and was very happy about the broad vision of Swamiji.

Any religion accepting God was acceptable to Him
If one can put the God in the prison called pure heart
And pray, whether to the Four Vedhas, the cross or the Crescent moon,
God will come there, He used to say! (106)

Don't join other religions thinking it offers something new!
Don't pluck other people into your religion!
Treat your religion as penance and learn it well
And go the way it shows it to you, He said (107)

To appreciate the finer aspects of music, there is none comparable to Swamiji. Whenever great Vidhwans used to come and perform concerts at the mutt, Swamiji used to pay attention to the different kritis being sung, the Raga, tala and other intricate aspects. To the utter surprise of the Vidhwans, He used to ask many clarifications on the same.  Since He knew Telugu, He used to explain the meaning of songs of Thiyagaiya Swami and so on to the Vidhwans. He used to insist that while singing, one should understand the meaning of the songs being sung. And, hence, the singers should learn at least Tamil, Telugu and Sanskrit very well. He also used to say that in the olden days, the Vidhwans of music used to learn many languages. 

In those days, the Vidhwans of Music and the Bhagavadhas, who used to do "Katha Kalakshepam" (telling stories from Puranas with songs in between) thought it to be a great opportunity to perform before Swamiji and to get His blessings. 

The music which unites one with God
Would be listened to with appreciation by our God
The meaning of it all, 
Would explain the meaning of it to all  (108)

He used to insist that one should understand the meaning of the song before singning
For that, He said that one should know the language
Learn Tamil, Telugu and Sanskrit at least, He said
For those who were in the field of music (109)

The singers all wanted to come and sing in His presence
As He listened to them appreciatively, they danced with joy
They prostrated before Him and took His blessings
And they lived such a joyful life thru divine music (110)

Chapter : 8 : Vijaya Yathra : Kumbakonam to Rameswaram : Started on Sivarathri Amavasya, in the month of March, in the year 1919

To see the sacred places in the country and to have bath in the sacred waters of the country and to teach the sishyas, Swamiji started on His Vijaya Yathra on the Sivarathri Amavasya day (new moon day) in the month of March, in the year 1919, from Kumbakonam. In this tour, around hundred and fifty people went with Him. Apart fromthis, about twenty bullock carts, elephants, horses, cows also went. 
- Pujyasri. Mahaswamigal History

To see the sacred places, to bath in sacred waters,
To teach sacred knwledged, to show the right way,
To remove all blemishes from us and to take care of us,
To take care of people who have no other go (111)

The God in form of man started His tour
With the body hurting, with all of those who came with hurting,
Started from where the Nectar pot broke
With Cows, Horses and Elephants forming the entourage (112)

Before starting the tour, He fell on the feet of Lord
Ganesha, who removed all the impediments and who 
Is the one who holds all the Universe together
He prayed and put flowers on Him (113)

After praying to Lord Ganesha, He went to 
The Brindhavan of His Gurus who gave themselves 
For this world and Prayed for 
The welfare of all the peopke in the world (114)

He gave lots of gifts to the Brahmins,
Did Chandra Mouliswara Puja
Accepted the puja from people and also their food at their places
Filled his heart and mind with God Shiva (115) 

He went to a beautiful place called "Vepaththur" 
Stayed there for two months for the rainy days
Conducted the "Vyaasa Puja" there
And also conducted the "Navrathri' Puja that year (116)

In the year 1920, in the month of March, Swamiji went to Sirugalathur, a place near Kumbakonam. There, the celebration of the first year of Vijaya yatra was held. Then, Swamiji went to Thiruvarur. At Thiruvarur, His students celebrated the first year completion of His tour (Vijayayatra) in a great manner and prostrated before Him. In all the days that He was there, Swamiji had darshan of Lord Thiyagaraja Swami of the Thiruvarur temple.

- Pujyasri. Mahaswamigal History

1920 : Month of March: 
There was a small place called Sirugalathur
Where Dharma was upheld, Vedhas were sung
The people there celebrated Swamiji's tour (Vijaya yatra)
First year completion in a great manner (117)

They had a great festival to mark the same
They did Puja and Biksha vandanam (giving food to Swamiji)
To Him who was the very embodiment of Lord
Vishnu, Siva and Mother Goddess all combined (118)

Thiruvarur : Sthala Purana

"Sthala" History (History of the place):
* In the ocean of milk, Vishnu prayed to Lord Thiyagaraja, keeping him in his heart. Because of the breathing of Vishnu, Vishnu's chest went in and out. Lord Shiva, danced in his heart according to the rhythm of this breath. Later on, Indra was given this idol and he offered his Puja. Later on, this idol was given to King Musukuntha by Indra. Along with this, six more idols of Thiyagaraja were given. All the seven together are known as "Saptha Vidanga Sthalas". 

* The tradition says that Indra himself comes and does the evening offering to Lord Thiyagaraja. 

* The Goddess Sakthi in the name of Kamalai did her penance here

* It is believed that the evening prayers and offerings of all the Shiva temples are available in this one temple itself.  

Periyava went to Thiruvarur later
It is a place which gives all the grace; the place where God lives!
The Lord Vishnu, prayed to Shiva in this very place,
 Keeping Him in his heart (119)

And, according to the breath of Vishnu, Shiva 
Did his "Ajaba dance" here in this very place
And, this is the first of the seven wonderful 
"Vidanga Sthalas" that are there in the world (120)

This is first among the sthalas (places) of five elements
The Navagrahas (the nine planets) - which make everyone afraid
Don't do any evil and stand in a straight line here
To see the girl of His friend, Suindarar, God Himself (121)

Went as a messenger in this very place!
This is a place which comes earlier to even Chidambaram
This is a place where the great Chila king killed
His son because a cow and asked for justice (122)

With mighty songs to Shiva, Devi and Rama who had
His bow and arrow as part of Him, spread happiness
Across the world, the three gems were born here called
"Sangeetha MummurthigaL" - the three gems of music (123)

"The chariot of Thiruvarur" is the saying and is so very famous
And beautiful a chariot, belongs to this place
If you are born here, you have got salvation is the saying
Making the people of this place very proud; Goddess Lakshmi did penance here (124)

The temple town had all this greatness 
Swamiji went to see the Lord Shiva of the temple,
The Lord Thiagaraja, The Lord who is a Siddha Himself, 
Who is called "mad" by His devotees, who gives wisdom (125)

The king of wisdom, who dwelled within Himself to be
The king of silence, who gave everything to all,
The king of giving, the king of sacrifice, went to saw
The king of the skies, the Lord Thiagaraja (126)

1920: The Sacred Mahodhaya Time : Vedharanyam & Nagappatnam

Swamiji went to Vedharanyam in 1920 for the Mahodhaya sacred time. He stayed there for a week. Swamiji took bath in the "Kodikkarai" sea there during that time. He also went to 'Agaththiyanpalli' which is near this place during that time. 
From there, He went to Nagapatnam. He had a resounding reception from the people there. He went and stayed at the Neelayadhakshi Amman temple. Thousands of people had come to welcome Swamiji there. 
          - Pujyasri Mahaswamigal History

At Thiruvarur, He saw Lord Thiyagaraja daily
Filled His heart with Him and then
Wanted to see Vedharanam, also called Thirumaraikkadu
Started walking with his lotus feet (127)

The four vedhas came and prayed to Lord Shiva
And, chanted His name in this very place
Hence the place is valled "Vedha - jungle" (Vedharanyam)
By all and is praised by all in earth (128)

In this "Thirumaraikkadu" (Vedha Jungle) temple, one day
A rat came, wanted to eat the ghee in the lamp
But without realising made the lamp burn brighter
God bestowed it to be the 'Maabali" - the Asura king in its next birth (129)

The temple's main gate, locked by the 
Four Vedhas after their Puja to God Shiva,
Opened up after Appar's song and then closed
For Thirugnana sambandar's son in this very place (130)

When Thirugnanasambandar wanted to go to the Kingdom of Pandyas
Appar told him that the time and the Planet position is not right
Thirugnanasambandar told him that these would not do anything 
When the Lord Shiva is there for all of us (131)

And, Sambandar sang the "Kolaru Pathigam"
Which gives one who recites daily, all the good things
Whom, the nine planets fall on the feet of
For whom the problems vanish into thin air (132)

Ram, by killing Ravana the demon king of Lanka,
Brought on himself the "Brahma hatthi dhosha"
And, when Ram came down here to this place, 
It helped remove it and gave him the solace (133)

The nine planets stand in a straight line here!
Buvanividangar does the 'hamsa patha' dance here!
Brahma did penance here to start the universe
Vishwamitra did penance here to become brahmarishi ! (134)

While salty water flows in all the wells in this place,
One can see the wonderful sight of
Good, tasty water flowing from the well in the temple!
Who does not know the greatness of Thirumaraikkadu here! (135)

The name of the Goddess here is "One whose voice is sweeter than the Veena"
Goddess Saraswathi listened to this voice, which was sweeter than Veena's music
Gave up her Veena and became a saint and sat here
The one who came as the Vedha itself, saw it all (136)

He saw Thirumaraikkadu; He saw "Yazinum iniya moziyal"
And stood transfixed in Her presence
He saw the beauty of the place and the temple
And He moved on to Nagappattinam thereafter (137)

Nagappattinam is also called :"Nagai Karonam"
Its the place where the King of serpetns, Adhiseshan prayed to Shiva
Where Saint Pundarigar wanted to go to Heaven with his body
And Prayed to Shiva to make it happen (138)

And, lord Shiva sent the saint to Heaven with his body intact, 
Hence called, the Lord "who made the body ascend the heaven" (Kaya Arohanar)
The one whom Vishnu and Brahma could not see and whom all the 
Dhevas Pray to, the pure one, the one who came himself ("Vidangan"), graces this place! (139)

He went and prayed to Goddess Neelayadhakshi , whose eyes
Act like spears to remove all sins, who is grace personified,
Who is the sister of God Vishnu, and then He also 
Prayed to Shiva, in "Vidanga" form, who gives great spritual progress (140)

1920 :  Mayavaram:

From Nagapattinam, He went to Mayaravam
Where, the cow like Parvathi did penance to Shiva, the Mayuranathar
By becoming a peahen here, she caught hold of His lotus feet
And got rid of the curse and became Goddess 'Anjal Nayagi' (141) 

She has come and sat here; The Ganges came here
Prayed to Shiva, to remove all the sins washed in by
The sinners who take bath in her; Brahma prayed here
The place gives all the grace to even those who just thin of it (142)

The vyasa puja of the year 1920 was performed by Swamiji at Mayavaram. He stayed there for three months. At that time, Vedha classes were started for three hundred school going children. 

On the first day of Karthigai month, a disabled man wanted to 
Have the "thula bath" - but he was already too late 
He prayed to Lord Shiva and cried to help him
God made the day wait and the man had his bath (143)

That place is this, where Swamiji did the Vyasa Puja
He also started a Gurukul for children 
For the school children to learn Vedha, 
Which is the root of all our livelihood (144)

Later, Swamiji went to Thirukkadaiyur, Thiruppunkur and Vaiththiswaran Koil and prayed to the Lords of the respective places. Then, in 1920, in the month of Margazi, Swamiji stayed in Sirkaazi and had the darshan of Sattanatha swami. Then, He went to Thiruvenkadu and had the darshan of Swetharanyeswarar. He also had the darshan of the 57th Pontiff of the mutt, Sri.Parama Siventhra Saraswathi Swamiji's athishtanam (resting place). 

He went to Thirukkadaiyur after visiting nagapattinam
The one who wears the serpents, who kicked off death
Removed the suffering of Markandeya here in this very place
The Goddress, who is half of Shiva, by bringing out the full moon (145)

On a new moon day, and saved Abirami Bhattar here in this very place
The one who was doing the "kungiliya seva"
Even when in abject poverty by selling His wife's ornaments,
Because the Seva is sacred; the place which gives grace (146)

Swamiji looked at the light of the world, the rays which light up everything,
The root of all knowledge, the ecstatic dawn of the world, which graces
The lives of good people, the one which even Vedhas don't know fully about
The mother, the son kept looking at with all His heart (147) 

The woman who made the posion consumed by Shiva into a nectar,
Who is the half of Lord Shiva with the bluish throat, who has a spotless heart,
Whose lotus feet the Vedhas are still discovering, who has no blemishes
Who is fulfillment itself, who is the grace itself, He kept looking at (148)

The beautiful form, the one who removes all pain of dwaitha,
The one with the light reddish color, the young woman, 
Who has come as the form of all Vedha mantras,
Who is the Mother Goddess who always gives us the grace,  he saw and melted (149)

The one who gushes forth as love in heart, who is joy personified
The great grace Which just cannot be described
The flood of care that becomes an ocean
He kept drinking with his eyes, stood there transfixed (150)

After praying to the Goddess Abirami, praised by all Angels,
Fulfilled, He took leave and started
To the place called Thirupunkur where
The sage Nandanar had darshan of Lord Shiva (151)

Thirupunkur :

The servant of God, Nandanar wanted to See Shiva, 
Standing outside the temple, but the Nandhi stood on the way
He asked it to move aside and it did
Tiruppunkur is full of such miracles (152)

To solve the problem of no rain in the country
The king requested Sundarar to do the needful
Sundarar sang a song which can give heaven itself
Which brought the rains, SriCharanar went and prayed there (153)

Vaithiswaran Koil :

Vaithyanathan, our SriCharanar started
To go and see Vaithiswaran, Lord Shiva
He came to 'Pullirukkum Velur", which removes
All the diseases across all the people (154)

This is a place where Sambathi and Jatayu came and prayed
This is the place to which Appar prayed to remove his stomach pain
This is the place where Lord Muruga came and prayed
This is the place where Vedhas came and prayed (155)

The place where Mars got his rid of his disease 
The place where Sun God prayed to Lord Shiva
The place where they give you the holy ash 
Which removes all body and mind diseases (156)

Margazi month, year 1920 : Sirkaazi

After seeing Lord Vaithiswara at Pullirukkum Velur,
After giving boundless joy to all followers,
Swamiji went with a bounce in his steps to reach
Sirkazi, birth place of Gnana Sambandar and lovely Tamil (157)

When the child Gnana Sambanda wanted milk and cried,
The Goddess gave all the four vedhas and tamil with milk
The one with big fishlike eyes, periyanayagi and The God
Thoniyappar, both He went and Saw and was Happy (158)

Lord Shiva, who took the skin of the lion God who killed Hiranya
And wore it like a shirt, He went and saw and Saw
The Shiva who removes all the fevers, "Jurahareswarar", 
And saw Brammapuriswarar to whom Brahma prostrated to (159)


After seeing Sirkaazi, having darshan of the temples there, 
He went to see Thiruvenkaadu 
The place about which all four have sung songs
Where the white elephant did penance (160)

In Valmiki Ramayan, a note about Thiruvenkaadu:

Thiruvenkaadu is denoted in sanskrit as "Swetharanya Kshethram". In valmiki Ramayan, there is a sloka which says: 
"sapapaatha karobhuman dhahyamaana saraagni
naruthreneva ninirthaktha swetharanye yathaanthakaha"
(Aranyakandam - Srimadh Valmiki Ramayan)

"Just like how at the Swetharanya Kshethra, Swetharanyeswarar killed Yama (death), Ram also killed Kara and Dhushana - the demons", denotes Valmiki Ramayan about the God of Thiruvenkaadu. 

This is one of the places of Navagraha, where Mercury (bhuthan) rules
This is where Lord Shiva is present as Agora Murthy
This is where Nandhi was wounded by a demon who had Shiva's boons
And this is where Shiva came and burnt that demon to ashes (161)

This is where one can see the Rudhra's Feet
This is a place about which Valmiki talks in his Ramayan
This is one of the Fifty one Shakthi Peetas
This is also called as "Adhi Chidhambaram" since the Lord dances (162)

He prayed to the God there, getting immersed in the grace,
Went to the place where the 57th Pontiff of the mutt, 
Sri.Parama Sivendhra Saraswathi Swamiji's resting place was
Prayed for the welfare of the entire world (163)

Vaishnava Temples in and around Sirkaazi

After visiting Thiruvenkadu, Swamiji went to 
Twelve Vaishnava temples around Sirkaazi
Where He prostrated before the deity
Thirunagari, Thirunangur, Thadalankoil (164)

Thiruvaikunda, Thiruvarimeya Vinnagaram, Thiruvallagaram
Thiruseikoil, Thirutherriyambalam, Thirumanakkudam
Thirukkavalambaadi, Thirupparththan Palli, 
Thiruthevanar thogai were all the temples that He visited (165)

1921 :  Pattiswaram:

After seeing the temples of the one who ate the world
He came to see the temple of the one who ate the poison
In time; during Mahamaham festival; to see the beauty
Of the God Shiva there; He came to Pattiswaram (166)

Pattiswaram is where Lord Shiva gave Pearl Caravan to 
Sambandar and to see the child coming asked 
Nandhi to move aside and all the Nandhis in the temple
Moved aside to give the Lord a good view (167)

To remove the sin of having killed  Vali, Rama came
And established a pond here,  called "Kodi Thirtham"
The Goddess who stood on the demon "Mahisha"
And who has a spear in her hand, has a temple in this town (168)

1921 : Mahamaham:

Having come to Pray to Shiva of Pattiswaram
He took bath in the Mahamaham pond
Since He had started His yatra to Kasi to see Lord Visvanatha,
He did not go to His mutt here at Kumbakonam (169)

About two hundred muslim youngsters from chennai muslim youth association came forward to help out during that Mahamaham time to Kumbakonam. Swamiji saw the great service they performed in the midst of huge crowds. They were all brought to Swamiji's camp to Pattiswaram. They were given good food. Swamiji spoke individually with everyone and enquired about their family and their education. He also gave a silver cup to their association as a token from His side. 

- Pujyasri MahaSwamigal History

At the time of Maham, to do service, 
There came a lot of Muslim youth
Swamiji was very happy with their service
He enquired about all of them and gave a cup to them (170)

Praised by infinite, with love all around, 
Those who chanted vedhas and those who five times a day
Prayed to God saw in front 
What they have been seeing in their hearts ! (171)

During that Mahamaham, Sri Subramanya Sivam, a great freedom fighter had come to have Swamiji's darshan inspite of his ailing health. He was waiting in the mass of people who were waiting to have the darshan. Though Swamiji had not met him before, yet, when He saw him, He immediately sent out his people for Sivam to brought before Him. Sivam was ecstatic at the grace of Swamiji. At that time, Sivam was wearing the saffron robes of a monk. He asked Swamiji for the country to become free from the foreign rule and also for the people to have the love for God. He asked for Swamiji's grace for both the requests. Swamiji also told him that it will happen as Sivam has asked for. 

- Pujyasri MahaSwamigal History

The great freedom fighter Subramanya Sivan came there
To have the darshan of the Great Siva Himself
Though his health was failing
He came there to see the God who walked the earth (172)

The saint who gives Gnana, blesses Sivam
who was there with deep thirst for Nation's freedom
Sivam wanted to have two boons, 
For nation to become free and for people to live with love for God (173)

Sivam asked for the grace of Sivam for these to happen
Sivam smiled at Sivam and gave His grace!
In the eyes of the great saint, Sivam saw
The all New Bharat, taking shape and was ecstatic! (174)

In that (1921 year) Vyasa puja and Chaturmasya puja, were done by Swamiji at Kathiramangalam (Niraiveli), near Kuttralam. For the next one year, He roamed around Tanjore in places like Sirgazi, Mannargudi, Mayuram, Nannilam etc. He went to all the Vaishnavite and Shaivite temples on both sides of the river Cauvery. He gave silk dhothies to the Gods in all the places. However small the temple, it never failed to secure Swamiji's attention. 

- Pujyasri MahaSwamigal History

In the year 1921 : 

Near Kuttralam, which has many falls which remove all our diseases
In a place famously called as 'Kathiramangalam', 
Swamiji, who was sacrifice personified, 
Conducted the Vyasa Puja and the Chaturmasya Puja (175)

Then , for the next one year, He roamed around Tanjore
Went to Nannilam, Mannargudi, Sirgazi, Mayuram
Went to all the Vaishnavite and Saivite temples 
Gave silk dhothies to all the deities, saw God everywhere (176)

Giving darshan to Harijans:

When Swamigal was travelling around Tanjore district, one day, on the road which goes from Kudavasal to Koradachery, at Sellur Village, about two hundred Harijans comprising  women, elderly people and children, came to have the darshan of Swamiji after taking bath and wearing the holy ash on the forehead. They were standing on the side of the road. As soon as swamiji saw them, He got down from the palanquin and gave darshan to them. 
- Pujyasri MahaSwamigal History

He says we are all children of God
When Harijans came to see Him, 
He would get out of His palanquin, 
Give darshan and grace them; ask about them (177)

He would ask about the crop, about the land owner,
About life at home, about how they are treated, 
About  the Puja to the village deity,
About their life at the village overall (178)

ravel to Mannargudi & other places:

After completing His travels in and around Nannilam Thaluka, Swamiji continued His yatra in Mannargudi Thaluka villages. 

- Pujyasri MahaSwamigal History

After travelling in and around Nannilam, 
The holy feet went to Mannargudi
There He saw the King of Kings, Lord RajaGopalan
And, fell at the Lord's feet and felt ecstatic (179)

Swamiji visited Avudaiyaar koil in the year 1922, in the first week of July month.  He stayed there for two months. He did the Vyasa Puja there. This place is also called as Thirupperunthurai. 
- Pujyasri MahaSwamigal History

After praying to the King of Mannargudi, 
He came to pray at the Shiva, the very own God of the South Indians
The one who is the God of all the nations,
He came to Thiruperunthurai, the Avudaiyar Koil (180)

The Makikkavasagar, who gave us the Thiruvasagam
Came here and got one sentence 
Under a kurundu tree where God took Him in ,
And, taught Him, and where the World got the bliss (181)

The temple without idol, without the "kodimaram",
The temple without the Nandhi the bull, 
The temple where the haraththi is not given to be 
Touched by the hands - is this Avudaiyar Temple ! (182)

The one who had songs to him, with glow and whose devotees
Tongues never stop praising Him, with noone who can do something like the "Kodungai"
Flower like arrangement on the temple, who is praised in tamil by Manikka vasagar
The great Avudaiyar, Swamiji Saw Him, poured His soul into HIM (183)
And, prayed to Him, and continued His yatra
With the saffron clad body tiring, legs tiring,
But with the lovely face smiling 
The one who gave His life to God, continued His yatra (185)

முதல் இராமேஸ்வர யாத்திரை: 
ஆவுடையார் கோவிலிலிருந்து ஸ்வாமிகள் உப்பூர், தேவிப்பட்டினம் வழியாக இராமேஸ்வரத்திற்குப் பயணமானார்கள். ஸ்வாமிகள் பாம்பன் ஜலசந்தியை, ரயில் பாலத்தின்மீது நடந்து சென்று கடக்கத் தென்னிந்திய ரயில்வே அதிகாரிகள் எல்லா வசதிகளையும் செய்து கொடுத்தார்கள். 
 - பூஜ்யஸ்ரீ மஹாஸ்வாமிகள் வரலாறு

The Rameswaram : First Yatra :

From Avudaiyar temple, Swamigal went to Rameswaram via uppur and Devippattinam. The south indian railway officials rendered  all the required assistance to Swamigal for Him to cross the Pamban strait by walk on the railway bridge. 

- Pujyasri MahaSwamigal History

To remove the sin of having killed Ravana, Ram 
Went to this place where the Guardian of Devas
The Lord Shiva resides and did Puja 
Swamiji started His yatra towards this place (185)

At Rameswaram, the temple officials and priests welcomed Swamiji with appropriate protocols and made Him have darshan of the deity Ramanathaswamy.

In the year of Dhundhubi, (1922), in the month of Purattasi, during the full moon day, Swamiji took sand from the Ramasethu to add to the Ganga water. 

- Pujyasri MahaSwamigal History

Via Dhevippattinam, He Went to Rameswaram
He Walked on the Railway bridge to reach
The same way Ram walked on the sea to reunite with His beloved
He also walked on the sea bridge! (186)

He had darshan of Siva, who is Ramanatha there, did Puja
Also to Parvatha Varthini who sits on the left side of the Lord
Said His prayers to her, stood in front in ecstasy
Took sand from Ramasethu to be added to Ganga later (187)

He went to the south most tip called Thanushkoti
Did puja for a long time there and celebrated Navarathri
Had a dip in the place where the two oceans come together
Went back to the place where Rama prayed to Lord Shiva (188)

After completing His Rameswaram yathra, Swamiji went to Ramanathapuram on the 10th of October, 1922. He went to Sivagangai from Ramanathapuram via Manamadurai. 
- Pujyasri MahaSwamigal History

After seeing Rameswaran and praying at His feet, 
The son of Kameswari went to Ramanathapuram
He saw the Nameswaran, who has the girl as his half
The Sameswaran, in all the temples over there (189)

Seeing Ram, and the Lord Siva whom Ram prayed to, 
And the Women who sits on the left side of Siva,
The one who is the son of Kanchi Kamakshi, prayed to by a dumb,
Came to Sivagangai with His grace flowing everywhere (190)

Tour to Pandiya Temples:

on October 28th of the year 1922, Swamiji went to Kalaiyaar Temple where He had darshan of Someshwarar, Kaliswarar and Sundareswarar along with the Goddesses. This is the place about which both Appar and Sundarar have sung songs. This is just 10 miles from the place called Tiruvadhavur which is the birth place of Manikkavasagar. 
- Pujyasri Mahaswamigal History

He left Sivagangai and came to Kalaiyar Kovil
This is the place where when Sundarar Came
He saw Shiv lingas everywhere and stood stunned
There came an Ox and showed him the way! (191)

The God who burnt down the Tripuras stays here as Three 
Diferent forms of Someshwara, Kalishwara and Sundareshwara
Along with the respective Goddess
This place has greatness which cannot be articulated (192)

Sundarar and Appar have sung songs here
The one who cried and sung thinking of Lord Shiva,
Sri Manikkavasagar's birth place is also very near this place
And that is also a speciality about this place (193)

Thiruppathur (Near Sivagangai)
After seeing Kalaiyar koil near Sivaganga, 
He came to Thirupaththur and prayed to Thalinathaswami
Sung by Thirungnasambandar and Tirunavukkarasar, 
He also prayed to Goddess Sivakami who graces there (194)

November 2nd : Yatra to Ilaiyaaththangudi : Visiting the temples of the city and the sacred place of Guru

He Came to Thirupaththur , had the Darshan
Went to Ilaiyaththangudi where His Gurus were taking eternal rest
The place great in ealth, great from its birth
Great because of Guru's resting place (195)

He came to the resting place and prayed to Guru Mahadheva
Prayed to all the Gurus whose resting place was there
Went to the temples and fell at the feet of God
Prayed and lost the sense of self in all (196)

1922 : November 6th : Piranmalai

After praying at the final resting places of His Gurus,
And, fully immersed in the bliss
He came to Piranmalai where "KodunkunRiasan" God Siva is
The place which removes all sins and all misery (197)

Arunagirinathar came here and sung on Murugan
In the lovely tamil language and Sri Sambandar
Came here and sang songs on Lord Shiva
As part of Thevaram Thirumurai - such is the greatness of this place (198)

November 11th : Yatra to Thirumalirum solai:

From Tiruppiranmalai, He went to Thirumalirumsolai,
Near Madurai; having gone there, 
He prayed to Lord Sundararaja and Sundaravalli Goddess
Who were sung by Thirumangai Azvar and Andal (199)

Yathra to Madurai

On the 12th November of the year 1922, He went to Madurai. On the main streets of Madurai, He was seen by thousands of people. He went to Madurai Meenakshi amman Kalyana Mandapam. Madurai sported a festive look the whole day. He went and had darshan of Madurai Meenakshi and Sundareswarar. To see Him and to listen to His discourse and His puja, people came in thousands. 

- Pujyasri Mahaswamigal History

Along with lord Vishnu, He went and saw Goddess Lakshi at thirumalirumsolai
He went to Madurai post that
It is called Thiru alavai, and also as Thirukkudal
It is a place where Lord shiva did his sixtyfour playful deeds (200)

Was this called Madurai because it was once full of Maruda trees?
Was it because of the sweet nectar of God who rides the ox?
Was it called Kudal because all tamil pundits came and gathered there?
Was it called Alavai remembering the snake which adorns lord shiva?(201)

How does it matter how it came about? the reasons don't really matter
It is the place where God Shiva enacted His plays
It is the place where with boundless grace mother Goddess
Rules; such a great place is this; this is Madurai, so very sweet (202)

Kumaragurubarar came and wrote songs on Mother Meenakshi
Which is celebrated by even the Gods themselves
The child who won over the Jains and Appar and Vagisar
Sang songs on God Shiva in this place (203)

Did His left leg pain Him? so much so that Nataraja lifted His 
Right leg and dance here at Madurai?
Did He choose this place, which was full of Kadamba Trees
As His own, which became the Silver Sabha for His dance? (204)

Did He became "sokkan' because He forgot Himself
In the beauty of Goddess Meenakshi here?
As the Goddess Maragathavalli stands beside,
Did He now become "Sundareswaran"? (205)

He saw Lord Sundareswaran and Goddess Meenakshi 
Prayed to them, stood transfiexed in front
His mind and heart full of Shiva and shakthi
Then moved on from Madurai and continued His yatra (206)

Visit to Places around River Thamirabarani :

On the 12th of December 1922, Sri Charanar started from Madurai and went to Thirunelveli. 

- Pujyasri Mahaswamigal History

After praying to the one dancing at the Silver Sabha 
Swamiji went to the place near the lovely river Thamirabarani
Where Lord Nellaiyappar rules, 
Where Nataraja dances in the Copper Sabha, at Thirunelveli (207)

The place praised by Sambandar as one which is famous in all earth
The place praised by Sekkizar as one having the river 'Porunai'
The place where Goddess Kanthimathiyamman rules
Is the place called Thirunelveli where Swamiji has come to now (208)

There was a devotee by name Vedha battar
He collected rice, made food for God's Naivedhyam
One day, as if testing him, it started raining
And, all the rice was left in an open land for drying up.... (209)

He feared for the rice and ran to see what happened
The rain, which covers everything, did not cover the rice
He saw sun shining on the rice and stood, stunned
From that day, the God's name became "Nelveli Nathar", the one who saved the rice (210)

The place where the pillars playing the seven swaras are there
The place where Siva showed His wedding to Agasthyar
The place wehre Vishnu carries Lingam in His heart
Sri Charanar saw all this and was ecstatic (211)

Later, in the early part of the year 1923, He visited Alwarthirunagari, Srivaikundam and Nanguneri sthalas. He visited Thiruchendur on 11-02-1923, where Adhisankara sang the Subramanya Bhujanga stothra. Sricharanar stayed there for five days and visited Lord Muruga there. Post that, He visited Ambasamudhram, Papanasam, Thenkasi, Thirukkurraalam and Sangaranarayanar Koil. 

- Pujyasri Mahaswamigal History

He visited Alwar Thirunagari, Srivaikundam and Nanguneri
The places which are difficult to visit in even seven births
He saw the beauty of Lord Siva before in other places
He saw the beauty of Vishnu who sleeps on the serpent here (212)

Sricharanar came to Thiruchendhur; saw Senthil Nathan
The one sung by Arunagiri in his Thiruppugaz
He prayed to the lotus feet of Muruga
Prayed to Him for Him to come and take care of His devotees (213)

Sricharanar Prayed to the Lord who stood at the Sea Front
The Lord who with the spear given by Goddess Mother
Killed Surapadma, the demon, the Lord Guha, who stood here
This is the place which removes all the problems of the devotees (214)

To remove the Kumaran's army's thirst, he created a well here
The nephew of Vishnu, the one with Conch and Chakra,
Adhi sankara came and sung "Pujanga Sthotra" here
For all to have his grace and mercy (215)

Muruga brought victory to the Gods and
For Him, Viswakarma, the Architect of Gods came
And constructed this Temple in this city and where
The lotus feet of Muruga stand to give grace to all (216)

He saw the Kumaran, the Senthil Velan, Murugan, Guhan
Who is praised by all Gods, who is praised by saints
The one without any blemishes, Son of Uma, Who is in the lotus
Called the heart of Sankara, He melted as He saw (217)

After seeing the God of Senthur, praying for all the world, 
Falling at His feet, and filling all His
Mind with Guha and nothing else, 
He moved on with His yathra (218)

In the year 1923, in the month of April, the date was fixed for the Tadanga Pradhishta of Goddess Sri.Agilandeswari of Thiruvanaikkaval. Hence, Swamiji completed His Yatra of Tirunelveli and via Kovilpatti, Sathur, Aruppukkottai and Madurai, on the way to Trichirappalli, He stayed in Dindigul for three days. 

- Pujyasri Mahaswamigal History

Having had the Darshan of Lord Guha, on His way, 
He reached Dindigul and stayed there, to the people's joy
The one who is praised by the world, He stayed there for three days
And carried out Puja to the happiness of everyone (219)

There was a king called "Thindi" who roamed around with pride
Lord Siva broke his pride and the person and the place is called by that name!
There is a small mountain like a big pillow and hence
People called it as Dindigul (in tamil) (220)

Later, He went to Palani on 23-03-1923 and stayed there for three days and had dharshan of the Lord Dhandayuthapani.

After staying in Didigul and doing Puja, 
The one praised by the entire universe, went to Palani. 
While He saw the Lord Muruga as the destroyer of  Surapadma at Tiruchendhur,
He saw Lord Muruga as Dhandayuthapani here (221)

This is place which changes your destiny; adds to your wisdom
This is the place where Goddess Lakshmi did penance
This is the place which was sung in Tirippugaz
And is one of the six Great places of Lord Muruga (222)

Lakshmi, Kamadhenu the cow, Sun, Earth, Fire, Air
All came here to do penance and hence called Avinankudi?
There was a great benefactor Began who belonged to "Aviyar" sect
And hence was it called "Avinankudi"? (223)

(Thiru = Goddess Lakshmi; A = Kamadhenu; Inan = Sun; ku = earth; di = Fire & Air; they did penance at Palani and hence Palani was called Avinankudi)

Along with Agasthiyar, Auvai, Nakkirar and Kachchiyappar
Arunagirinathar who sang thiruppugaz in praise of Muruga
And the great Pamban swamiji all came and sang in praise of the Lord
Muruga in this very place (224)

Muruga taught Tamil to Agasthya , 
who came to south to see Shiva's wedding
And the place with lots of paddy fields
Was called Palani because of that (225)

Towards the eastern side of the santorum,
People of other religions show the incense sticks
And pray to Muruga as "Palani Baba"
The place which is well known for such religious tolerance & acceptance (226)

Where Brahma came as a hunter because of a curse
And by Muruga's grace, became Brahma again
Where, by thinking about Muruga, the problems brought by Saturn vanish
Thus spoke Muruga and gave his grace here (227)

Where Mars came and prayed to Muruga 
And got all the boons; the devotees
By penance and devotion, take "Kavadi"
And pray to the feet of Lord Muruga (228)

The saint Bogar constructed with "Navabashanam"
The Palani God, Muruga, The Lord of world, who removes all diseases
Came here and stands here as a monk
Swamiji saw Him, saw the son of Lord Shiva here (229)

Wanting the mango fruit, having gone around the world
Still not getting it, Muruga stood came here angry
Became a monk here He, Lord Muruga
Swamiji saw all this, bathed in divine bliess (230)

Then, He went to Thiruvanaikkaval in April 1923, via Dindigul, Viralimalai, Ilaiyaaththangudi, Kandanur, Thirumayam, Pudhukkottai and Kiranur. 

The place Thiruvanaikkaval is also called "Jambukeswaram". This is one of the places which denote the five elements. Within those, this denotes the element of water. In this place, there is water spurting around the Lingam at the santorum. The God here is called Sri Jambunathar. The Goddess is Sri Akilandeswari. When Adi Sankara was doing the tour of India, He established the Srichakra at Kasi - Annapoorni, at North Karnataka - Mukambika, Kanchi Kamakshi, Thiruvotriyur - Tripurasundari, Jambukeswaram Akilandeswari - in all these places the SriChakra has been established by Him. In each of these places, the establishment of Srichakra has been unique. 

For Goddess Akilandeswari, He also had got done "Thadangam" which is an ornament which is worn on the ear and in that the Srichakra has been established. Along with that, He had also put up an idol of Ganesha in front of the Goddess. He had made the Goddess full of compassion by doing thus. From that day, the "Thandangam" with rare gem stones are being worn by the Goddess. Whenever those earrings develop any defect, they have to be repaired and put back on the Goddess and this is the responsibility of the Acharya of the Kanchi Kamakoti peetam. The previous thandangam was repaired by the then acharya of the 1848 year. 

The officials from the devastanam had requested our Swamiji that the Thandangam have to be repaired in the year 1920 itself. Swamiji had put considerable thought into this matter and decided that the thandangams should not become defective for a very long time and decided to repair them and not only that, with the idea of covering them up, He had also decided to construct two covers adorned with gemstones, in the shape of Srichakra itself. 

Towards this Thandangam adornment to the Goddess, Swamiji came to Trichy. And, the kind of rousing welcome which was given to Him was something which was never given to anybody else.

At the appointed good time, (the year Rudhrodhkari, Chitra month, 17th day, Sunday, 29-04-1923), Swamiji took the tandangams on His hands and put them onto the Goddess ears. Whoever saw this that day were the truly gifted ones. 

        - Pujyasri Mahaswamigal History

After seeing the Lord of Palani, and enjoying the bliss
He decided to go to Thiruvanaikkaval
It is the place which removes the misery of devotees

It is the place which brings joy to the Bakthas (231)

At this place called Thiruvanaikkaval, aka Jambukeswaram
To repair the thandangams of the Goddess mother
Since the temple officials had come and requested Periyava
He decided to come and fulfill the same (232)

Periyava came, Came to Trichy
Came to adorn the Goddess mother with the earrings
On the right day and time, in the shape of the Srichakra
With a beautiful gem hoster on top (233)

The one who has the Sun and Moon for ear rings
The one who won over the most potent poision because of her Saumangalya
The one who plays on the world's stage and makes the world go around
He put the ornaments on the Golden body of the Goddess (234)

With praise from Sankarar, and from the Nataraja of Thillai
And from the brother Hari and from the Sons Ganapathy 
And Muruga Praising the lovely face of the mother
With the entire world rejoicing, He put the ear rings on her (235)

After the ceremony of adorning the Goddess with earrings, Swamiji went to Srirangam to have darshan of Lord Ranganatha and then Lord Mathrubutheshwara of Malaikkottai. 
   - Pujyasri Mahaswamigal History

After adorning the Goddess with the earrings and having the darshan,
Praying at Her feet, He wanted to Pray at Lord Vishnu
He went and saw Srirangam , the place which 
Came as the boon for mother  Kavery (236)

Having born in the Ocean of milk, prayed by Brahma,
The Srirangam, which was given to Ishkvaku
And then to Vibishanan, 
Still Lord Ranganatha chose to stay back at Srirangam itself (237)

Looking at the south, the Srilanka at Vibhishana's kingdom
To ensure all the living beings are well, He reclined
And put His body here, with Goddess Lakshmi on Hi side,
His golden body glowing, He takes care of us here (238)

The one who was tired of walking in search of Sita,
The one who was tired of walking to  show the way for the Gauravas
The one who was tired of running the charriot and teaching Gita
And the one who came and lied down here (239)

Swamiji saw; He saw the lovely form, of Vishnu,
Who removes all misery of Gods, who is
Praised by Shiva Himself, who is
Protected by the great serpent, Saw the Ranganatha (240)

After praying to Ranganatha of Srirangam, 
Swamiji went and saw Lord Shiva at Malaikkottai
The one who goes by the white ox, and who delivered a child for a pregnant woman
And thereby became the Mother also for the woman (241)

From Nerur to Kerala:

After the Thadangap Prathishta (adornment of ear rings to the Goddess), Swamiji went to Karur via the south bank of Cauvery, thru Kuliththalai, Krishnarajapuram and Mahathanapuram. He then visited the Samadhi of Sri.Sadhasiva Bramendrar at Nerur.
   - Pujyasri Mahaswamigal History

After praying to Srirangam Ranganatha and then 
Visiting the Thayumanava of Malaikottai, He went to Nerur
The place where a Swamiji by name Brammendrar, 
Drunk the nectar of Rama Name, and became one with Him (242)

He visited the Resting Place of Sadhasiva Brahmendra
Thinking about the state of His Bliss,
The stage called the Sid -Ananda stage and the Siva Ananda stage
Prastrated at His feet and prayed there (243)

Canto : 2 : Vijaya Yathra Kandam
Chapter : 9 : Vijaya yathra : 1924 : Yatra to Thirukkattuppalli

In the year 1924, Periyava went to the High School run by Sir.P.S.Sivaswami Iyer at Thirukkattuppalli (22-03-1924).

He spoke to the children there and told them that all the children there should, every day, first bow to their respective mother and father and then pray to the mother and father of this world, who are Goddess Parvathi and Lord Parameshwara and then start studying their lessons. 

   - Pujyasri Mahaswamigal History

After praying at the Athishtanam, falling at the feet of the Brahmam, 
After taking care of the people who came and asked for help,
He went to Thirukkattuppalli, 
Where the God of Fire, Agni, came and prayed to Lord Shiva (244)

A person by name Sri.Sivaswamy Iyer, at Thirukkattuppalli
Was running a High school with lots of care and competence
He reqeusted Swamiji to Come and grace the school
Periyava accepted and went there (245)

Periyava blessed all the children there
He graced the occasion and talked about ways 
By which the children should live: first bow to one's mother and father
And then to the mother and father of universe  - Parvathi and Parameshwara (246)

In the year 1924, in the month of June, Swamiji stayed at Thiruvaiyaru. As per the request of the people there, He did the Vyasa Puja that year at the Pushya Mandapa - the Northern Bank of Kaveri.

   - Pujyasri Mahaswamigal History

After praying at the resting place of Sadhasiva Brahmendra,
Swamiji went to Thiruvaiyaru, the place greater than any other
Where, Appar Saw Kailash by praying to Shiva, where
Thyagaiyar saw Lord Ram in person, in front of him (247)

The Kaveri Flood and the Compassion of Acharya:

That year, during the "River Flooding" which happens in the month of Adi, the river Kaveri flooded a lot more than anyone expected it to. At many places, the banks were broken. At many places, the banks were breached. Flood came into the puja place of Swamiji also. However, Swamiji was not willing to change the puja place till then end of the Chatur Masya, irrespective of what happens. As the homes of the poor people had been affected by the flood, they came and stayed in places where the flood had not affected. Swamiji ordered food to be prepared from the groceries which the Mutt had. Every day, food was distributed to the poor people affected by the flood.

   - Pujyasri Mahaswamigal History

During the time of Periyava's chatur masya vrata,
There was a great flood in the Kaveri River
The riever water entered even the Puja place of Periyava
Did the river also want to see Periyava's Puja? (248)

The homes and places were all flooded
Poor people came to the mutt in search of food
Swamiji ordered everyone to help the poor immediately
He ensured that those also got food at once (249)

At the end of the year 1924, Swamiji went to Vallam, a place near Tanjore. Lots of Harijans had come and joined in welcoming Swamiji. The collector of Tanjor Mr.H.M.Hood also came and had the pleasure of meeting Swamiji 

Periyava went to Vallam from Thirukkattuppalli
To welcome there in a big way,
Lots of Harijans had also come there
They stood on both sides of the road, got blessed by Periyava (250

Having known about Periyava, the collector Hood
Had also come there
He treasured the moments that 
Swamiji had spent talking to him there (251)

Swamiji then toured places such as Siththannavasal, Narthamalai, Gundaandar Kovil, Kudumiyan Malai, Thirukkogarnam and Thirumayam. At Siththannavasal, Swamiji ensured that the Drawings there got potographed. At Kudumiyan malai, Swamiji saw the long inscriptions of Mahendrawarma Pallava on (which was on music). At Nartha Malai, Swamiji did Puja and Abhishekam to Shivlingas which were under the springs there. 

He went to Siththanna vasal and Kudumiyan Malai
He saw the drawings and inscriptions there and was happy
He ensured that these were preserved by 
Asking them to be photographed (252)

Yathra at Nagaraththar Country:

On 15-04-1925, Swamiji went to Kandanur. He then went to "Sakkottai" which is near this Kandanur. He went to the temple there and Prayed to God. 

Swamiji went to a place called Sakkottai, where
Sakkiya Nayanmar prayed to Lord Shiva
The place where Sakkiyas (buddhists) lived ; where during great flood,
The nectar came and stopped, hence called "Kalasanallur" (253)

Then, in February 1925, He stayed at Dhevakottai for a month and then at Karaikudi for a month and blessed Devotees. Later, He went to Pallaththur, Kadiyapatti, Rayavaram, Arimalam and Konappattu. 

Periyava went to Konappattu; the place where
Wise people live, praised by Gods, where
My Grandmother lived and did puja to Shiva
Where, great people live for others (254)

In 1925, Swamiji conducted the Vyasa Puja at Ilaiyaththangudi. At the samed time, Sri.Sringeri Jagadhguru, Sri Chandrasekara Bharathi Swamigi was also conducting the chathurmasya puja at Kunrakkudi, which was just five miles distance from where our Swamiji was. Through the devotees who came to the mutt, each of these great sages would ask about the well being of the other. 

To do puja to the Guru, to do the Vyasa puja
The Guru, the one who is praised by wise men, came to ilaiyaththangudi
Very near there, at Kunrakkudi, with the same name
There was another sage, Sri. Chandra Sekara Bharathi swamiji (255)

Both Saraswathi and Bharathi mean the same
Both are names of the Goddess Vani
Both are the drama enacted by the God Himself in human form
Both are the essence of His plays on earth (256)

Periyava, would ask those who had visited
The other periyava and suggest that 
they go and see the puja there and come and tell 
How the other periyava is, because both are the same person (257)

Even though they were nearby, they upheld
The old tradition of not seeing each other in person
Even if they functioned as two bodies
Actually, they were one and the same , God Himself! (258)

In 1925, in the month of July, Swamiji was staying at Ilaiyaththangudi. At that time, Sri. Pandithamani Kathiresan chettiyar came there, He was an expert in both Tamil and Sanskrit. Swamiji was discussing with him for about three hours. Swamiji told him that both tamil and Sanskrit were being neglected and people like Pandithamani himlself should take efforts to create experts in these languages. Then, swamiji gave him a silk shawl, praising his expertise. 

Pandithamani Kathiresan Chettiyar came there
Who was a great scholor 
Came there to have Periyava's darshan
Came in front of the Sun who removes all darkness (259)

Swamiji was delighted with Pandithamani
And was discussing with him for many hours
Swamiji asked him to do the needful to 
Take care of both Tamil and Sanskrit (260)

In January 1926, Swamiji stayed for a day at Karambakkudi, Pudukkottai. The next day, the people of that place gathered togather to send off Swamiji. They came till the border of that village. There were also a few muslims in that crowd. Of those, one Musalman went with the palanquin, holding it on his shoulders for about three miles. Noticing this, Swamiji stopped the Palanquin and enquired him. The musalman talked to Swaimiji. He talked to Swamiji about his personal matters. He also sang a few songs which he had authored on Swamiji. He also gave a flower garland and other things to Swamiji . He told Swamiji that He looked like Allah to his eyes. Swamiji showered him with grace and compassion. 

Swamiji was at Karambakkudi, Pudikkottai for a day
He blessed the people there and went on his way
There was a Muslim devotee who wanted to talk to Him
Who also carried the palanquin of Swamiji for a long time (261)

Swamiji noticed him and called him aside
The Muslim Devotee came tears running down his cheeks
He talked to Swamiji; sang the songs he had composed
Told Swamiji that he saw Allah Himself in Swamiji  (262)

Said he does not want to go away from Swamiji
And that is why came carrying the palanquin 
Asked Swamiji to bless him
Swamiji also blessed him and sent him off with His grace (263)

1926 - March : Meeting Jamanlal Bajaj & Rajaji

Full of thirst for freedom, having joined the freedom fight,
Going thru pains everyday, still wanting to free the Bharath Matha,
And get her to enjoy her glory days,
Rajai and Jamanlal Bajaj came there (264)

Those who came there, came to see Periyava
Though having great devotion, though having God in heart,
Surprisingly, Rajaji did not come to visit Periyava!
Swamiji noticed and asked why; asked him to come to see Him! (265)

1926 - March : Meeting Jamanlal Bajaj & Rajaji

They came all the way to see Swamiji 
But could not take take bath in the work pressure
"it is not right to come to you without even taking bath"
please fiorgive us, said Rajaji (266)

Swamiji smiled, looked at Rajaji and told him
For someone who has serving the nation as the profession, 
for whom the nation is life; Who is ready to give his life itself to the nation, 
Those dont require any qualificationlike bathing  to come to me (267)

Giving Rs.1000/- as donation to the "Kadhar" Movement

Seeing the plight of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi called for
Destroying the foreign textiles and wearing Khadhar
Our Swamii also felt it to be the right thing
And started wearing Kadhar only from then...(268)

To take Khadhar to the people and motivate them
Leaders felt the need for donations
Swamiji blessed them and gaveRupees Thousand
For this Kadhar movement (269)

Yathra to Udaiyarapalayam:

The jamin of Udaiyarpalayam were very close to Kanchi Mutt. For a long time, for generations together, they have been taking care of the mutt and the swamiji of the mutt and they have been protecting them. 

The Goddess Bangaru Kamakshi , graces from the Mela Street of Udaiyarpalayam. The fact that the Kanchi acharya is the dharmakartha of the Tanjore Bangaru Kamakshi temple is a notable point. 

In 1926, when Swamiji came to Udaiyarpalayam, He was given a rousing welcome. For about 15 days, Swamiji was given all the facilities to stay at the Palace and the temple of the place. Even though the place has not known for a number of years, it rained heavily and very good crop yield could also be seen. 
     - Pujyasri Maha Swamigal History

Swamiji went to Udaiyarpalayam from Pudukkottai
A place which took care of the Kanchi mutt and the acharyas
A place where Goddess Kamakshi came herself!
A place which has friendly "Udaiyars" as people there! (270)

As the people there welcomed Swamiji
Fell on his feet and celebrated the occasion, 
There was great rain where it has not seen any for a long time
The crops grew and happiness was there everywhere! (271)

In 1926, Swamiji conducted the Vyasa Puja at Kattumannarkoil, which is near Chidhambaram. The Navarathri Puja was done at Kadiyapatti, near Thirupadhiripuliyur.
- Pujyasri Maha Swamigal History

At Kattumannar Koil, Near Chidhambaram, He
Conducted the Vyasa Puja and then
Went to Thiruppathiripuliyur to do the
Navrathri puja to Goddess Ambika (272)

This is the place were stones were tied to Thirunavukkarasar 
And He was thrown off to the sea
The place where the sage Vyagrapadha came and 
Did penance to God Shiva (273)

Canto : 2 : Vijaya Yathra Kandam
Chapter : 12 : Vijaya yathra : 1926 : Yathra to other places

Srimathi Asalambigai ammaiyar, a great tamil poet and a great freedom fighter and a congress worker, who had sung Gandhiji's history in the form of tamil verses, came to see Swamiji. She had been tutored by the Purvashrama father of Swamiji. At that time, she had loved the boy who was our Swamiji . Now, that child had come as a Guru and she was very happy about it. She came and read out five tamil verses that she had written on Swamiji. Our Swamiji, who was keeping silence then, graced her with His eyes. 
     - Pujyasri Maha Swamigal History

Asalaambigai Ammaiyar, the great freedom fighter and the great Gandhi devotee,
Who was an ardent devotee of Swamiji came to see Him
She had seen and loved our Swamiji when 
The SWamiji  was a young boy (274)

Now that boy had become the God who walks,
She came to see Him, to seek release from this life
And sung five songs in tamil
Swamiji , keeping silence then, graced her with His eyes (275)

There is a small place called 'vadavambalam', which is located to the east of the Senthanur Railway station, which itself is to the south of Viluppuram. Swamiji came there in the month of November, in the year 1926. This is the place where the sae Athmabothendra Saraswathi Swamiji, the 58th pontiff of Kamakoti pitam, had left His mortal abode. 
  - Pujyasri Maha Swamigal History

Near Vilupuram, the great place, 
There is a small town called Vadavambalam
Where great people live, 
Swamiji came there with his entourage (276)

Athma Bothendra, the 58th pontiff of Kamakoti Pitam, 
The one who lived a life as outlined by the shastras,
The one who went around the country and 
This is the place where He came here to give up His mortal abode (277)

To build the "Athishtanam" where He left His body, 
Swamiji searched everrywhere along with the people of that place
However, He could not find it anywhere!
He realized this is the play of Maya (278)

And stopped at one place and asked excavation to happen there
"I see a person with holy ash on His forehead; with saffron clothes
With the Dhandam which removes all problems and Rudhraksha mala
The person who is praised by all- I can see Him now"  (279)

Thus spoke Sambamurthy Sastri who was there at that time on what he saw
Swamiji was very happy hearing this, with a smile, 
"This must be the place where the 58th Pontiff attained samadhi
Let us construct the Adhishtanam here itself"  (280)

He constructed the "Athishtanam" of Athma Bothendrar there
And, for the Devotee of Lord Shiva,
He organized Daily Puja to be done
He fell at His feet and prayed at the athishtanam (281)

In the month of December  1926, Swamiji went to Puduchery. Without any religious differences, thousands of people came to welcome Swamiji. A big procession  was organised. Swamiji also smiled and acknowledged His happiness at all the love of the people. He stayed at Puducherry for a week. 
  - Pujyasri Maha Swamigal History

After praying at the athishtanam, after falling at the feet of the Guru, 
Periyava decided to goto Puducherry. 
The place filled with Vedhas; the placed called Vedhapuri
The place which took care of those who came in  (282)

The place where Aravindhar, Mother and the great poet Bharathi lived
The place where Siddhas who held Lord Shiva in their heart lived
The place where Vallalaar, who gave Thiuvarutpaa
Which cleanses the hearts who read it, lived (283)

Long back, one day, the son of Lord Shiva came and stood at a bank of pond
People who prayed to Him as the Ocean of all great qualities
But the Pondicherry Governor had probelms with those people
But Lord Vinayaka made him fall at his feet and got His temple consturcted (284)

The place made great by Vedhas; the place called Vedhapuri itself
Where Lord Shiva, stays as 'Vedhapuriswaran" in the temple,
The one who was bordn to safeguard Vedhas also stayed for a week
And, ensured the place was filled with  Vedhas and wisdom (285)

Swamiji, after staying for a week at Puducherry, went to Salem on 31st March, 1927, via Cudalore, Viruthasalam, Kallakurichi, Chinnasalem and Athur. 
- Pujyasri Mahaswamigal History

From Puducherry, Swamiji went to Salem
The place which has some stunning temples
The place where Kailashanathar has taken temple 
The place where a Parrot came and prayed to Lord Sugavaneswara (286)

The place which was ruled by Cheras and hence called "Cheralam"
The name which then became "Salem"
The place which is surrounded by lovely mountains is called "Sailam"
"Sailam" only became "Salem" later, some say (287)

The place where they used to produce sarees ('salei in tamil) and called 'Salaiyur'
Which became "Salem later, so they say
The avatar of Shiva, who punched the Lord of Death and time, the Yama Himself
Stayed here for a while and went to Erod later (288)

To remove the "bramma Dhosha" when Shiva went around the country, 
The skull which was stuck to his handfell at this place
Around this place, there are places called "Vellod", "Perod", "Siththod"
Which explain the deed of Shiva, adding validity to the story (289)

The place where Lord Shiva resides with the Aruthra Kapalam
There came a Muslim devotee infront of Periyava
He introduced himself and asked for him
To be allowed to read the Sanskrit slokas he has written (290)

In front of Periyava; Periyava smiled
And asked him to proceed with his reading 
After listening to the slokas, he was happy and Blessed him
He asked, "how come you learnt sanskrit though you are a Muslim?" (291)

How are you able to come up with sanskrit slokas and poems ? 
How did you get this talent? Tell us about it
The Muslim Devotee said 
That his ancestors were all experts in Sanskrit (292)

I also learnt Sanskrit from my father
And, due to the blessing of the Allah, the Father of this world, 
I am able to stand in front of you and read this today
I am blessed today; Swamiji smiled and said (293)

"You have obtained this talent from your ancestors
Please do build on the same; learn a lot more
By God's grace, you will lead a good life"
He blessed, lifting both His hands (294)

Canto : 2 : Vijaya Yathra Kandam
Chapter : 14 : Vijaya yathra : 1927 : Yathra to Mettur and Coimbatore

The one who is praised by the entire world, prayed to
Arthra Kapaleeswara, the one who rides the majestic ox,
Then went to Mettur dam  where the work Was 
Going on for building the dam (295)

Swamigal passed through Soolur and arrived at Coimbatore on 26th April, 1927.
Arrangements for his stay were made at the local Sringeri Sankara Mutt. . As the devotees were eager to hear Swamigal’s speech, he spoke very eloquently in simple Tamil and in his own unique style that attracted everyone, for four hours, on “Siva Vishnu Abedam”. In the city where there had not been even a single drop of rain in the past six month, Varuna, the rain god, opened his eyes and showered on the people, cooling the earth as well as the people’s heart. Swamigal stayed in Coimbatore for four days.
- Pujyasri Mahaswamigal History

Having seen the kind of work happening to build the Mettur Dam, 
The one about whom this whole poem is written, our great 
Swamiji went to Coimbatore, called the "Kongu Country"
Which has so many great places in it (296)

Lord Muruga stands atop of the Marudhamalai hills here
Perur, which is almost  like Chidhambaram is situated here,
The one with the big belly, Lord Ganapathy, is here at Eachanari, 
And He takes care of everyone around here (297)

Periyava stayed at Coimbatore for four days
Making the hears of all those who were there, 
Periyava started a discourse on Siva - Vishnu unity
All those who were there listened to it transfixed (298)

Vishnu takes care of all the desires of the devotees
Siva takes ensures that the desires are not there in the first place
Hari came there to safeguard the Pandavas
Haran gave them the weapons to win the war (299)

The one who sleeps on the serpent is Hari 
The one who wears them is Haran
The one who removes misery is Hari 
The one who removes the desire which causes misery is Haran (300)

Swamiji explained the Hari - Haran philosohy
Told the people to remain united 
Listening to this exposition, even the God of rain
Varuna was happy and it rained, making everyone happy (301)

Canto : 2 : Vijaya Yathra Kandam

Chapter : 15 : Vijaya yathra : 1927 : Yathra to Kerala

Kerala Tour

Swamigal arrived at Palghat on the 2nd May, 1927 where he toured the eighteen
agraharams and stayed for a month. He blessed the residents of the agraharams and then
visited nearby villages.

Every village visited by Swamigal had a festive appearance. The residents of Kerala
heard Swamigal speak Malayalam and thought he was a Keralite. Vyasa puja in the year 1927 was held at Kanjikodu, situated close to Palghat, where Swamigal stayed for two months.

From Kovai, Swamiji went to Kerala
Where Krishna, loved by women there, stands as a child
Where, Goddes Devi is worshipped; where the Rama with the Axe
Took a temple and settled down; the place, blessed by nature (302)

Wrongly representing the truth, mesmerising the people
Growing by misleading them, there were false religions those days
The good ones did not know what to do to stem the rot
God Himself decided to come down and took birth here in this place! (303)

Sankara - was HIS name; He waled the country
And left His footprints all over the place!
With great fervour, the Vedic religion started
Growing again from that time, is the greatness of this place (304)

The place which prays to Goddess mother; the place which respects womenhood
The place where people think of God without any fear
The place where Lord Aiyyappa, who had come to safeguard
Dharma, prayed to by people of all religions, lives! (305)

To this place, to full of greatness, Swamiiji came
The God of Dharma came, all the people came to see HIM
He spoke in Malayalam to the people there, 
All went away thinking "He is one of us" (306)

Swamigal visited a pilgrim center at Parai in Kerala and spoke the Sthala purana
of the place to the devotees gathered there. The story of the pilgrim center is as follows.

Significance of Saraganga water

Malayala country was created by Parasurama who had cursed anyone who
entering the land. When Sri Rama was banished to the forest, he traveled near Kerala border, took a bath in the river Vazhaiaru, without knowing about the said curse crossed the river and asked Lakshmana also to join him. Lakshmana refused to come as he was aware of the curse. Rama was astonished to see this extraordinary reaction from Lakshmana who was well known for following his brother’s footsteps. The younger one reminded Rama of the curse. Rama thought about this problem as he was affected by this curse which could be rid of only by taking a bath in the holy waters of Ganga. But it would take him at fourteen years to go to Ganga to take a bath. So he decided to bring Ganga to that place itself. He took an arrow and shot it towards the earth. The arrow split the earth to its core and Ganga gushed out and Rama along with Lakshmana took a bath in its waters. Having heard this story some years ago, Swamigal also took bath in this holy water.

Swamiji started telling a story in Malayalam
This place was filled with Ocean once upon
Parasuramar came and made this His own land
And, cursed any outsider were to come in (307)

Without knowing this curse, 
Rama , in search of Sita, 
Came there and crossed over
Beyond the cursed borders (308)

Started bathing in "VaazaiyaaRu", a river there
Asked Lakshmana also to join Him
Lakshmana refused to join! Rama was stunned
Lakshmana explained the curse to Ram (309)

Ram thought for a while and decided
That to bathe in Ganga was the solution
He took the Kothandamand took an arrow
Sent it into the earth , gushed out the Ganges! (310)

Telling this, Swamiji showed the Pond and told
"This is called 'Saraganga' this is where Ram
Got rid of his curse, let us also bath
All the people listening to the story, took bath there! (311)

Thirupugazh Mani

During Swamigal’s stay in Palghat, the lawyer from Chennai, T.M.Krishnaswamy  Iyer brought his disciples to have darshan of Swamigal and performed Thirupughazh bhajans with his group in Swamigal’s presence. Our Swamigal would be pleased to hear anyone sing in praise of Subramanya. When he heard Krishnaswamy Iyer sing Thirupugazh with such great devotion, he was very pleased and bestowed a Kashmiri shawl and the title “Thirupugazh Mani” on him. Krishnaswamy Iyer was very proud of having received such an accolade from an august person , none other than his own Gurunathar

To see Swamigal, Sri.Krishnaswamy, the advocate
Came all the way from Chennai
Who sang songs from Thiruppugaz in His presence
And then fell at Periyava's feet (312)

Swamigal, who graces all those who sing 
Songs on Lord Muruga, listened
And said, "From today on, you will be known, 
As 'Thiruppugaz Mani', to his great joy! (313)

Meeting with Gandhiji

Towards the second half of the year 1927, Mahatma Gandhi toured southern India
to campaign for the Congress party ideology as well as raise funds for the party. He had
heard from the editor of ‘The Hindu’ A.Rangaswamy Iyengar and S.Satyamoorthy about
our Swamigal’s noble qualities such as clarity of ideas, broadmindedness and acceptance
of all irrespective of their caste or creed. He was resolved to make use of this opportunity
to meet and converse with Swamigal. This historical meeting took place on the 15th of
October, 1927.

As destiny willed, the country also went that way
And, the country, which was downtrodden and lost
This man brought from the dead, with the help of Ahimsa,
The man by name Gandhi came to see Swamiji (314)

Truth, honesty, being straight forward, telling it as it is
Irrespective of how much pin you incur, ensuring you do 
Only good to others, Eyes shining bright, with love
Being personified, with lustrous body, He came (315)

With body slim, the Kadhar cloth covering it, that day, 
Gandhiji came to see the one who had come to remove 
The darkness of maya & remove the effects of Kali
He came and saw Him at Palakkad (316)

At a cow-shed, in the village of Nellicheri (Palghat). Just one or two others
were allowed in the place and the press was not given permission to go near the cowshed.
Gandhiji prostrated before Acharya, as per tradition and his heart immersed in the
glowing presence of our Swamigal who was clad in saffron colored dhoti and seated on
the floor. Silence prevailed there for a little while. Then Swamigal spoke in Sanskrit,
invited Gandhiji to come nearby and take a seat. Gandhiji sat down on the floor and
replied that he could not speak in Sanskrit, only in Hindi, but can comprehend Sanskrit
words. Swamigal conversed in Sanskrit and Gandhiji in Hindi. Swamigal conveyed his
appreciation to Gandhiji on his service to the nation keeping in mind that political rule
based on spirituality would nurture a nation and one based primarily on human strength
would lead to destruction. He praised Gandhiji for preaching this principle to the whole
world. Regarding letting Harijans enter temples, Swamigal was concerned that majority
of the people in this country have beliefs in old system and rules prescribed by Shastras
and they would be hurt and such actions would result in Himsa only. The conversation
lasted for an hour and Swamigal frequently praised Gandhiji’s frank and open hearted
expression of his opinions. Finally, when Gandhiji took leave, he said he was greatly
benefited by having darshan of Swamigal and would keep his suggestions in mind and act
upon them as much as possible.

   - Pujyasri Mahaswaamigal Story

Swamiji asked Gandhiji to be seated
Who had come to see HIM, 
Gandhiji paid his obeisance to spoke in Hindi
Swamiji talked in the Deva Basha, Sanskrit  (317)

Swamiji said, "Just by human effort, nothing happens!
God takes care of us by His grace
Once we have faith in Him and lead our life
The spritual power takes care, not only individuals but also the country (318)

Those countries which don't believe in the spiritual power, don't last
If the king believes only in himself but not in God, 
The rains fail; nature fails; earth also fails
Finally, the kingdom and the country fail together! (319)

If you construct your life according to Shastras
If you believe in God and Pray to Him,
He will take care of you , He, the one who created all
He will make us into vessels worthy of His Grace (320)

When we change the traditional way of doing things,
We go awry; if the "newness" ends up 
Destroying the traditional life, destroys one's kula dharma
We end up in disgrace; it is better to go by our ancestors! (321)

If we do that, we end up having all good things
Said Swamiji; Gandhiji said what he felt
Hearing it, Swamiji was happy and said
"I am happy because your Tought - Word - Deed are the same (322)

I am happy to to see that and delighted in it
And just be like this always! Said swamiji; Gandhiji was moved!
"This day, having seen you, has been a great day for me" he said
"Of the things you said, I shall do what I can" (323)

It was 5:30 in the evening, and Rajaji went inside the shed and reminded
Mahatma about his evening meal; as Gandhiji would not take food after 6 pm. At this,
Mahatma observed, “The converstion that I am having with the Acharya is itself my
evening meal for today”. Swamuga gave Gandhiji a grapefruit which Mahatma received
with devotion and said it was his favorite fruit. That evening, Mahatma was asked to
reveal the details of his conversation with the Swamigal when at a public meeting in
Coimbatore. Gandhiji refused to reveal the conversation as it was a private meeting and
matters close to his heart were discussed and that is why the press was not allowed in the
shed. Swamigal also did not divulge any details about this conversation.

   - Pujyasri Mahaswaamigal Story

After talking to Swamiji, Gandhiji was about to leave
Rajaji, his friend and who took care of Gandhiji,
Came inside quickly and said
“You have not taken any food till now” (324)

After the evening hours, Gandhiji does not eat
With all the work that he has, if he forgets to eat food,
He has to wait till the next morning
And, his body, already frail, may not withstand it – feared Rajaji (325)

Gandhiji told Rajaji with a smile
“For me, the talk with Swamiji
Who attracted me like a magnet,
Itself is food, what else do I need”? (326)

Hearing this, Swamiji gave an Orange fruit to him
Gandhiji was overjoyed and said, “this is a fruit I love
And, the same shall be my dinner for today
Then he took leave from Swamiji (327)

Others waiting outside asked Gandhiji
“Please tell us about what you discussed with Swamiji”
Gandhiji replied that while they discussed many good things

It would not be possible to discuss about the same with anyone (328)

Swamiji also refused to reveal what
HE discussed  With Gandhiji
Is it something that even the Trinity should not know?
But we got to know something because of a few people who were there! (329)

Tour of Cochin – Thiruvanantapuram

Swamigal completed his Chaturmasya Vrata of 1927 in Kanjikodu and left for a
tour of the southern towns in Kerala as requested by scores of his devotees. He had

darshan of Sri Krishna Paramatma in Guruvayoor on February 2nd, 1928. 

Swamiji went from Nellichery to Kanjikkodu
A town where he conducted the Chaturmasya Fasting
He went to other few smaller towns and also to
The place where Krishna stands as a boy, Guruvayur (330)

Guruvayur, the place where Vishnu stands as ‘Unni Krishna”
The Lord of the Devas, stands there with the Conch and the Disc,
And the lotus flower and the mallet on hands
And stands here; showers His grace to all here! (331)

Vayu and Guru together went around the world
They saw the Lord of Maya, who saves the world
Who resides in the heart of devotees, who destroys
The bad ones, Krishana, at the place of the elder Rama (332)

Vayu (air) and Guru found the place together
Hence the place was called Guruvayur!
The palce, where Krishna, stands like the child with mouth
Full of butter and  Gives grace like a mother! (333)
This is the place where for Bhattathri,
HE cured his chronic disease, and said “yes” to his songs
With a nod of HIS head and gave us all
The Narayaneeyam thru him (334)

He saw Lord Krishna there; fell at the feet of the King of Kings
He saw the one who ate sand and showed the grand universe in HIS mouth
He saw the one who ate butter and who was tied by HIS mother’s love
He prayed to the lord of the universe there (335)

Later Swamigal left for Tiruchur via Chittor and had darshan at Vadakku Nadar temple in Tiruchur on February 5th, 1928.

  - Pujyasri Mahaswaamigal Story

After praying to Guruvayurappan and prostrating before Him,
Swamiji went to Tiruchhur, which was nearby
The place which is famous for the “Puram” festival
The place which was called “Thiruch chivap perurur” Which became ‘Thiruchur’ later (336)

Lord Shiva had taken abode in the small mountain here
He takes bath in Ghee, making the Lingam a Ghee lingam there
Being called as “Vadakku Nathar” in this temple
The place having many Vedha Schools to enrich Vedic knowledge (337)

There used to be four Sankara mutts in Tiruchur before, but two of the mutts have Namboodris who have observed sannyas. Swamigal visited these mutts, inquired about their history and keenly inspected the archeological artifacts that portrayed Sri Adi Sankara’s biography.

  - Pujyasri Mahaswaamigal Story

He went and saw "Vadakka Nathar" shrine and prostrated before Him
He went and saw the mutts, learnt about their history
Took everything in his mind like a film; learnt about Sankara's history
From the archaeological artefacts there (338)
Swamigal visited the coastal town of Kiranganur from there and was received by the local king and had darshan at the Bhagawathi temple. He later reached Cochin on March 19th, 1928 where he was received by the royal family. He stayed at Thirupanithura till the end of March. Swamigal traveled to Vaikkam and stayed in the holy place for a day and had darshan of the God. He visited the key pilgrim centers in the Trivandrum district and reached Azhapuzha via Kottayam on April 15, 1928 He visited the patasala installed in his name and also patronized by him – Sri Chandrasekarendra Patasala in Azhapuzha. He tested and blessed the students learning the Vedas and Shastras. Travel to Mankombu, situated seven miles from there was undertaken by ocean
  - Pujyasri Mahaswaamigal Story

Swamigal went to Kiranganur and prayed to Goddess Bhagavathi
HE went to Thirupanithura and saw the many temples there
He then went to the holy city Vaikkam and prayed to God Somanatha
Then HE went to Alapuuza and visited (339)

The Vedha Patashala which was in His very name
Called Chandrasekarendra Patashala; He tested the
Students there; listened to the Vedhas they learnt
And blessed them to study well and went to ‘Mankombu’(340)

  • Sankara Jayanthi was celebrated there in that year in a grand

  - Pujyasri Mahaswaamigal Story

The birthday of Adhi Sankara, the day the world attained salvation
The day of bliss, the day Vedhas became happy, the day
The Gods god rid of their sorrow, Swamiji celebrated at Mankombu
As Sankara Jayanthi with lots of pomp and pleasure (341)

Swamigal traveled back to Azhapuzha and Manar to reach Kollam on May 3rd,
1928. He stayed in Kollam for five days. From Kollam, our Swamigal visited
Kottarakarai, Punalur, Ariyangkavu, Chengottai and reached Kutralam

  - Pujyasri Mahaswaamigal Story

From Mankombu, He went to Kollam
Visited great temples over there
Prayed and prostrated before the Gods there
Finally came to the border of the God's own country! (342)

Canto : 2 : Vijaya Yathra Kandam

Chapter : 16 : Vijaya yathra : 1928 : Yathra from Kuttralam to Chengulpet

Swamiji went to Kuttralam; saw the temple in the shape of a conch
The place where Agasthya asked Vishnu to become Shiva
And where Vishnu became the Lingam
He saw the finger prints of Agasthya on the Lingam (343)

To remove the headache of Shiva, He takes Medicinal bath everyday here
And Lord Shiva consumes medicinal concoction daily
Where Lord Muruga carries a bow and arrow
Where Nataraja dances in the Chitra sabha (344)

Swamigal visited the holy places in Tirunelveli district, had a holy bath at the
birth place of the river Tamirabarani at Bana Theertham on the nineth of June. He left for Kanyakumari via Nagercoil and had darshan of Kanyakumari Ambal on the seventeenth of June, stayed there for two days and had a holy dip in the ocean. He traveled via Nanguneri, Thirunelveli, Koilpatti, Sattur, Virudhunagar and reached Thiruvedagam.
  - Pujyasri Mahaswaamigal Story

Afer praying to Kutrala Nathar and prostrating before Him
Swamiji went to Thirunelveli, full of learned people
The place where the river Thamrabarani flows
He took bath at Bana thirtham, where the river begins (345)

He had darshan of Nellaiyappar and Kanthimathi ambal 
And went to Kanyakumari, praised by wise people
Situated at the tip of Bharatham, praised by the world
He saw the Kumari ambal, who is praised by the oceans (346)

There was a demon by name Banasuran
Who had a boon by whih he could be killed only by a young girl
Kanyakumari came here to kill the demon
And stood here as a young girl, forever (347)

After praying to the Goddess who stands here as a young girl
Who is prayed to by Lakshmi and Saraswathi,
Swamiji took bath in the sea and then
Started towards Thirupathi, to see the God of Gods (348)

Swamiji ame to Thiruvedagam where 
ThiruGnanasambandar, in his argument with the jains
Wrote a poetry on a leaf and left on the river
And the leaf went against the current, and stopped here (349)

Swamiji went and saw the God Shiva
Who is called "Thiruvedaga Nathar", the God
Who is like the purest of Gold, the one who is difficult to find
And decided to stay there for the Vyasa Puja (350)

Swamiji completed his Chaturmasya fasting at Thiruvedagam
And proceeded to Madurai where Goddess with the long fish like eyes lives
It was the time when great leaders of the nation were being jailed
For their relentless efforts towards independence of the nation (351)

One of the leaders by name Sri.Tejbahadur Sapru came 
To See the Jagadhguru one day
He told Swamiji that he came all the way there
To pray for peace, prosperity and greatness to prevail in India (352)

Swamiji blessed him and told that
The country, Bharath, will live with the world admiring it
And in peace; Swamiji then left Madurai and 
Went to "Ammainayaganur" where the God Shiva lives (353)

Swamiji stayed at Ammiyanayaganur for two weeks
There He did the Navarathri Puja
And Prayed to the Goddess who takes care of the universe
And proceeded to Palani where the Lord is staying, away from HIS mother! (354)

He had darshan of Dhandayudhapani and performed abhishekam to the deity. The citizens of Palani welcomed our Swamigal and performed bikshavandanam and pada puja. From Palani, he left for Tharapuram, Kolinjiwadi, Chinna Tharapuram and Karur to reach Tiruchi in January, 1929. In the month of February 1929, Swamigal completed his stay at Tiruchi and left for his tour of South Arcot district. Swamigal spent seven months in Kallakurichi and Thirukovilur districts, performed Vyasa puja (21-7-1929) at Manalurpettai where he stayed for two months. 

- Pujyasri Maha Periyava History

After praying to Lord Muruga at Palani, 
Swamiji moved onto Trichy and many other places
He then visited Manalurpet where He performed
The Vyasa Puja to the great sage Vyasa (355)

When Swamiji was performing pujas
He was gripped by a rare fever
Swamiji did not worry about it;  
went about His duties as usual ! (356)

Swamiji continued to bathe three times a day 
Inspite of high fever and body pain
Swamiji was not letting any of the rigorous disciplines diluted
The bakthas were mortified; they cried and fell at His feet and requested (357)

"You have to take medicine for this fever
You have to cut down your bathing to once a day
You have to take care of your body
Please don't say no; you have to sleep well"  (358)

Around that time, our Swamigal was taken ill for close to a month with fever. Inspite of this, Swamigal would take a bath and perform his puja thrice a day. This had his devotees very worried and concerned about his health. He refused to hear the pleadings of his devotees to take some form of medicine to treat his fever. He
took in only Thulasi Theertham( juice of Thulasi leaves) and eventually got better. 

- Pujyasri Maha Periyava History

Asked the devotees; Swamiji refused with a smile
"When there is Thulasi does one need any other medicine?
The one who lifted the Govarthana mountain and saved people from rains
The Krishna's sacred Thulasi Water  - is there anything equal to it? (359)

The sacred ash - is Manthra; it is also the medicine!
Do we need to do anything else? 
Please don't worry ! Please don't be anxious!
Please pray to Lord Chandrasekara. That is enough" Swamiji said! (360)

As Swamiji's condition deteriorated, 
One day He could not even stand up..
Swamiji became bed ridden and devotees
Started crying, "Lord Shiva, is this your grace? (361)

Why have you made the blessing hands go limp?
Why have you done this O mother? Is this your grace?
We are afraid and there is no solution in sight
The devotees broke down and cried non stop (362)

In 1929, I met a Sannyasi in a border village of North Arcot. He knew neither Tamil nor Telugu. He knew only Marathi and Hindi. He told us that he traveled to Rameswaram by Mail and lost his danda during the journey. He probably fasted till the taking of a new danda. He was duly given a consecrated danda. From that time he regarded me as his guru, because I saved his Asrama Dharma. He was then more than 80 years old. He refused to leave me till 1954 when he attained siddhi.

Soon after he joined us during the Chaturmasya of 1929, I was laid up with malaria fever for bout 40 days. Till then none was in the habit of touching me. But then I was not able to stand or walk without help. This old man, being a Sannyasi, took upon himself the duty of helping me.

By : His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Chandrasekharendra Sarasvathi Mahaswamigal Sri Sankaracharya of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham in His artile : "What Life has taught Me" in the Bhavan's Journal

Goddess mother smiled; she decided to remove
The pain of Her Son and that of Devotees
She made the “Thandam” of a Marathi Sanyasi
Vanish; and He came looking for a Guru to Swamiji’s place (363)

He came to get a “Thandam” from the right Guru
“Thandam” is important for a Sanyasi
But, I have lost it; and need to get it
From a suitable Guru; so I came here” He said (364)

The saint, who was much elderly to Swamiji,
Prostrated before Swamiji and asked for
"Thandam" which is important to Monks
Swamiji consented and decided to save the Sanyasi's dharma (365)

Swamiji gave the Thandam with the mantra chanting
The sanyasi saw Swamiji's lovely face and stood with tears
"You are God Shiva Himself" he said and prostrated again
"You are my Father, mother and Guru hereafter" he said (366)

He started helping Swamiji , touching the Golden body
Which has not been touched before by anyone
As he started his assistance by touching the karpagam tree like
Hands and the Kamadenu like Lotus feet, (367)

Swamiji became well; all the living being became happy
Like the lovely morning, like the lotus flower in full bloom
Like the lovely morning sun, for all the world to rejoice
The Swamiji, ever the playful master, looked resplendent! (368)

"On no day would he fail to do Puja to my feet and none would deter him from his purpose. Tears would roll down his cheek during this Puja".

By : His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Chandrasekharendra Sarasvathi Mahaswamigal Sri Sankaracharya of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham in His artile : "What Life has taught Me" in the Bhavan's Journal

The saint became an ardent "sishya" of Swamiji
Did all the required for Swamiji daily
As his own duty; for him Swamiji became Father - mother - Guru
And his own God and he saw all the Gods in Swamiji (369)

Once we had been to Tirupati. The aged Swami was then in our camp. I went up the hill to worship Balaji. Just as I was returning from the temple after Balaji darsan, the aged Sannyasi who had managed to arrive at the top of the hill confronted us. The temple authorities, in deference to his old age, Asrama and connection with out Mutt, offered to arrange for his darsan of Balaji. he fell at my feet and exclaimed: "This is Balaji. Pardon me. I cannot accept your offer". He returned without Balaji's darsan.
By : His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Chandrasekharendra Sarasvathi Mahaswamigal Sri Sankaracharya of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham in His artile : "What Life has taught Me" in the Bhavan's Journal

He went to Thirupathi Mountain along with Swamiji
Though he went upto the entrane, he did not have Balaji Darshan!
“I came along with my Guru. That is all
The Balaji in Tirupati is none but He Himself (370)

There is no other God here other than my Guru” he said
There are lots of people who go to Tirupati Balaji
Who is the husband of Lakshmi, Goddess of wealth
But, this monk, did not want anything but his Guru’s lotus feet! (371)

Once his body became well, Swamiji continued His yatra
Like the Lord on the Ox and the entuorage,
Swamiji started with His people and by walk
Went to His birthplace, Viluppuram (372)

People gathered in the town of Viluppuram
They all saw the form which put its feet there
The form which is indescribable, which is pure, the Guru
Fell at His feet and cried with Joy (373)

"He belongs to our place" they said; "We saw Him as a boy"
"Lord Shiva with the crescent moon has come, we know" they said
"Do we need salvation after this? No" they said
"Did you come to save us all? " they said (374)
"The nectar of eternal life, the bliss itself
Has been given to this world by this
Place; is there any place like this in this world"
They said, singing songs in praise of Swamiji (375)

They danced around with songs, ran to fall at His feet
Went again and again to see the Guru; said "there is no one like Him"
"From now on, we don't have to worry" they said
They gathered together, kept talking about Guru's greatness (376)

He blessed those devotees who were
Prostrating before Him, full of love and affection
Then proceeded to see the school where
He studied as a child long back at Tindivanam (377)

When HE was a child, HE had studied there at this school
HE toured that school, the one who is the Four Vedhas itself
People there talked, "the one who is grace itself studied here"
"The one who ate the Halahal poison Himself studied here" (379)

The ones who were there in the school happily chatted about
The ones who taught Him and loved Him when He was there
All had come there again to see
The child having become today (379)

"the very essence of sacrifice and penance"
"the very essence of grace and care and concern"
"He has come here as the one who talks thru silence
And has come as wisdom itself has come down to earth here" (380)

"The Boy who studied in a christian mission school today
Has become the leader, the ocean of grace and a great scholar
Whom the world calls "Periyava" with love
See the way He has gone up the spritual ladder, they said (381)

"Even when He was told that His father had passed away
He did not show any worries on His lustrous face
Dind't He" they said; "The chance to see HIm is all
Because of my father and mother's austerity" they said (382)

During his yatra near the village Dhandalam, a shepherd there wanted to sell all of his lands and offer the proceeds to Swamigal. He would not budge an inch even after Swamigal refused to accept this. He sold his lands to a local wealthy businessman and proudly offered the proceeds to Swamigal. Our Swamigal was immensely pleased with his offer and accepted it praising his devotion. He later made arrangements with the local Tahsildar to have four kanis of land transferred to the shepherd’s name.

- Pujyasri Maha Periyava History

After His Tindivanam visit and to the school
Swamiji went to Thandalam, a village on the way
A sheperd saw Him and felt so moved by His grace
He came to Him and started telling Him (383)

"Swamiji, You have come here as God Himself
I want to sell all my land and give
The proceeds to you, please accept
Please don't mistake me; please don't think I am a sinner (384)

What will I do with the land that I have?
If I give it to you as money, it will
Be used for good deeds by you who is lives for this world
In return, you should always be in my heart" (385)

Swamiji was moved by this; He looked at him and said
"I am happy for your good heart and deed
It is always good to share what you have but
Giving everything you have to me - I am not comfortable " (386)

At all with that! Please do keep
Something for yourself" - Swamiji said; But the sheperd
was not listening to all this; "You have to accept this;
you are the mother and father; please shower your grace on me" (387)

Once the shepherd said this, Swamiji accepted his offering
But immediately transferred 4 kani land to shepherd's name
This way, the shepherd stood in Swamiji's memory
And when we think of this incident, our sins also get washed away (388)

Swamigal visited Thiruvannamalai in December, 1929 to have darshan of the Karthigai deepam there.

- Pujyasri Maha Swamigal History

Swamiji left Thandalam and reached Thiruvannamalai
To have the darshan of Karthigai Deepam
The place which was sung about by the Four
Where Kumaran, the son of Lord Shiva, took "Tiruppugaz" for Himself (389)

The mountain which gives you moksha when you just think of it
The mountain which all the saints pray to ; which is like fire itself
Having come in the mountain form; for those who go around it
Sincerely, it gives whatever they desire (390)

The place which became great by Ramana Maharishi living there
The mountain which dazzled by Yogi Ramsurat kumar's living there
The one which gives wisdom to all of us in abundance
The mountain which changes the lives of those who visit it (391)

Lighting up a big fire, on the mountain which is fire itself,
Called "Karthigai Deepam", Swamiji saw the Lord Shiva
Who is the Lord of all Gods, who has three eyes
Who has Uma within Him, who is Vedha itself (392)
After praying to Lord Arunachala, Lord of Goddess Unnamulaiyumai
Who was prayed to by the sage Brungi
Who is the resplendent fire itself, who is the form of grace itself,
He went around the hill and saw to His heart's content (393)

Swamigal wished to see the natural beauty of the river Cauveri and headed from
Thiruvannamalai , via Sengam to Harur and Dharmapuri in Salem district. He bathed in the falls of river Cauveri at Theerthamalai. He then traveled to Megadhadu near Hoganakkal where Cauveri was so narrow that it flowed between two rocks that even a goat could jump across. He had a bath in the river there too. Megha meant a goat in the Kannada language and hence this place was called Meghadhadu.

- Pujyasri Mahaswaamigal History

After going around the hills and praying to the Lord Shiva
Swamiji went with His entourage
He went to the place where river Cauvery becomes
So small that even a goat can jump over it (394)

After taking bath at Mekhadhatu, Swamiji
Went to Pusai malai kuppam , a village
Which is full of paddy fields
To do the vyasa puja of that year(395)

At that place, one day, fire broke out
In the confines where the Mutt elephant was kept
The elephant broke the chain and ran away
People could not find it; they came and told Swamiji (396)

Swamiji went with everyone in search of the elephant
It was there in a small pond!
When Swamiji - the king of saffron came in front,
It stood up and showed its skin where fire had burnt (397)

Swamiji understood the pain it was going thru
He asked medicine to be applied on its body
Like a child looked after by its mother,
The elephant stood up and fell at His feet (398)

With a glowing face full of grace, having blessed the elephant
Swamiji moved to another place
A place called "Adayapalam", where Appayya Dikshithar,
A Devotee of Lord Shiva lived (399)

Swamigal visited Adayapalam which was known for its famous resident Appayya
Dikshithar who had composed various books in northern language and was well known as a devotee of Siva. This small town is situated five miles near Arani. Swamigal finished his puja in the local Sivan temple and gave a lecture about the life and works of Appayya Dikshithar who had lived there four hundred years ago. He persuaded the local citizens to celebrate one day every year as Dikshithar’s day. He also visited Virijipuram, the birthplace of Dikshithar. He also emphasized that his descendants should not just boast about the greatness of their ancestor, they should also learn his works and propagate it around the country to make his name remain in this world.
- Pujyasri. MahaSwamigal History

Swamiji went there and did Puja
He also talked to the gathering about Appyya Dikshithar
He talked about Dikshithar's books and His devotion
To Siva and the greatness of Dikshithar (400)

Swamiji told a story about Appyya Dikshithar
"Once Appyya Dikshithar came to Tanjore
There was a idol of Lord Ayyappa in a pose
As if The Lord was in deep contemplation (401)

The King of that place asked everyone
To explain why the God is looking
As if in deep thought and if someone explained
Properly, the idol would go back to its normal pose (402)

So, whoever can explain this, please come and explain
And pray thus to Lord Ayyappa, the King of Pandalam"
Lots of people tried giving different explanations
But, the idol's posture did not change a bit (403)

For the full story , please read this (but it is in tamil) :

As the king looked on, Dikshithar said immediately
"When Lord Ayyappa faals at Shiva's feet, He calls Him Dad,
And calls Uma, Shiva's wife as Mother
When Ayyappa falls at Vishnu's feet, (404)

He calls Him Mother but what will He call
Vishnu's wife as? Can mother's spouse be mother in the world?
This is the thought which is keeping Saastha occupied"
As soon as HDikshithar said, Sastha's Idol became alright (405)

Like this, Dikshithar knew even what Gods were thinking
And such people should be celebrated, Swamiji said
We should celebrate this day
Without fail, every year, Swamiji said (406)

Swamiji went to many places and via Chennai
Came to a small place called Chengulpet
He also went to "Thirukazukunram" and there prayed to
Vedhagiriswarar, the God who is Vedha Himself (407)

To understand "God" and the truth,
To have blemishless heart and peace
To have the grace , a person by name "Paul Brunton"
Came to India from abroad (408)

He travelled across India, got tired
Thought people to be great sages by mere seeing them with mere eyesight
Went to all the sacred places and got tired
Thought that there was no use of having to India (409)

"I was told Bharath was a place of Rishis
I was told people here have the spritual spark
I came here believing that! Can someone
Show me a true sage? A true Guru? " he asked (410)

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